The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1068

But just come up, he saw the castle of the manor, a group of people looked down below, he looked up and found a guy ready to jump.

Here is still advised: "To cherish your life! There is only one life, you have nothing to do! Just life, we can't come from the beginning! Come down, come down!"

Cui Deli, can this come to run the business?

He looks at it below, waiting for the above guys to jump.

The goods were also opened: "Don't persuade me! No! Nothing, no more than 30 years of gold coins, I want to buy a house, marry a wife! I haven't!" I also borrowed a lot of money, now .... Nothing! "

"The damn ten !! I curse you !! The damn golden temple !! Liars! All liar !!!"

Cui Di shakes his head, and I have a relationship with that dream.

This is the fool actually really believe that the Moz will help you improve strength?

This is what the Mo is wanting!

Excerpt your money, consume your energy, then let you commit suicide in despair, let you fight.

Have to say, the current magic is more smart than the previous magic.

When he thinks these, the guy above has already jumped from the top!

This guy ... Cui Di has not remembered the wrong words should be the Mafi of the stable.

CuiDi is ready, and it will be attracted here, let you save it!

A sound, this guy fell on the ground!

This unpleasant guy, this is the height, and it can not die again.

However, Cui Di is stissible here .......


PS: Yes, after reminding posts, I almost forgot, the kitten has no name. Now ask a kitten's name, really .... Real name! ! Don't do it! ! I originally wanted to ask her to succeed, after all, my first cat. But .... That is a little female cat. So find a name ~~~

PS: Then I update this early today, because the car at 4:30 in the afternoon, three points will go out, twenty hours .... I think I will hurt!

I have to see if I have a few chapters before going out.

Chapter 969: Discover

"Are you sure?"

Looking at the manor in front of the manor, the main asked.

"Of course, the landlord!" Cui Di looked at the manor in front of him. "I have a three-time experiment, three experiments, three experiments, three experiments."

"The experiment objectives have two of them to sign the devil contract, one is not signed."

"These contracts have entered the world of Warmen to help him provide things needed in the world of dreams."

"I picked the relationship between these servants, took a week, and the results have been conclusively."

"The guy signed the demon contract has disappeared, but those who have not signed contracts are still good! Do you want to do it in yourself?"

The death of death shook his head: "Don't forget this or a living world, if no one prayers, no one is willing to dedicate the soul, even if I can't shoot it easily. Let those believers come, it is the opportunity of their performance. Yes, who is the guy who signing a contract? "

Cui Di bowed: "There is already a dead mark on them."

The main point of death nodded, he reached out, this Still Manor floated a lot of darkness, these were human beings marked by CuiDi.

"Do it."


The door of the manor, two guards are playing a sleep.

They were still in the city of Nick, but after their lord did not fall, they were also implicated, so that now I have to come to this countryside manor.

And this place, the middle class may be high-grade combat power, the work of their guards can be described as boring, let alone their own lords are still in the kingdom! Who is this strength?

Just when they doze off, the two people have gradually touched their side.

Then, the two were at the same time, and the cold dagger stabbed into the neck of the two!

A guard suddenly opened his eyes, and the incredible covering his neck was on the ground, and the other was vigilant, and the body flashed toward the side!

The dagger brings his neck to bring a string of blood, and this guy also reacted, whispered: "The enemy !!"

But as he shouted out, there was a lot of shouting of shouts in the surrounding!

The darkness rushed out of a few times a few times, rushed to the door!

The guards in the manor are still very fast, and after the enemy sound appears, there will be a sound of the alarm!

But when the guards inside rushed out, they saw the people who rushed into the weapons!

They rushed to death, dozens of guards were scared to stop.

The two body rotted guys got out, he made a big hand, full of bloodthirsty rays: "Mergent!"

This group of humans behind him shouted toward the dozens of guards!

The scene is almost one side!

Until the horses of the horses sounded, more than a dozen knight rodehed into the enemy array, and several magicians in the castle began to start!

However, their counterattack has not lasts half a minute. In these people, they rushed out several obesity stacked, and the demon of the devil is almost.

They rely on fat body hard to fight against the impact of the horse, and then slap the knight on the top!

The landing knight has almost no time to resist, and the attacker who is rushing is hacked.

As for the magicians in the manor, it was stared by a human beings holding a dead wood branch, and a dead gas drilled into the castle. A magician was inadvertently interrupted. Under the double blow of the magic anti-gas, it directly planted it directly from the castle.

An angry voice came from the manor: "Who is not long-awaited, the old man playing games!"

Versale flew out from the manor, his hands sword, swords!

The intruder in a region is directly hit by this holy area!

The moment of the holy area shot, the battle is reversed!

The kind of twisting without suspense!

Versale eyes said: "This dead ... people of death sects? Cui Di! You gave it out!"

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