The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1064

Only the population of winter in the winter, only relying on the winter in the winter, the conversion rate of the floating population is actually very low. After all, people have their own home, and they want to be in the winter of the city. It is also a lot. Businessman.

But now it is different, and those who don't dare to leave the door, I don't know where to go, there is a place at this time.

There are more than one guide.

At the top of the city mainfate, Zuns used the telescope who was exchanged to see the transportation boat that was welcomed with snow, and said: "This person is more than before, there are still many people in the deck. "

"That is." Barbara is next to the snow that is like grapes on the snow on the window sill, then throws into his mouth and said: "Every winter is the high birthday of death, it is the heavy grain famine Disaster, boss .... These boats are still less, you are waiting, it is estimated that when the two-day team came back, he had to follow a long string of refugees. "

"That dares." Springs put the telescope: "Our winter is not scattered."

Barbara: "That is the horror you have never seen the refugees. Do you know how many things they have to eat every day?"

Sprinter: "I can't just raise them, they have to work."

"Public security issues?" Barbarass: "A large number of refugees have poured into the income, and the public security is estimated to be chaotic."

"What is the police?" Springs laughed: "I am not for humanitarian rescue to accept the refugees. I am in order to make them the construction power of winter in the city. For them to eat, they are responsible for work Several cuttings, differential treatment with local residents, set up the promotion system. There is no other power around this to condemn us, and the second borelier is coming out, the ability to assain a choice, "

Barbara joke: "I am afraid that the number of refugees is more than the number of residents in the winter. You want to manage it."

"Don't worry." Springs sway: "What is the consequence of this stuff is clear than you, near the crack valley outside the west, discovered a copper mine. The mall of the east is Blackfeng Village, so I am going there. Create a west of the Side Side. "

Barbara's hand is stiff: "Place in the city?"

Dusc laughed: "Is this a lot of people do not?"

"We should temporarily provide food supply?"

Dusc thinks: "Maybe there are some tents that support? However ... The Political Department is now 'just right to get a lot of position, allowing them to go with the team."

"How high this is high! And you don't forget to brave it!"

"The tube can eat and drink .. Then I can't do it. After all, we are not charity. And the life and death, you can understand the valuable life of life, as for brainwashing .... I am adding spirit to them Good construction power. "

"I go ...." Barbara blusted eyes: "Boss! Your disproper's face!"

PS: How to solve this cat's bed?

In order to take the cat, my car ticket changed, changed to the bus from 4:30 in the afternoon, it is estimated that I have to go to Hangzhou for twenty hours, I hope that I can write the update tomorrow.

Thanks to Huo Jianhua, who loves to sleep!

Chapter 956: Is it this reason?

"I first saw so safe to spend the winter."

Kelly looked at the winter in the city of winter, with the ablation of snow, he predicts the arrival of spring.

"If you eat, there is a place, where is dangerous in winter?" Springs laughed: "It's not the cold of it."

"I am talking about the issue of public security." Kelly said: "Winter is usually frequent in various cases, I didn't expect the winter city to be similar to usual."

"With a stable life, who is willing to adventure?" Springs smiled: "I said, this is an economic issue."

"What about those refugees?" Kelly curious: "The West Mining New City seems to have something? Why don't you let them go into the city?"

Kelly said is the refugee problem he said before Barbara.

In fact, Mrus may still have a small number of refugees, or the ability of the group of aristocrats to lose garbage.

Refugee problems have always been a matter of the headaches of all territories, and the drainage policies that we need to populate this side, giving these nobles to see hope.

They even took the initiative to open the road, let these refugees come from the winter.

As a result, it is only this winter, and the refugees in the Springs have come around at least 30,000 people!

It is completely like Barbara that is more than the population of the winter.

However, these people, Dusus did not put in the winter in the city.

"Because I don't trust them, my people trust me." Springs slowly said: "I have to be responsible for those who believe in my people, that tens of thousands of refugees don't know how many madmen, know Do you have anyone who has gotten out, there are very few people who will cherish, gold coins, food, and even the environment. The residents of winter in the city have experienced the era of being hungry, and they have to live in winter. The era. And now their living conditions are created by their own, so they are cherished. "

"But those refugees are different. If they go to the winter, they found this paradise, they won't cherish it, even if they hungry, because they did not pay for this city. They don't Will cherish. Of course, I said that it is absolutely absolutely, these will not cherish it may be a small part, which may be very different. But even so, I can't let my people take this risk. "

Kaili shakes his head: "Those who pay the ticket, the ticket, and enter the winter in the city to find the world of demon, you don't treat them like this."

Dusc laughed: "Because they have a scruple, they have no refugees themselves, and they will not suddenly make some strange things, and these people have left."

This is a variety of adventures attracted after the opening of the dream of the dream, there are still many nobles. However, there is no inheritance of a small aristocratic descendant, in fact, it is nothing to distinguish between civilians. There was no inheritance of the count of the count of the Pissed, the farm ducks were not.

After the title of the title, the so-called officials who did not inherit the right, in fact, many times the time was very miserable.

These high-end populations are also subject to the main absorption of Monarch.

Dusus added: "Moreover, those new city refugees, will I absorb in winter? I said, I have to be responsible for people who believe in me. I believe in fairness, I have not paid, Don't think about returning. This is fair. Can't pay for the residents pay for this city because the so-called sympathy and urban development needs, and the residents pay for this city are dangerous. "

Kelly joke: "His Royal Highness, you talked about it. I just came to report a question. The new city has arrested one, and the old official in winter is."

"This is already the third one." Sprint asked.

"Yeah." Kaili shakes his head: "How is this group of stupys, not afraid of death."

"I left my eyelids, I thought about the high emperor, and I was very natural, but I was fine in this proportion. If I finished the proceedings, I will go directly to the court for trial. No, because it is winter What is the old man? "

Kaili caress down: "Your reason is my most appreciated, then I will go first."

"Wait." Springs shouted.

"What happened?" Kelly looked up.

"You don't have an urgent sacred empire?"

Keli is smashed: "You are ten sorrows, a legend, I am in a hurry, can we tie you back?"

Springs smiled: "Your mentality is good, go back and tell Deng many bishop, I have time to go back to him. About three months."

Kelly nodded and retired.


"How do you say it under the Hall?" Deng also looked back at Kelly and asked.

"Three months later." Kelly replied: "he said so."

"Is it three months?" Deng still said: "Three months ... After three months, this is almost ten months!"

Kaili joke: "If you don't bishop you, I will talk about the temple, I am busy with this side."

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