The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1050

"So, I haven't made a lot of people now. Of course, this is just the surface, but I'm thinking, Allen seems to be confident."

Springs were stunned, couldn't help but say: "Lying, this is not a grace! Allen is what is going to engage in centralization?"

PS: Thanks to the 32 blade of Kevin12.

PS: Today, I will finish my sleep early.

Chapter 941: It's coming.

"Teacher .... Professor, no ...

In front of Springs, several familiar guys are doing a face.

These are the students in the initial repair.

The only thing that can talk at this time is the special Fisher who has more nonsense.

Even so, he is also a bit hard to accept the professor yesterday to become a prince of today's magic.

"Don't be so causing, I am called the dean in the college." Springs smiled and waved: "The Alpha School is now lacking a lot of things, except for theoretical education, there is a magical course alchemy. You come Just, now I am the lack of people, your situation Darwin dean also told me, first stay in the winter. After a while, you will find it ... this place is actually very convenient of."

Darwin has become a retalian, and these students in the Griffin College before Dusi naturally want to run.

This is also the cause of Darwin to bring them to the winter.

The province will be given to Huoho by the Still family.

"But Fisher a little headache:" Dean, we ... our magic alchemy, there is no magic here. "

Dusus shakes his head: "Magic may not learn, but alchemy is almost much, and there is a magical medicine, especially about your research on bursting crystal. Winter city has its own alchemic laboratory, and the future There is not only a devil. Human, orcs will appear, and the foreign teachers are also needed. "

This help this is a noddler, settled, but their main task now .....

It is estimated to be called waiting for Cornas.

In the next few days, I took Darwin to adapt to the winter municipality. The dean of the adult has already put forward a few times a few times to go to the spatial space.

Until she was attracted by the world of dreams.

Four days later, inside the castle living room, the Sudu, who is eating, suddenly heard the familiar voice: "See the Temple."

Everyone looked up together and saw a ten-magnifier group that appeared at the door.

It is a long glass that has disappeared for a long time.

Dusch put the things that had been eaten to swallow, smiled and said: "When is this?"

"Just arrived in the Hall." Glass hangs a standard smile, if the big mouth of the mouth can be better.

Muli looked at each other and felt a huge threat!

Carlis walked up from behind and looked at the glass, and wanted to confuse: "You are all, black shadow?"

The black shadow is the Wangdu special team of Wangdu Teil, who has not allowed him to leave the Magic, a Dicus.

The glazed hands are placed in front of the belly, slightly: "The black shadow adults go to the city's anti-army to record, and it should be coming soon."

Duus has a mouthful, it is a group of holy area.

Carlisle informs that they are at least half a month earlier than informing the special team, and the result is actually the winter of the city.

but. . . Now you are eating here!

It was used to it before the magic. This is not seen in the past two years. It is really uncomfortable to look at the glazed glazed.

Springs coughed, then asked: "Glass, Wangfu has nothing?"

"Heaven, I am relieved." Glass of glazed: "Before the glass has already told these days, Wangfu has no change, everything is like old, it is a lot of warmth, especially Barbara. Miss is after Miss Anna. "

Barbara: "..."

Anna: "....."

"That's good." Duus nodded, opening: "Milly, Mape, took them to take a break. That told the kitchen to prepare some eating. Glass. You have been driving a day, today is good today. Take a break, what you are familiar with the castle will say tomorrow. "

"Yes, the Hall of His Royal Highlights, nodded, this maid leaving Milly and Merpel.

The glass is just walking here, and the Springs will look to Carlisle: "What about makeup artists?"

Carlisle smiled: "Don't worry, I have already contacted it, and I have already said such a thing with glazes, and their ability to learn is very strong, just turn the Moz makeup into a nun, They are very simple. "

"That's good." Shu Song didn't breathe, and his mind has emerged in Nini Cole's makeup.

Mom, it's a nightmare!

However, after the end, Springs also worried about: "If you let them change your makeup, will it hurt their self-esteem?"

"Cut." Barbara: "The boss can say this sentence is not a woman."

Darwin chose a bit of bacon, and the mouth was in the mouth: "We don't mind what kind of makeup should be used to use. Some people who don't know how to read."

Doubu Word Anna and Croaty: "Is this?"

Anna nodded.

Croatia said uncomfortable: "I don't know, the elves don't need that."

Barbara sounded: "I know, you have no need for your elf, life is still not maintained for a long time? Hey ... too much! Why do you have a elich next to this?"

"Don't you still need?" Croaty said with a smile: "The charm also has this talent, but .... For all, it is a half charm."

Barbara looked at Croaty's eyes and then looked up and bite his teeth: "Thank you, didn't continue to say!"

When you are too late, the black shadow is also the Di Xi Fu demon that is a Wangdu Teem.

Although Xuncus is prepared, there are more than five holy regions in winter in the city, and they will not close their mouths.

Black shadow and Carlis have had these monks to know, and the other four of the four monks don't know much, so how to arrange things will be handed over to Carlis.

However, Carlisher said that time told them to talk about the rules of winter in the city, Dussen nature did not say anything.

After two days, their things were completely arranged.

In the end, the black shadow went to the city defense army, and the town of Piece was in charge of the city army.

There are four people left, one by the police station to serve as the general consultant of the Police Department, and there is three left by the father of Edison.

They looked at legal provisions over all over the day, by the way, by the way, the tutor of the Journal of Alpha School.

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