The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1054

"Then you want to give it back!"

"This is at least one month after the business team is coming back." The strange voice said: "You have been a half month old, and after a month, the caravan is coming back. That 10,000 gold coins It can become 20,000 gold coins. This is a business opportunity for the new business road. It didn't have this store in this village. I said, when I got to you in two hands, there are seven or eight hundred. This golden gold coin is in front of you. You are so don't you? "

"Yes! Isn't it dragged again?" The Green Devil said: "It's not comfortable, I'm going to take him, I can't lead him to the sun to get the big forest. I will take evidence. For four or five days, after coming back, I am trying to check, then dragging a seven or eight days. Is this not half a month? When I opened a certificate, let him come here. I said to verify Let's drag and drag it. Is this time not to join? "

"You say it's simple!"

"Then now, there is already the case, the bow does not look back, don't go to you, you can't follow my way."

This time, it was silent in it for a long time, and the wings suddenly asked: "There is nothing ... Is it a way for one for all?"

PS: Today, suddenly turned to a "online observation" program, and the mother can't stop .... Seeing more than something to update, I am sorry. I have a hurry to write!

Thanks to the 29 blades of the small shore!

Thank you for giving you a 50 reward! Thanks to the 43 reward in the small shore!

Chapter 945: Selection of Humanity

The green devil is obvious.

I haven't had a sound for a long time.

After a while, the green devil asked: "You .... serious?"

"Otherwise?" Wing Devil's voice low: "This is absolutely can't let go of it, there is no problem, but now there is a variety of variables? That Paladin, he just has a mouthful of mouth, top down Take a check, we are not fully exposed! "

"You ... do you want to kill her?" Don't look at this green magic, but I'm really encountered, he turned up.

"You are crazy! Kill a doing country to make!" This wings glared at him: "And, a master of people, we have a holy area master? I am talking about that man!"

"You have to kill him, then ... isn't we exposed?"

This time, this wing also caught pensive.

In the middle of them, I was sitting on a shelf.

This guy's mouth is rising: "Two adults, you can have this idea, it seems to understand a lot. Actually ... not there is no way. This matter you have no experience, but our experience can go Actually ... it is nothing more than two ways. "

The sheep delayed: "The first kind, put this matter to the lord, when he took the big head, you took the bounty. All the aristocrats, funding the 'robber' This kind of thing is normal?"

"You are crazy!" The green magic body shakes: "The His Royal Highness is the leader who gave the following people! He knows that we do this, you can't kiss our skin!"

"The two adults are heavy." This shelf shook his head: "You just misappropriate someone else's money, I have returned people for more than a month. This is not a big thing. You are white. His Hall, earned 10,000 gold coins, what is he angry? "

Wings: "That's because you don't understand the temple, don't understand our director. Especially our director, it is the kind of the typical eyes, if you were found, there is no other ending, only dead road "

That Green Devil also followed: "Yes! Even the nobles, the temple said to catch, let off, don't give it a little, what is the right to protect us?"

The sheep magic people have a light road: "So ... two recognizes the consequences of this matter?"


"The two actually cooperate with me?" The Magic people smiled.

The two eyes are: "It's what you are looking for!"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." The sheep magistrade lifted his hand and calmed down: "I didn't laugh at the two adults, but I was very pleased to realize the seriousness of things, but this gold coin. No one wants to earn But there is absolutely not so good, we will always bear some risks. I have seen two adults so much, I will be relieved. So now we can say a second method. "

This sheep demon suddenly, then said: "The main problem now is in that temper, she can be in touch with the above, so .... We have to cancel the doubts of that man, but The doubts of this paladin. "

"She is a sanctuary." Wings reminded.

"So we have to change a way." I can transfer some funds from the surrounding chambers of commerce, but after all, I still need three days. You only need to tell that man, three After the day, we gave him money and stabilized him, let him stabilize the Paladin. When they arrive, give money to him. Then ..... In the turmoil forest ..... "

The sheepman handed a brightened in his neck, and the mouth slowly said: "Is it still coming back again?"

"Wait!" Wings: "If you can do this, you have tongged the funds, give him a good time, don't you hurry?"

"Yes!" The green magic followed him: "I have solved him for the money problem, which is still killed!"

The sheep magic person took a cup of black tea on the table, said: "Two adults, I am a businessman, the businessman is all profit. I found you in this time, it is for the current flow fund. Question. I tried two, if we flow money enough, who will care about this 10,000 gold coins in your two misappropriations? "

"The flow fund of this 10,000 gold coins is just 10,000 gold coins in the two eyes. But in our business people, this 10,000 gold coins may represent 30,000 gold coins. Even if they are mobilized for three days Time, we have to lose a lot of money. This is also given to him? Waiting for a month? You know how much less than this 10,000 gold coins, how much is our month? "

The wing magic took a table: "When are you, you still talk about losses? In case it is exposed! Let's have to finish!"

This shelf is slightly smiled: "Yes, the loss is not your two. That's, what kind of, you have given up this time, the whole revenue is our chamber of commerce. Calculate the loss, less loss If we will take out three five gold coins. This is also quite a half-year salary. If you lose more, then even if our business meets, you will have a friend, you have two things. "

There is no helihood, two magic together: "No!"

"Why is our income?"

"Because it is helping you two."

The green magic eyes are said: "How much power is there! I have a big risk!"

"But the unexpected risk is our common, and we have a solution to the risk now." The sheep magic people slowly said: "So, a few thousand gold coins, you can don't make it in this life. So much money. What is the human beings? There is no such a multi-catering team in the sun, not bad? Lock Kingdom is still chaotic, the ghost knows how they die! "

"You have a good consideration, anyway, I think it is better to decide, the better each. Otherwise, every day .... You are the first time, there is no experience. We are familiar with this Live, as long as you nod, we don't worry. Professional! "

"you sure?"

"Of course, we have to continue to cooperate!" The sheep magic people smiled very happy: "With gold coins open, you will be like a tiger! I also expect you to become a director of you. Supervisory. "

To be honest, this wings and green magic are as moving.

One side is a human beings, while the future is the future of money and bright future ....

This is nothing to hesitate.

"Cheng!" Two people play.

Just in the moment they said this sentence, the wall behind him was opened!

"Really fuck, you!"

PS: There is another!

Mom's program is not even more .... To be honest, seeing that they have made so many times, it is not easy. This show is actually very good. Especially some black face, the perspective of the people, the drill is very smiling, but I can laugh.

Unfortunately. Big events can be deceased, hoping that the Lions can also be.

Chapter 946: Treatment

The room explosion of the winter in the city is not the first time! But the explosion in the business district is the first time.

Kelle directly stimulated his own holy area! The dazzling holy light is straight to the sky!

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