The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1069

Cui Di came out of the crowd, the open mouth of the hidden Senson: "Versail, how do you see what we die?"

Versale snort: "A bunch of blacks! Cui Di, this is what you said to help me?"

"I have it to work with you." Cui Di smashed his eyes: "But ... Your guy is too do not lifting! This don't blame my heart!"

Versale looked at the guy who broke into his own manor, hahaha smiled: "If you want to come to me, you want to come to me."

Cui Di shakes his head: "You still don't know our horror."

CuiDi said that he had slowly retired, and the three people who gave a black robes came out of shadows!

Their arms have, countless deaths from the inside! The whole manor is instantly wrapped in the dead!

And these three black robes have this flesh and blood, it is completely a bone shelf!

At this moment, Versail finally changed his face: "Sanctuary ... Lich!"

He has no helves, directly fully stimulating his holy area!

Fighting moments start!

After an hour, the Lord of Death stepped in this manor.

Versal has fallen on the ground. He looked at a little boy came to himself, asked with only the strength: "Who are you?"

"The Lord of Death, Sicro." Si Stro said places: "Seeing me, is your pleasure in this life. Now, you can die."

Verde knows, no hope!

I am afraid that there is a reinforcement, I have no hope.

Recalling that the encounter of this year, Wow in Versail sprayed a blood, then his head was on the ground, completely got a breath.

Si Stro raises his hand, but there is no in your hands.

He looked at the manor and looked at the death that marked the death, and then he didn't look forward to it.

He gradually appeared a lot of silver rays, but these Stars were from those guys who were not marked.

Cui Di came to Sicato: "The country is all solved."

Sidero turned around: "It seems ... in this living world, some people will grab business with us, the devil is the soul ... even before, it is also the power of the soul, but now. ... actually, even the soul is taken away. Check this contract is who is it, it seems .... We have to go to the door. "

PS: Really, you follow the name of the spectrum! This is the third more, I have to pack things first, see if I have a shower, I can don't write fourth, but don't hold too much hope .... and then ask for a monthly ticket!

I really admire myself, even if this is constantly added! Too hard! You look at the old ancestors! It's still two thousand words of the second number!

Ah, ah! 20 hours will not be a mad! !

Finally, everyone can see the names of others, you can also praise ... Really, Nnell Cors is not coming! I take it out to take a needle, someone else is coming, saying Nisi Card? Too shameful, can't say it.

I feel that this life will not be a second bus.

Bus ... Really ... can you still do it. Four hours on the bus ... I took the distance of the distance to half an hour.

This is a few people to pull several people. I still wonder the 20 people driver. I can't go back. The result is good .. This is full. On the roadside on the road, you will stop. Waiting for twenty minutes here for half an hour .... Four five hours to wait for someone ...

And the air-conditioned bus does not open the air conditioner.

Asked, the result is that it is a national bus.

Give me a great life experience! And a nice knowledge point.

Hey! ! !

Oh, it is limited to the high speed.

The only good news now is that the kitten has been sleeping, and will look up and look at me and continue to sleep.

Chapter 961: Busy

"what did you say?"

Inside the Palace of Savabel, Allen is incredible to look at our own Albert: "What do you say? Is Verde?"

Yabo nodded: "Your Majesty, I just got the news, Verde is dead, not just him .... His manor is dead."

"Who!" Allen excitedly stood up: "This is a matter of criticism, then I am not bothering here! What is the situation now? What is the other?"

"You don't have to worry about it." Aber replied: "Not our people do it, it is a death sector, or said to death."

Allen is immersed: "He is here?"

Yabo nodded: "According to the news on the San San Dip, the owner of the death does come here. Versal's things are also going together with the holy three seats, and the holy three seats let us Improve vigilance. "

Allen smiled: "Be alert? What is joke? The death is mainly coming, what do we get to be vigilant? Say to improve the alert."

Alberto said: "Your Majesty, according to the Three Sands, even the Lord of death, also represent death, and after leaving the kingdom, the whole mainland is the world of life, including Versor's manor, on the spot It also found a lot of bodies that were not belonging to the manor. Before the San Di arrived, it was only filled with the dead and death sects. So .... San San San Press, the time of death is coming. "

Allen blinked: "Do you say, in the living world?"

Yabo nodded: "The San San Said said that the two of life and death, the world of the deceased is the world of the deceased, the world of life is the world of life, even if the Lord of death can not violate the rules of this world. So ... Although he can leave the kingdom of death, it has always been limited by the rules of the world. So a few watches in the beginning are witnessed the owner of death. Later, it is more and less about his eyewitness, especially when the death sect appears. after that."

"According to the Three San Dresses, the death sect is the means of death in the living world. So .... They hope that we will put down to see them as soon as possible, first annihilated the death sect, in fact. The Holy Empire and the Master are already in This is done. "

Allen did not immediately answer, but meditation, he said he said: "Nowadays are reform, if this time rins the death sect, it is necessary to need those nobles, but as long as we have for them, these guys It is inevitable that it will be in turn. "

Yabo is slowly: "Your Majesty, if you have developed in the country of death, then it is not wonderful. If the other three are annihilating the death sect, and we don't do this. So .... Lock Kingdom May I really became the master's base camp. "

Allen shakes his head: "I didn't say it, just thinking better solutions."

Yabo thought about it, and finally she chose to say: "In the His Royal Highness, when the change can begin, or if the change fails, the Rock Kingdom is still the kingdom, and each nobility wants to change, and must pay great effort, wait until time They are definitely a great injury. These can also be in the mastery. However, if they really let go of the death sect, the death is always intended to take root in Lock Kingdom, this is our most no way. "

"I know." Allen said low: "So we need to think about a solution."

Suddenly, Allen's eyes were bright, and the opening: "Right! We don't have to seek those nobles!"


"Releases the Decree." Allen said: "I have released the suspension of the death sect to all the associations, and the death sect is marked as Warcraft."

"But ... These adventurers have limited strength."

Allen laughed: "This is the royal family to pay for the pocket, those nobles will not let these money, if we give direct aristocrats to all aristocrats, they can't come to a wave of threat, but now ... this should be them The meat in the bowl, but I ate someone else. I believe me, those nobles will not be indifferent.

Yabo nodded: "Your proposition, this is good, but .... Have you ever thought that there is a reward from us? How many archaens have to be awarded for these rewards, thus engaged in something?"

Ai Road took a sigh of breath: "These ... not the problem we can consider now. When you arrive, you will find one. Or .... Can you give a better way?"

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