The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1066

They have many do not know, but they can understand.

This kind of magic magic will tell you the story of the story, become an entertainment culture that the people like to see it is also the information access channel.

Among the magnificent magic, a very clean voice sounded.

"You have a new city resident, welcome to listen to today's legal science program, I am the broadcaster of today's broadcastors, let's go to today's" Today's Learning "

"Today, what we are going to talk about is a girl, a woman, she said, I feel that I have tracked ..."

A group of people listened to the following, when they were discussing with each other from time to time.

In the case of ambiguous magic, it will also be equipped with some music to cut the atmosphere.

When I heard the final decryption, everyone has begun to discuss the results.

In the sparks of the amague, the sound of Saisa sounded again: "Here, Shassis reminds you that there is a violation of the law without allowing access to others, and illegal violations are serious illegal, and the highest can be sentenced to death. I hope that everyone will manage their emotions, have been exhausted, and life is not easy, and they are very good to wait for others. Thank you for listening to today's "Today's Learning". "

"Next, it will be a" ideological and moral "program, take a break, come back soon."

PS: Do you have long-distance bus? Do you need to prepare words about the bus? I haven't sat, have you pay attention? What to bring?

Chapter 958: Blood Exchange

Ilina woke up.

After half a year, the wizard did finally completed breakthroughs in the abundant elements.

Especially for three months in winter, these three months did even cancel the sacrifice, let Alina's reliability breakthrough.

The result is also gratifying, when in the spring, Ilina is finally awake.

After you know this news, Dusus and Croatya have arrived at the wizard space in the first time.

And now the elf has six sanctuary.

Including Cuifu is old, and the other five elders have three breakthroughs in the sanctuary.

The rest of the two is also a breakthrough for the breakthrough of Ilina without deliberately choosing things.

The elf space is not relied in the spring, and the spatial spatial stone brought back from human beings has given Croaty, let her have the reinforcement of the wizard space, which can also save a lot of elements. Perform the breakthrough of the elves.

When I saw Ai Lianna, the elf is a lot of green, and it is more inflatable.

It is said that it is a wizard, but it is more like a uniform wizard hunter.

This time, the Springs stayed in the sprite for seven or eight days. In addition to waiting for the sacrifice, there is a little in order to make a comprehensive dream world in the world.

Although the elves are signed by one by one, the wizard space is still relatively small.

Now just take this effort to let them sign it.

When all is properly properly, the crowd returns to the winter.

At this time, there is also the old and a few night elves.

There are more eiversia you need now on the plant garden, while the Elves of the Winter Municipality is not enough.

Among the sky, Springs pointed to the outline of a city in the distance: "Then there is winter in the New Town, regardless of the western part."

Ilina is surprised: "This long ago actually appeared in a new city."

Croatia laughed at the side: "If you stay more time, you can get you don't know the winter."

Ai Lianna laughed: "I also think that this is too fast. Yes, what is the Queen you say? Really fake?"

"What is this?" Croaty said: "But you don't care about her, the guy is almost sleeping almost every day, annexing a month, waking it once, I will have enough to sleep." "

Ai Lianna screamed: "Is this dragon or pig?"

"People are legendary dragons." Croaty said: "A person is full, don't worry about anything else, envy."

Ai Lianna looked to aunt: "His Royal Highness, she is in your room, how do you sleep?"

"Hehehe." Dusn smiled two: "Just when it is an iron sleeping next to me? What can I do? Is there a little bad."


"Lai bed infection." Xuusi said: "I have seen it before I saw it. The result is now finished, there is a special incense next to it, I don't want to get up from the bed."

"Milly doesn't call you?"

Xunzu shakes his head: "It is useless, this is subjective, I don't want to eat, if I don't want to eat and deal with the city, I am really too lazy to get up."

Everyone has a chat, soon I will come to the winter.

Just entering the castle, the snow greeted: "Ai Lianna sister came back."

Elina walked over and took the snow and smashed the brain: "I haven't seen it for a few months, and you are taller."

"Hemougain." Barbara's voice came out from the second floor: "The snow is not Warcraft, and it is a long fart for a few months. You don't say that Merlin is high."

"Why!" Merlin ran out of the room: "How is I growing slowly! Let me know what it is! Barbara is sinned, do you know?"

Barbara sigh: "Now this era, tell the truth is a sinner, how do you like to live in hypocrisy? For the boss, Fiis in your study, there is something to find you."

Word seek Croatia and Ai Lota: "You told the kitchen to prepare to eat, I went up."

"Go, go." Croaty waved his hand and then started talking with Ilina.

After returning to his own room, Fiis was found in front of the study.

"What's wrong?" After returning to his position, he came back to notify it first, so everyone knows.

Sometimes I become a leader is not good, I need you, I can't open it.

Fi Ni came up with a document: "His Royal Highness, this is a new talent that is organized from the new city. A total of 148 people in all aspects, including more than a dozen municipal officers. And the police. The political assessment has excellent results. "

Zhus took the list and looked at it, and then put it on the table: "How many people have been delivered to the winter in the three months of the new city?"

Fi Ni wants to think, then said: "There are about more than a thousand aspects."

"Let's stop." Springs said: "The new city also needs these capabilities."

Fiis is a glimpse: "You don't say the new city is the reserve library of winter in the city."

"But the reserve library needs to be running." Springs replied: "If we take these best to take all these performances, what should I do in the new city? They are equivalent to stepping with only places, then become increasing Wrill. The place is that refugees gathered and have a large number of serfs. They need some ability to manage experience, high-quality people to drive them. I remember that we have selected five hundred people in the first month. ? "

Fiis nodded: "569."

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