The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1075

However, this seven worships are dead, but the Undead Mada has not stopped the pace, in other words, in those undead, there can be the worship of the undead military!

But it is clear that several B hidden is absolutely not commenced.

"Boss, push it?" Barbara asked on Hunus, his eyes were still in the hands of the chest.

"Teleble Team ... Take the minister, the black shadows you follow." Springs greeted: "Command the city defense army attack, very few enemies they can practice, today is just encountered, how can I miss it?"

The city gate of the Dongmen East Gate is slowly opened, and the City Defense Army came out from the city column, and went to the North City.

The infantry is behind, the cavalry is behind.

After a certain degree of march, after the field of farmers, the city defense army stopped.

A cylinder is set up on the ground, and the undead army is constantly approaching.

However, these guys look a bit miserable, many undeads are missing arms, and the wounds on the body are just caused, there are many grilled semi-cooked, and there is even a strand of grilled meat. .

Looking at those cylinders, Kelly's brow picks: "Don't tell me .... This is also the same as the city wall."

"Look at it yourself." Said.

Now Kelly has a shadow of guys on this shape.

Na Lai's general attack distance, Na Lai's general killing power, as if telling you, there is still something else.

So, at this time, the instant of these cylinders appeared, Kelly's first reaction is the stuff on those walls.

But ... she is dead.

Just listening to a slap in the horses, the cavalry kills in the array of the undead army, and the infantry is not willing to show weakness, and the pace of cavalry rushed over!

However, this past is only three-fold, the cavalry is five hundred, the infantry is one thousand, and the remaining one thousand people have seven hundred people to carry the bow and arrow. At this time, the bow will take the arrow.

Kelly frowned: "To deal with the undead, the bow is not as good as a kitcher, I don't recommend you to do it."

Duus is just a light road: "Look."

The rush in the sky fell into the undead army before the cavalry did not reach it. In the air, the rain started to change, it was a year of arrow rain, turned into three regiments in the moment!

Although this kind of thing is not big to death, it is too secret!

Many undead were directly crucified.

Many of the Deng also asked directly: "What is that? Magic? Why can I increase three times in an instant?"

After laughing and replied: "Nothing, it is an archery. When shooting, it is shaken through the high-speed, let the bows and arrows will be shaken together. The arrow shot will also follow the shakes, and shake the air around it. In this way, there will be the same cyclone around the sword, because it is an arrow, there is some visual error. But the killing is still there, I call this as an arrow. "

Many: "......."

I believe you!

The old man is not full: "Is this difficult?"

"It's not difficult." Springs sway: "A day before training the arrow to relieve fatigue, then .... practice archery, take a sword every day, archery, and shake the archery 100 times."


I can't talk this day.

However, Kaili said that, the bow is still very small to the necrotic, even if it is an arrow attack, out of those who have been shot directly, shooting the head. Being nailed to the ground, the other a few bodies are like a hedgehog, still moving towards the winter.

But the archer is again shot again.

A bonus arrow shot, and they took the sound of the scream, and it pointed out that the soil was blown away. After the end of the undead, many undeads were blown directly, and there were many direct cuts of hand and feet or half. Body!

The Deng has not much slow way: "His Royal Highness, this is also arrow skills?"

"That's not." Said: "However, this time it is cleaned on the arrow. These special arrows burn some gaps, and then adjust the shooting angle to make these gaps to tear the air effect, Although these arrows shot, it is actually a countless air blade around it! "

I don't want to talk.

After these two rounds, the cavalry has taken the lead in rushing into the undead group, suddenly, the undead people go back!

And they also gave a variety of light, some weapons threw out, can come back, some a knife cut it on the shadow!

In order to train the city to defend the army, it is specially let the veteran of the veteran.

Although this is more cruel, it is more cruel, but .... The advantage is that at least they will not be a court.

However, with the vicinity of the winter, there are fewer and fewer problems, this trick is gradually useless.

But now the effect is still nice.

However, the undead is not to live, the cavalry is too small, they did not complete the insertion array.

Once the cavalry is stopped, it will finish it.

But it is clear that the cavalry here does not have this situation. They must have armor, rather than the harmful part of being broken, and those cylinders around the surroundings have finally played.

That three hundred people will hold these cylinders at this time, and the treatment of beams fall out of the distance!

Each of the passes taken in an instant, more excessive, they seem to make a treatment chain!

Especially when the infantry rushed, the undead did not afraid of death, and the city defense army in the winter of the city has a nurse, dealing with these small strangeness.

There is a guy in the undead array that can't stand it. After a scream, his position is also exposed!

Size the minister, after a few boxes, I directly sued the spiritual spirit of this goods!

Even if I didn't find its heart, but this Lich resurrection also took some time, at least for the time being, I can't make a demon.

But its movements also played a role. I saw a ghost from the treatment of a professional, and they were in an instant!

They turned into an entity to attack, and a slotted blamed fiercely inserted into those treatment careers!

Look at the treatment of the dead dead.


However, it is such a sound.

Several sneak hits turned back and looked at the stunned ghost, showing the affinity smile: "Come on your brother."

PS: There is also one more, please clean today .... Dry four hours, it is finally finished. When you go to accept the acceptance, you have to say that people's cleaning is really ... Bed gives you a sweep, each The corner is cleaned. The garbage went down with two pockets. But it is two, count double time, and then fifty pieces ....

Money, ah! ! !

PS: Put a photo from home, the old reader must know what this cat is watching.

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