The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1062

"Now there is so many sanctuary of winter in the city, I can't find a louder. Let's talk, let Poshuobao, not to leather his position."

Xunzu wondered his eyes: "This method ... is good."

Barbara is a chest: "The boss, we will get together in the three prunings! Waiting for the underground remains! Do you have to give me a division?"

"I know that you didn't have a good fart!" We wrote the Barbara: "Go to the City Hall to tell Carlis, let him prepare people."

"It's good!" Barbara said, directly out of the outside.

Anna looked at Barbara and said: "Have to say that Barbara is still very reliable."

"But you can't ignore this goods are not reliable."

Anna shakes his head, suddenly asked: "Right, Croaty?"

"The Botanical Garden said." Said: "The magic plant has already planted, the growth cycle is very fast, but the specific role also needs you to help, mobilize some alchemist research."

"No problem." Anna agreed to come down, then suddenly asked: "If this is said, Croaty is not coming shortly?"

Word, this tone ..... these few days Croatya not often say something "she will wake up for a while? '


"Your room, my room?" Xunz looked at Anna.

PS: Thanks to the old people in the game 116 blade! Thank DS-00635 blade! Thank you 94 reward!

PS: I am afraid that I will not go back tomorrow ..... Mom's snow has not stopped for a few hours! ! I have been all over the road! ! !

Chapter 954: New Internet Addiction Middle School

Cui Di.

This is an old name.

He didn't know how many wars had come out and belong to the sales champion of death.

He is in this time is Allen. This heart has a big wish to do the strength to win the guy of the throne.

The result .... He was fooled!

Allen this ambitious bastard! The ambition is not the throne!

The large-scale bleeding incident he expected did not have an outbreak, which became the culprit of Allen once ridiculous.

Although the attractor of the death country does not look at the name of the name, they don't care how to see themselves, and she cares about her performance.

But don't care about it, the back black pot is another thing!

He has been thinking about returning Allen's bastard!

But .... When Allen plans to start, his position is completely deprived!

The attractor of the death country is very powerful, but it is said that it is just an idea of ​​Mov.

The difference is that this maf is a soul of the death.

Cui Di's retaliation plan has encountered difficulties.

The reason is that nature is the arrival of death.

From Cui Di, he didn't remember when the country left the kingdom of death.

But this time he actually came out! And stayed still for so long.

For the mission of the country, Cui Di has to let go of your private grievances.

But even so, Cui Di has not forgotten his own business.

In fact, they investigated for so long, I don't know how the souls of those people disappeared.

Or, these people look good, but .... Unless they are dead or die, they want to know what this guy is like, it is completely impossible.

Including the Lord of Death, it can only be roughly judging.

So is checked, but so many receipts are out, and there is no harvest.

After all, they are the deceased, and even the Lord of death can't excessively intervene in the living world. What is these work?

In order to investigate, it is now created, and now they are created, and they must use the power of students to investigate students.

And this also gives CuiDi more time.

He found a person, Versail Stil.

Prior to this, no one had called his name for a long time, because even the royal family saw him, he respects the Duke of Stil.

But he is now useless.

The Still family family is huge, he is only a guy who has some good luck in these ethnic spectra.

In the Still family, there are many blood pure, and there are some ability to have a lot. The two combine it, nor is it no.

His biggest conflict in this royal family, there is no use. Not only did you use, but also taken a focus.

However, he is so good for decades, Steele, some invisible influences, still have.

If his influence is 10, now ... there will be 1.

So Cui Di found him, found this predecessor Duke, to help him Dongshan, to with his strength to complete his revenge.

Although I don't seem to pay attention now.

Because he just gangdied with Verrison, he disliked this predecessor, did not have sharp, even if he told him that the kingdom of death is developing a death sect.

However, this big public did not believe that CuiDi said that the death of the death can help him.

Although the death of the death of the death of the country is almost the high level of the human world.

In fact, it doesn't work.

This is the reason why both parties have been stalemate. It can only be said that it is still talking about cooperation.

At night, Versale came back again, Cui Di surveyed him, this guy is now swimming between all arms every day, wanting to seek breakthroughs.

But everyone is understanding, and at this time, I will be busy with the lecture, and there is no time to take care of Ver.

This kind of thing is divided, if it is put it out in the usual Allen, it will definitely blow the pot.

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