The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1051

After that, after the San Posheng, now I have to wait for the surrounding thing to give it to Anna from the system information. Let Anna condense the sanctuary.

PS: Because it is some summary overcharge, the time will be faster, most of the space is used in the context. Now that the first half has been completed, after excessive and a few small plots, it is necessary to enter the second half of this book.

Emmm ... Is there a little late half of my last half?

Chapter 942: Kicking the skin?

"I said Miss Kaili."

Bi Bubo looked at Kelly in front of him, a look of crying, crying: "Last time I am eye, do you let me go? I said that you are not suitable."

By Babo is so wronged. It is not reason. He is looking at Kelly's look to interview.

At that time, I found her after the Hall, I mately said it can still look.

Now that one of the temples will become a sanctuary. Their first batch of esoteric guards in the winter of Winter City are getting lower and lower.

I used to be a city mainfare, and now this work is taken over.

Later, all the ancestors stayed in a big strength, and the so-called guards slowly became a facade of the door.

Especially after the city owner left in a legend, the guards of the guards were probably turned into the door.

The elves are still yet, and the tasks of these guards have become patrolling around the city host.

Several brothers are too bored, they have been handed over several times, and they have to go to the police or the city.

At least these occupations are still stimulated.

And the city of the city is around ..... Inside a group of sacred zones plus a legend, even if you do something, it is also round to take them.

So the escorts did not use the escort, they didn't work.

By Babo originally wanted Kelly to open this situation, let the Shuzu have a little more attention to their guards.

The result is a problem when the interview is.

The circumstances were probably like this.



"from where?"

"Holy Empire."

"What is the identity?"

"Knights Templar."

I didn't have a blood of the Baba, I heard this answer!

After verifying it, after determining this woman is really a Templar, Bug Bo is going crazy.

Your temple knight is coming to make trouble! Leisure!

In fact, than Bo Bo guess is right, Kelly is idle.

Her mission is to follow the situation of Shunus, as a result, this information is sent back, and the command that lets them continue to contact, and strive to make Zuos to the sacred empire.

The people of the Holy Title now can't see the Springs now, what is the Di Sfu's Carlier.

This devil seems to be familiar with the temple, which is only the information on the side of this.

At first, Kelly was still stealing, and then the bishop didn't matter.

"Isn't you said that you are saying?" Kelly expression is as usual.

"How many times I said, Miss Kelley." Bi Babo wants to cry without tears: "You are a post-employed person!"

"Our bishops don't care."

"We are care! We are demon! Demon is okay!"

"Isn't the winter in the city? Is it only one man? Is your mother in discriminating human beings?"

"I am special ....." Bi Pakisto, he doesn't want to recruit.

Instead, after the Paladin of Kaili City, he went out to inquire, and the result was that the Holy Empire's Paladin had been placed in the hotel after seeing the temple.

It is Cales who has been in contact with them.

This time is panicked than Bak, the people of these sacred courts are a bit unreasonable.

He didn't dare to say that he promised a paladin to recruit her, can only be dragged.

but now....

Better is crazy than Bab.

"OK!" Looking at Keyi's resolute look: "This! I report this in this matter today. If you feel that there is no problem, we will accept you!"

"Thank you." Kelle arched his hand.

After leaving, Kelly also mooded his mouth and his mouth: "The feeling of true is, is inexplicably sent to this place, and is still being hampened to happen! The most disgusting place can have a legend. ! If it is not the legend, Laozi is going to find the state theory theory! "

Yes, let the Holy Tong Ting are so honest, not something else, but Jia Pila, Castle.

Dusus estimates that they don't know, because Jia Pilal, how much is he less!

Originally some of the dark power, after learning Jia Pila, all the honesthe is.

This is the role of the legend!

Although this legend has slept for half a month.

However, Kelly is still not understanding for many things in winter in the city.

He doesn't understand why different races can peacefully coexist.

Don't understand why winter is so peaceful.

Don't understand why this is a smile on your face.

I don't understand what haul is willing to sell the monk.

Although my heart is very dissatisfied with the prince of the Mozu, but she is now very curious about Mon.

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