The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1056

"you know?"

"of course?"

"Why do you want to do this?" Surprise: "Is this not a good end?"

Keli was frowning: "His Royal Highness, if you have to continue to pay me, then we have not talked about it. If you really want to talk, do you think it is right? I am so good? The holy area, helping you of your winter, should you be in this place? "

Barbara mouth: "The temper is quite big."

The hand is letting the body: "Where are you going to talk?"

"Winter Municipality." Kelly said: "I just have something to ask you."

Kelly couldn't agree that Mrus would not promise, but did not expect it. Duus did not hesitate: "No problem. But do some variations."

After the appearance made a lot of modifications, the three left the interrogation room and came to the Winter Municipality.

"Your paladin is really trouble." Barbara followed behind it, muttered in his mouth: "There is no place, do not come out, the physical strength is not."

"I think this is safe." Kelly answered a question: "His Royal Highness you just ask me why do I do this?"

Dusi nodded.

"Because I heard the thief." Kelly said: "The only idea at that time was to explode their dog head, but when I collapsed the wall, the idea of ​​exploding their dog's head was dissipated. Then I took a slight consideration, they died, I went wrong when I arrived? I would like a Knight, why bother to put the pot for these two Sima? "

Springs: "........."

Seeing no reply, Kelle wondered: "Is this reason not enough?"

"No." Xunzu shake his head: "I am thinking .... Kelly Knights, have you been talking?"


"Um .... is this kind of warning?"


"Hey, you are not hard." Barbara can't hear it next to: "The boss means that you are talking so ugly?"

Kelly stunned, then nodded: "Yes, personal habits."

Barbara is shocked: "I am going! You actually admitted!"

"I don't think there is no need to suppress my own nature in some inexplicable places." Kaili said: "It is already enough to abide by various rules. Is it a bit too much?" I said ... I have a bit. It's not not being punished, I have done the trouble brought by my mouth, then I can't say it. "

Word is bitten: "You ... very personal. Um ... dare to dare to be."

Barbara translated: "The boss means that you are a talent."

The Word brush stars Barbara: "Don't give me a chaos!"

Barbara refers to the instructions to see Kelly: "No, you hear."

"Personal oral." Kelly put his hand: "I don't care, or say that this is true. I can ask if you have a bastard. How do you cut it directly?"

"I was investigating." Springs replied: "I don't believe that two ordinary officials dare to make things to make tens of thousands of gold coins, I am not questioning that they are not so greed, but questioning they have no brain. They are more It is a small group length, and it is just to do things. Therefore, I don't think they evolve so fast. Therefore, the police station is deeply dug with the municipal hall. "

Kelly stopped and saw a lot: "His Royal Highness, do you really think so?"

Word is confused: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's actually don't need it completely?" Kaili asked: "As long as it is punishable, can other people lead to the ring?"

Duus shakes his head: "The standard is not true, I have to solve this problem in Winter Municipality, rather than simply solving this problem. Under the huge amount of money, they are the first, then There is also the second third. I have to let the officials in the winter, I don't dare to do this. "

Kelly took the quarter and said: "Have to say, you have a lot of lords that I have ever seen."

"I have been tired of this." Barbara next to Shugu: "Who is the boss to tell you this?"

Sprinter storm: "Charming personality."

Kelly laughed, and then opened: "I just have something to ask, can you help me solve it?"

"of course."

"How is the multi-racial coexistence of winter in winter?" Kaili doubts: "I have seen many foreign cities, and the results are more chaotic, pull the gang. Winter city. ... this .... I am so harmonious, I still see it. What kind of magic is you used? "

Dusc laughed: "I used why the problem, it turned out this, it is actually very simple."


"Everyone has money to earn." Springs shrugged and said: "When everyone is not full, I have enough money to earn, no one wants to destroy this environment. A wise man said In one sentence, all the problems, the final analysis is an economic problem. The economic problem is solved, and other problems are also solved. "

Kelle blinked two times, surprised: "Is it simple?"

Dusch shrugged: "Do you think it is very complicated? Solving the problem is not complicated, complex is ..... How can I go to solve it. When everyone is full, when you eat enough life, you will be troublesome. The cost of things is improved. At that time .... For now, everyone will be rule. Some examples will be overwhelmed in the ocean of the people. "

Kelly was in the same place, she looked at the Sudu: "His Royal Highness ... How old is you this year?"

Dusk : "19 bar."

PS: I received an unlucky news today, let me be busy now, thank the next chapter.

Chapter 948: It's enough.

Kelly continued to move with Hunu.

She looked at the prince of this magic, but she could not imagine that this age can have such a cognition.

"Winter Municipality is not big." Kelly asked: "You may still manage it, maybe you can rely on your own influence, or yourself to maintain the state of this time. That .. What if I expand it later? What should I do if Shahua Highlands, even expanded to a bigger place? Economic decline, is it contradictory? "

Duus nodded: "Yes, this is inevitable."

"What should I do when I come? Is there any solution to solve it?"

Will Shake his head: "No."

"Ah?" Kelly said: "No?"

"Of course, there is no." Springs smiled: "I am not God, and this is something that God can't solve. You believe in Guangming Goddess, the sacred Empire solves there is no poor, , wandering, is there? ? "

Kelly did not answer, yes, even if it was a sacred empire.

Witun boot: "I said, I think it is difficult to think, it is difficult to implement it. As for the problem of expanding the territory of the territory, how do you say it. Winter Municipality is a seed, an experimental base. A model. A country is built by a city. Winter Municipality can do things, other places can only be promoted. I have developed my rules, and strive to take care of everyone's law, Let everyone live in a relatively fair place. "

"There is no aristocratic exploitation class that hoarded food gold coins. In fact, it is still not difficult to eat everything." Springs opened: "These still need to explore things, I still have yoursained? Again, I said, I can't afford the world. People, I have to live in this winter, I am the Shahua Highlands, so that everyone will not be starved to death in winter, it is not enough? "

Kelly stayed.

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