The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1052

The age of guys looks not big.

She thought about it, walking, suddenly, Kelly suddenly stopped his footsteps.

She saw a familiar figure, it was a dirty guy, the summer is coming, this guy face is full of sweat.

This ... isn't it the main business executive after being robbed? What is it? Dow?

Kelly walked over and took this person's shoulder, opening: "You haven't left Winter City?"

This man is scared, and after seeing Kelly, the face has been full of smiles: "Kelly adult, I am ... a little thing, I haven't come."

Although he said, the bitterness of the smile on his face can be seen.

"What's wrong?" Kelly gave birth to him, strange: "How do you see that you look a bit miserable? You won't be robbed?"

Dao Wei quickly shook his head, said: "Kelly adults can really see me too, our little business is twice, I haven't done it, oh ... I have been in winter. Walking. This is not the last batch, it hasn't come back. "

Kelly frowned: "Haven't returned yet? This has been in the past month?"

"Who said no." Unmnive sigh: "The first half of months said that it is a bad card. After the last half of months, it is a bit letter, saying to be given to us. The result ... only gives approximately one-third Let's leave .... "

"Didn't you give you?"

"Yeah." Taoism smiled: "The city hall of the city hall is responsible for the procedure of the police station, and I will go to the police station, let me say that this business city hall is responsible, with them It doesn't matter. I will go to the City Hall. They have to go to the police station to do a lot of prove, what is robbery, the certificate of goods is attributed to the certificate. The result went to the police station, and that office did not see it. Let us be robbery. "

"This is to come down, and I haven't dried it half a month." I ran everywhere. "Dao said," I wondered .... I don't want to do it, they will give me a gold coin first! I don't know who to find now. "

Hearing here, Kelly's eyes have completely squinted.

PS: Said that I have finished writing early, and the result is in the author's uncomfortable water .... The content of the water you must not think .....

make up.....

Actually makeup .....

Mom, for what is water this?

PS: Finally push the new book of the two instruments:

"Tottle Attribute Game Player"

Introduction: This is a story that kills the game world.

Here you may see the following platforms:

Yadali, FC, SFC, N64, MD, DC, PC Engine, Neogeo, SS, GBA, NDS, PSP, PS1234, PS3 handle, Xbox, Arcade ...

Chapter 934: It seems to be a little truth?

"Where are you going to go now? Police officers still is the city hall?"

Kelly feels that it is also idle, and the sure is followed together.

"Ready to bring people to the sun." The road said: "What is the hijacking prove, I want to go to the place that happened at the time, then .... ... nor Who of the person is temporarily prioritized. "

Keli pointed to himself: "I can give you a man,"

The road shakes his head: "I can't work, I have asked this, you are later encountered, don't count the incident witnesses, and ... you are also human. We are also human. This certificate can be credible. "

"Hey! Really, he is diapers." Kelly was dissatisfied: "Go! I will go to the police station with you! I have to see how this winter is not explained! Fuck, People are caught! "

Dao Yu quickly shakes his head: "Don't ... don't, Kelly adult, this ... This is in the winter of winter."

Kelly neck Yang: "Are they doing the rules of the city? Laozi today tells them to the rules! Go!"

Looking at the master of the Sanctuary is like this, there is no way, and I thought about it, may I be useful?

So, the Chamber of Commerce came to the police station with Kelly.

After a simple inquiries, the two came to an office.

"Hey, this time I have been here." Their opposite sideways have a black corner of the police, the hat with the hat, the age is probably a forty years old: "Is there a found?" ? "

"No, this adult." Dao Hao face: "This happened in a month ago, this set of forests a business, one month, any traces we are also Take it on it. If you say it early, I will definitely pay attention. "

"You didn't know how did you know?" This police is also a helpless: "This winter is a fair place. Let's take evidence here. This can't say what you say."

"I can testify." Kelly said: "The robbers were caught by Laozi."

"you are?"

"Holy National Paladin - Kelly. The Paladin will not lie."

This police officer penetrated: "Oh, live in the group of Holy See, you have to testify it? Are you a robbery on your own?"

"No, but I quickly grab the guys."

"That is, you are not there?" This police shook his head: "There is no way, we must pursue real credible, can accept the testimony can only be seen by you. Can't be guess."

"Is this not a clear?"

"I explain it to you so." This police said: "For example, if you see a group of people playing a person in the middle, we can accept the testimony that you can see how you see him, but if you Didn't see this group of people playing his head. What happens to his head is playing again, you said that the head of the brain was hit. This is rigorous. "

"You fuck this is called a dead board!" Karei attached to the eye: "Then you explain to me! Why do the goods give people, gold coins, how do you stay?"

"Because the goods are lavage, in the shops of winter, the goods in the city can be seen, this can be said to be the goods of their chambers, so they will be almost. As for gold coins, this can't say there How many gold coins are the gold coins? They lost ten gold coins, and they have lost hundreds, then we have to give them one hundred? "

Dao Yu said: "We have a book!"

"The book is all you wrote." This police shook his head: "Who knows how much to believe in the end."

"Hey! I said that you are sick!" Kaili can't hear: "How much is your gold coin you receive, it is not good to have a bill! The same is to give people! Have him Is the mother really difficult? "

This police have a mouthful: "Hey, don't your friend don't fire this big line? You are right."

"Yes, you have to give it to others!"

"Our police station did not take these things." This police said: "I understand it, we just assisted the investigation, things in the city hall, you are looking for the city hall. We just Responsible for handling them to be hijacked. But now is not evidence, can not give it. "

Taoism looks to Kelly.

Kaili eyes said: "Well! The City Hall is! You are waiting, we will go!" Said, the Paladin turned.

"Hey." Dao Yu quickly chased it, chasing the door and returned to this police apologize: "Sorry, adults."

When Kelly came to the city hall, he came to a small office under the guidance of the Dao, which was a green magic.

After seeing the road, the Green Devil asked: "Take a proven?"

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