The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1074

The witch demon!

They are full of full calculations, and the number of creatures in this city plus dogs are not more than 40,000!

This border city has a holy area in the next day, even if the two sanctoes are all over!

Why did Nima suddenly took out twenty-five or six!

Do you wholesale sanctuary?

Then, they heard a devil's general voice: "Let's go together! Don't let go!"

Your uncle! ! Twenty you are still together!

Next, the battle in the sky is confusing.

On the winter, the wall of the winter is brightly entered, and the liner begins with the injection of elemental strength.

A piece of light appeared in the winter in the city.

Then ... the battle will become incomparably confused!

"Yeah, this guy is a poor! What is your own? What is it? Let me take it with it or this group of chests?"

"Hey, feed! You are better! I can't blow it here!"

"Can a partner can be a bit a bit heavy? Cuifei is old, pay attention to protecting the winter."

"Black shadow, we speed up, don't let the temple are dangerous."

"Your mother! Silly hangs accept the sanctions of the Shengguang!"

"Lying! You give me a sternum! I haven't grilled the undead!"

The messy voice continues to appear in the sky.

These Wus Lichies are the wizards that are born, and they are semi-finished in the sanctuary. They may have to fall down in seven holy regions. When do you care about it, let alone hit a group?

That picture is simply too beautiful.

"Barbara wants to face! This wizard is only in the witch and the bone shelf, you still steal!" Kelly shouted.

"You specially put it down and let me say it!"

"Hey, you will slow down. Let me leave a few." Posaki snorted a bone.

On the other side, the black shadow is a sword to open a bone, then take it on the end.

"What?" Kalare looked at him.

The black fog's face is condensed into a dislike expression, and his bones in his hand throw it out, saying: "I also said to add a meal to the military dog. As a result, there is no bone marrow. These Lich. .. It is estimated that it is still soon. "

Kelly air, kicked out a Slim skull, flying out, the heads of the flying disappeared, Kelly said to Barbara: "This guy is relieved, they are No heart, if you can't find your heart, this guy can still resurrect, there is no meaning. "

Word looks to Kelly: "Where is the heart?"

Kelle shakes his head: "I don't know, but the position of the heart can not exceed ten kilometers. I don't know if the specific location. It is to find their hearts."

"Shipping Chen." Shugus shouted.

The minister came to Springs: "Master."

"Can you find the heart of the Lich?"

The minister shook his head: "I have never seen it."

Shunus shouted to Kelly: "Kelly, the heart of the Lich is very heavy?"

"That is the only living thing on them." This is Kelly answered.

The hand is to look at the will.

The minister has lowed: "Sorry, the owner, the living minister is powerful."

"Hey ... this is more annoying." Springs opened: "Everyone, pack off this guy to go back!"

Springs said, flying back to the winter.

He fell to the city, raised his hand to stop soldiers who had to be salute, and he said to Pices: "Map."

Piedz hurriedly took a chamfer to the map.

Dusus looked at the distance of the won, and then reached out on the map, said: "This place! Give the sky!"

Ten kilometers, it is still within the hit of the artillery, as long as it is sure that the location of these Lich is now, he is almost known.

I found a general location ... Although I can't accurately guide, but ... I can cover the fire!

"Good!" Piedes should have a sound, then loudly drink the adjustment of the gun and angle.

Then, a piece of shells whispering! Falling on a large piece of empty!

One of the burst and plowed land!

And a wedding world that is fighting with the sanctuary, or is being dismantled into a part, and the white bones lost the shin of the candles, but it became gray!

Kelly pinch, this bone has turned into a white powder.

"Yes." Barbara sighed: "Dreaming on the spot, true, ashes!"

Kelly came back to see the place where the gun is being baptized, she swallowed the mouth: "This .... Taiping!"

PS: Today .... Take the cable ... Now the network cable is so expensive! Then look for aunt to sweep the room, that is really, don't know how much dirty things don't know. Go home and think things.

And this cat ... I will climb on my shoulder..

Now in the group in the group every day, I don't want to put it in the book.

Finally, ask for a blade monthly ticket! !

Chapter 966: Is it?

This seven Lons can be said to be dead.

Why can't they think that there are so many holy domains in this small break?

It is more impossible to think that your heart can be so easy!

The result became a present.

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