The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1067

"Look, there will be one hundred and forty-eight in this month. If you have reason to make a long-term ideology, throw it into the educational factor, this eligible number should be more and more, but now this number is reduced .This is where the problem lies."

"But if there is no such rising channel ..."

"Don't worry, change it into a deep list, a few months, in the winter of the city, I know that I will send it back to build my hometown. The civilians have issued the Winter, the new city residents can be in the winter. Early accommodation accommodation. As for those who come to winter in winter, they are the kind of hard work, don't worry about us. "

Fiisi eyes bright: "Understand, in this case, we can send some officials in the winter city, or the work arrangements for the New Town, let the people in the winter will have the opportunity to go to the new city. This. "

Shuppus: "Do you want to go to the country? Yes, anyway is not far, no legacy problem. Just do it."

PS: ask for a monthly ticket monthly ticket! Yesterday, one chapter didn't owe it! The monthly ticket is now only dozens of days .... Add more!

Go back to Hangzhou to do a presidential account.

PS: No, let's take a cat .... This cat is not a codeword around, so you will throw my mom when you write something.

Picture: "Cat", Location: "Images / 1550198164-100072907-102880978.JPG"

Chapter 959: Terminal

Cui Di feels that Still of Versailin has been abolished.

Really abolished!

But .... He doesn't have any other choice.

In the Kingdom of Locke, other aristors are now busy dealing with the death sect, seeing the attractor can't wait to kill it.

Only the left of the predecessor Duke of Stille, which can help him complete the revenge.

However ... now a family is .... I am addive!

Cui Di went to investigate what is going on.

The answer is not difficult.

A demon city contract.

It can make people see a new world in the dream, and can improve their strength in it and have a slightly located inside.

And still continuous dreams.

Cui Di is shocked, is this group of humans forget the lesson of ancient times?

The dream of this dream is not a fresh thing. The charm of the ancient times is best to prepare such a contract.

However, the dream is a good dream murder. A assassinner belonging to the Moz.

The dream of the charm is more pink, which makes people forget the reality of the dream.

When the humanity of the human beings, how much effort was abolished, how many warriors were killed in the dream world, using many years to find a way to resist the dream, and found the way to resist the charm, the result .... this Helping the bastards actively to find a demon sign?

Is this brain? This history is always amazingly amazing!

Cui Di suddenly thought of a word that had died: "The lesson learned from history is the lesson of the history, that is, they never learn from history."

Look now, it is too right!

Human 'powerful' has let them lose their sense of worries!

Cui Di is very painful, not a painful man, but the idea of ​​suffering from the revenge while adding business indicators, it is going to be shattered.

You will always call people who don't wake up a sleep, and CuiDi since I have been deeply experienced!

He doesn't understand why human desire can pick up so easily, but when they come, they can be so easily decadent.

Even gradually decadent hearts.

In fact, the former Steil Duke did not want to take back his position, he worked too much effort and did nothing.

Continuous hitting the wall is extremely interested in human self-confidence, even what is the same, it is the same.

In particular, the Duke of Steil has been smooth from birth, and the anti-strike capacity is too weak.

Just like some author, the last grade thief is good, the second thing is not as good as the first or even the difference is too big, it will fall into the approach to the self-exiled.

Some have experienced the streets that can come out soon, but the famous book is often finally disappeared. I don't know where it is.

It will only make you stronger, but many times ... When you don't know, your heart has been killed.

This is also the reason why many stars are reported by Chaoyang Mass.

They need other comfort.

The predecessor Duke is the most obvious example.

He found the world of dreams and experienced the feeling of life.

So he completely indulge in.

Ren Di is to temptation, he is not moving, it may be that the dream world is too real attractive, or it may be .... He is resistant and does not want to face reality.

This is also a way of survival, at least live.

Anyway, he is a holy area, or a big aristocrat, will not starve.

Cui Di also learned that the strength of this world can also improve strength.

Cui Di's nose is the nose of this, is this a set of ancient devils!

You have signed a contract with me, I will give you the ability.

It's just that the demon has changed it out again. As a result, there is still a lot of fools.

As for the demon, the devil will certainly do this, or how can you sign the contract with peace of mind?

When this goth is completely expanded, after a certain amount, the devil is moving some hands and feet, and I still want to go out? You are afraid not all to become a demon!

These words, Cui Di, Versal, but the effect is very small, even people are too lazy to take care of him.

Today, Cui Di is preparing to come back to Steier once again.

The development of the death sect is smooth, and the sacred Empire has a slow development because there is a hyperbulus of the Holy See, but in the Rock Kingdom, during the national reform, the development of death is very rapid.

Including the Master of the United States, because of the federal parliamentary system, every time they will leave the meeting to vote, and they discuss the death sects and five or six times.

As for the free federation .... They advocate freedom, even I haven't realized that the death session is, thinking that it is a new ordinary religion.

Therefore, Cui Di decided to use this as a bait, evoke the ambition of Versa.

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