The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1065

Deng is all angry: "You are the Holy Knight of the Holy Tree! What is it here, what ..."

"The Prosecutor of the Discipline Information." Kelly reminded.

"Yes!" Deng did not shoot the thigh: "When there is any investigation, it is addictive! You are the Paladin, Kelly!"

Kelly joke: "You said this, my paladin is used here? The big night is on the street light? Winter in the city is now in all situations, the Springs can't open it is not normal? ? People, a magic prince, never let go of your own city, don't take it directly? "

"Oh! How do you still talk about him?"

"At the beginning, you said, he is a sacred, we have to get along well."

"Hey! You are this gimmick!" Deng did not blow the beard: "I see you when the procurator is addicted."

Kelly smiled: "That is not! It's now doing it when you don't dare to do it.

"You just want you!" Deng stood up her, then looked at Kelly, and got the house, and slowly said: "I said .... Will n't it be this reason?"

"what reason?"

"You see the women around Hunus live in his castle." Deng did not hold more chin: "You have been living in the country with us, um .... You said that you moved to repair Is it in the castle in the castle, I agree with us? "

Keli's face was black and black: "Mom! You are the bishop of the Holy Coach !! This is what the thoughts are messy!"

PS: Liar, who tells me that the cat is warm and go! The ground is warm and clear than the bed!

And I think my cat has a problem ... I am wearing sweaters and pajamas, she loves me ... I dare to take over the static electricity in her time when I touched her. This guy is very enjoyable.

You don't charge her, she is on your body and then looking for your hand ....

Chapter 957: Winter New Town

Winter Municipality New City.

Here is the crack area of ​​the south, and the copper mine is discovered by a dwarf.

It is the name of the blacksmith shop in the early winter.

Since Monu, I updated the new blacksmith shop and the fire furnace, the winter in the city was still three dwarfs.

I heard that the bronze brothers, iron must, steel must do not know who is not named.

At this time, the iron must be in the new city, one person is responsible for ore mining, one person responsible for ore refining.

However, these two people belong to the level of technical engineers, and the new city has a facility in the main city police station, all of which are in winter to exhaust the past.

At this time, the New Town is still a bit cold, and the three meters high wall is broken, but the house in the city is in an orderly, there is a small stone house, there are some wooden structures.

The men will go to the mine in the mine during the day, and women are staying in the city to be responsible for some things.

The statue of the Municipal Househouse has a statue of Springs, and most of these rooms are from Springs.

A few months ago, Mrus provided food for refugees and came out of the city with the foundation wall.

Although it is said to have a city pool in a flat, but ... no one, what is the cover?

Now, the residents of the new city also put the Square for God, because the 'wall of the city walls in the two meters and the first urban hall in the city, etc., plus some ordinary people are in their eyelids. from!

The rest is some of the construction teams of Winter Municipality, and people who have learned their own craftsmanship with these refugees.

Many times, the sense of belonging is this.

I have given labor, get food, accommodation, your own house, and the belonging is true.

Once you have a sense of belonging, you will use it as your own home, you will cherish it.

In these refugees, there are also some persecuted small aristocratic descendants, some servants who have been resigned in the nobles, some kind guys.

Good guys who live in life, unlucky eggs are unfortunately wonderful.

And these ability people, demon, will be selected into the city hall, and some ambition is a bit powerful, it will be selected into the police station.

At the beginning, the Shuus also had a lot of the city's anti-army, gradually, after opening the spring, the winter of the city, the city defense army came back, and the number of urban defense forces in this place did not decrease.

In order to be safe, this place is responsible here, until the side of this is going to the right track, Kalais returns to the winter city.

With the increasing development of winter, the formation of officials are more and more, and the development of other cities will be rapidly faster.

Here, the city defense army, municipal officials, police, will also be introduced to Winter.

Now the new city is filled with two atmospheres, one is the sense of belonging to this new city, and the other is the year of winter men.

If Mrs is directly putting these people directly into the winter city, such as those who choose to pick it out, it is estimated that the winter in the city is already chaotic.

When these people who have no sense of belong, they are grateful when they are grateful, but they will be unbalanced in their hearts as they are hungry.

such as....

Why do you live so good? And we are so unlucky?

Coupled with the work opportunities in winter in the city, at least high-income occupations have already, these people come in are not the identity of serfs, jealous, and red eyes are very normal.

Refugee issues will also explode.

Although in this strength, the society can be arbitrarily suppressed, but this kind of thing .... Since Since Know, you don't want it to appear.

The new town is a better choice, so that they will be full of winter in the winter, and they will also have a lot after being selected.

Of course, law education and ideological education are also less than.

The sky is dim, except for prisoners and some duty shadows, the normal new urban residents have come back.

The new city's megaphone is ringing: "The Winter New City Council reminds you that thousands of people, the first one, the behavior is not standardized, the relatives have two walks of tears. Please listen to the broadcast of the broadcast, we start Entering the law education course. Friendly our host, Sano, Sano. "

The sound of Snoso has been introduced in the spoken magic.

Many new urban residents have lived on their hands, or slow down, find the place to sit down.

Some room yards came out of the seventh dramatics to come outside.

Yes, because people are not enough for more construction, many rooms live together.

However, the new urban land is very cheap, there is still a certain commission, which has become the refugees here, no, there is something yearn from residents in the new city. It is also the most loved propaganda before the city hall: 'Deposit, buy a land, cover a house. Home has it. '

In addition, in addition to the mine work, many places in the new city need to build a lot of labor.

They don't know, in fact they earn from winter in the city, and finally turned, and returned to the winter in the middle of the city.

In this case, it is not entertaining, especially the underlying residents without entertainment, the broadcast and a variety of stories every day, and these most are illiterate civilians' favorite things.

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