The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1063

But now the situation is different.

Many families have just lost their inheritors, and the remaining successors understand hope, crazy.

Allen's policy was promulgated, even if the big aristocrat was dissatisfied, their descendants were extremely support, especially those who had no inheritance.

They didn't say right, but now more or less now.

Allen has provoked the desire to reborn in China, and pushed the desire to the top of the peak!

He meets most of the interests of 'noble'. As for the consequences of this, what is the consequences of this .... How many people care?

These have no guys who don't care about it, can they care what they can get now.

Allen is the heart.

Before, this kind of thing is the most basic.

But now .... Christine family and royal binding, Edward family sworn forever, at the same time, the biggest promoter of this trend, Still family ... The Still family is now unrest. Coupled with the big emperor who left the holy three seats and the Three-seat warning. So .... The power of resistance is almost no. "

There is no three families threatened the royal family, and the royal family protected by the St. Three Sancharons. No one can block their pace.

So, the former Dukes of Steil every time, it is a depressed, but at this time ... he is still very happy.

Cui Di is a bit surprised. He appeared in front of Versail, "Please allow me to ask, is your career has a new breakthrough?"

"Performance of Changle Tri Di." The former Duke of the prior person is happy: "I have seen it, the royal family has been completed, we are doing anything. The holy triple is now full of world The Lord of Death, your master is not reliable. Many people advise me, I don't listen, I don't think I have my pursuit. But now I know, I can't let go. Accept can't be defeated. "

"Are you accepted now?"

"Of course." The Duke of Steil said: "Since this world can't be a person I want to be, then .... I don't do it. In a world, it is a strong person, it is not possible. ?"

Cui Di did not understand: "What are you talking about?"

"I found my new meaning." Steier opened: "I can at least live a hundred years, my son is gone, I have time to regenerate, I am still a noble, so many new places Waiting for me! "

Cui Di frowned .... This person has a problem!

PS: Mom, this big snow puts me into a fool, I used to get back to the opening, twenty dollars .... But today, the forefront of Lin Lin has spent two hundred!

The driver is falling in love with you.

I have time to have a post to say envy ..... Don't envy ... it will not be so slaughtered ... You don't know people who don't get back home!

Chapter 955: This exploiter's face!

Snowflakes floated, winter in the city ushered in its second winter.

The autumn of the winter in the city is very fast, or it is too fast in winter.

After all, it was the first city in winter.

And the calculation of this era is also a bit problem. It seems that snow is as follows.

Some cities that don't see the snow in the snow are crying.

In the winter, a long angler sounded, and as the sound appeared, a magical array came.

The next moment, the sound of the shocked shock sounds.

This is a broken voice.

The first part of the winter in the winter, is the canal!

Shahua Highlands is actually sluggish, at least in the field of winter in the city, the water is slow, and the water is very slow, and the winter is frozen.

If it is before, the ice is coming, but now, the frozen represents the river to stop.

This is not what we want to see, so .... After seeing the signs of icing canal, Springs found these questions to solve this problem.

It turns out that a Rongsheng Sanctuary, the heart of the heart 'funeral core' is quite simple to solve this kind of thing.

However, it is estimated that it is not seriously related to the frozen, listening to the frost plains in the north of the forest, and the river can knibs a few meters or even a thicker ice.

The winter in the city has expanded many times, at least the previous farm belongs to the place where it is not possible to manage, but now, the wits of the farm are built in the agricultural park, and the winter in the city has begun to go to the east. Radiation on the day of the forest.

Previously, Black Wind Village is also the cottage of Colx, now the so-called palace, is also extending to the winter of the city.

That place has also expanded the building, equivalent to a mall of winter in the city.

The two sanctuary of the minister and a special team were held there. First, in order to guard the absenteeism, the second is to protect the construction of the frontline processing workshop on the side.

As the clouds and ice breaks, a big ship is slowly rushing from southern.

The original logo on the ship has disappeared. At this time, it is a triangular tag that is like an eagle head.

This is the marker of Winter Municipality.

And this ship is the ship's transportation ship in winter.

He is not a cargo, but .... Devil.

In this era of transportation, you want a city to grow, in addition to what specific significance, most of the case can only rely on self-proclaimed and small amount of lifeligas.

This situation has little in this world in this world, and then go home once a year. In addition to some shops, there are fewer people.

To put it bluntly, the risk is too big.

The risks on the road have reached the risk of destination. It takes ten days and a month in this place to go to a place, and the cost of going out is too large.

The world is so big to go out, and I don't want to be in a small place. I will be defeated by the actual problem.

And this shipping ship is a way to solve this thing.

Zunns bought three boats from the Jeregain Chamber of Commerce and the Red Dragon Chamber of Commerce. They will travel in front of the canal, the way two big cities, four small ports, more than a dozen small ports. Then return to Winter City with more than 20 days.

As long as the ship is still sitting, just pay the ticket for several levels of ticket, you can follow this ship to Winter City.

Therefore, almost ten days, winter in the city will harvest a batch of demon here, and what human orcs are.

Not only that, the four fleets of the winter in the city are responsible for transportation, but also pay a certain coin, but this time is land transport.

It may take three hundred to seven hundred people at a time, and the team can bring about 100 times. Sometimes, add the follower, maybe more.

Dusus called this to play public transport.

This is guaranteed, there is a way to return, don't have to have a variety of travelers.

Although no matter whether the team or the vessel is just to the Rhine, most of them are also the provinces of the flying dragon, but this is also a lot of people in winter.

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