The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1055

I can't see it, I can't see it, I gathered in this place for the first time!

But Kelly's holy area is not more than three seconds.

Three directions, the three holy masters have appeared around him!

Carlisle is one of them.

With the arrival of the three sanctuary, Kelly has no resistance, but directly closes the holy area to raise his hands.

Everyone saw it clearly, on the ground, three devils were trapped by holy prisoners.

Keli is a light road: "I want to report, this three people are murdered, misappropriation of public funds."

The black gas on Carlisle was picking up. He looked at the guy who came around, looked at the house, whispered: "All take away!"


In the police station, Kelly sat in the opposite side of Carlis, Muskus and the Deng many bishop.

This bishop is dark face: "Huzu is not! Kelly, is it so taught you in the church!"

Kelly looks unchanged: "Knight guidelines and church guidelines are always in the heart."

What else is still saying, Carlisle has already raised his hand: "The Knight's knight will never choose strict. She must have his reason, remember what you want to report, let's talk."

"The three people just now." Kelly said: "Square to swallow an innocent man's property, but fortunately, I found it early, and stopped in advance."

Marcus raised: "Is there evidence? You are qualified, but a policeman and city hall official!"

Kelly looked at this white corruption, she just listened to the news of this police director.

"My testimony is evidence, I can swear with the name of the Knights, the sentence is true. And ... You can investigate a businessman who is called the Rock Kingdom." Kelly said to Klele: "It is the original The one of the sunset forest lost the goods, Karaire, you should still remember him. "

Carlis nodded: "What happened?"

"His goods have been deducted by your winter city." Kelly said: "Or, the goods have also given people, but the gold coins have not been issued, he has been recovering this in winter. It is a month. The result does not matter. The City Hall let him take the hijacking statement and identification of the Ministry of Public Security Bureau, but the Ministry of Public Security is to make him evidence of hijacked evidence and hijacking amount. "

"This is impossible!" Carlis said with Marcus.

Carlisle opened: "After the chamber of commerce, I broke the ring, and I told the goods to the Chamber of Commission half a month."

Marcus is more squinting: "What you said is more nonsense! The police you accused of joining the Winter Municipality two years ago, it is not the first batch of police officers. This kind of thing is indeed evidence. But .... It is impossible to provide only the parties. We will also find a prisoner to make a record record, ask him to harvest the money, then conduct information controls. Does these don't? "

Kelly stall: "Obviously, isn't these don't?

Carlis is looking at Musk, then getting up at the same time: "You wait."

After they left, I didn't take a table: "I said Kelly! Can you not make things!"

Kelly looked at the merits, tone: "Our Templar, the temple of the temple, isn't it to help the weak persons to maintain justice? Is this kind of thing I saw that I didn't have a bishop?"

"There are many ways to help!" Deng didn't have a good: "Don't you do this with the winter? Don't you have to do it! Don't use the power of the sanctuary! Are you not provocative!"

"I don't believe in them." Kelly said: "I don't believe that only two low-level office members dare to do such things, I heard a lot of things, and I also thought of a lot of things. So .... I What is the easiest? No matter what it happened to it, I know what happened here. I can't set it over. "

"You ......." Miss said with Kelly, and finally sighed: "If this time you fail, you go back to face the leader of the army! I really don't want people. Worry! "


The Police Department Director has already got a message.

In fact, Kelly made so much movement, and Mrus thought that it was impossible.

The handy fingers knocked on the table, and the face was low-looking. "So the result."

Barbara has been casual, but now, this half-charm of this has been following what is auntie, and the breathing is careful.

Because she found that the Springs seem really angry.

Musus forward, Zhengqi: "The His Royal Highness, the situation has been clear, the situation is basically not different from Kelly, the Dao Director does not receive his gold coins, only received the goods. As for the police and municipal How big is the relationship between the hall, still investigating. However, the current situation is that there is no other thing in the police station. Therefore, the ministers have been inferred, the probability is organized, premeditated, personal, protect your private Behavior. Specific evidence is still collecting. "

Word looks to another person.

Fiis took a deep breath, forward the front: "In the Hall, this thing is my negligence."

The Monchi has not changed: "I am at that time, I will be responsible for you, Fiisi! Then you will come to this moth with me? The caravan is hijacked, the winter is chasing the goods and also give the Chamber of Commerce. How well, how much propaganda! Can you neglect? "

Fi Ni is slightly down: "The His Royal Highness, because there is another big chamber of commerce at the time, so I mainly deal with their things. Those people are very dissatisfied with the hijacking, so in order to cope with them, I will put this road. The small business meeting in the winter will handle it to the following people. "

Zunus snorted: "You will really give me a time!"

Fi Ni is slightly down: "Fiis is willing to punish."

Carlire step forward: "His Royal Highness, this time we are too busy, Miss Fisher has a variety of things. It is impossible to go."

"You don't have to help her explain!" Springs swayed to interrupt Carlis: "I am not that kind of unreasonable. But, wrong is wrong! Failure is wrong! Fiis, Marcus, you The people under the hand have a problem, you have a responsibility! As for how to punish, this is over, now .... I ask you to completely investigate this matter! "

"Yes!" Marcus bowed: "I am relieved in the Hall, I will definitely collect complete evidence."

Dusc said: "I am not just them! In addition to them, where is the chambers of the teaching bribe? Who is the news that the news is leaked? In addition to these two errands, who is it is Stakeholders? "Springs whispered:" I don't believe that the guys who have two small positions dare to do this! I want you to give me the guys who are behind them! "

Marcus didn't have a slim: "Yes!"

However, Fisher and Carlisle have been looking at it, but it is full of concern, but they see the state at this time, but they want to say.

PS: Mom's fast four o'clock, sleep sleep! By the way, ask a monthly ticket! Inventory will talk tomorrow!

Chapter 947: Everything

The interrogation room of Winter Municipality.

Kelly's banned lock has been taken down, and Deng n't smiles on the side: "The Hall of Hemato is rushed by Kelly. She ....."

Monkey lifted his hand and nodded toward this bishop: "This time, thank you for your holy Holy See and Kelly knight."


"If it is not the Report of the Kelly Knight, maybe we are still coming to the drums." Springs said with a smile: "Deng still talks, can I talk to Kelly Cavaliers?"

Many of Deng hurts nodded: "Of course."

The bishop has left, and there are three people left in the house. Springs, Barbara and Kelly.

"What are you talking about?" Kelly looked at the trick.

"I am just curious." Xunzu smashed: "Here is the Devil City, do you directly attack the evil city official?"

Kelly looked at the surrounding: "Isn't this a consequence?"

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