The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1076

Picture: "Cat", Location: "Images / 1550420367-100072907-102890580.JPG"

Chapter 967: Is this?

There is a lot of the gods, but when you are there.

However, this is nothing, I saw that the ground suddenly jumped out of ten hands on the blade!

These guys can catch these doctors when they appear!

Everyone responds is also very fast, and the side is avoided.

Those blades began to topward from their chest, if the average person was opened, but now ... is a spark!

The jacket that encounters the treatment of the assault is divided into two halves, and it is a .... Armor is heavy!

A black corner showed a brightening, brothers! "Brothers! Copy the guys!"

Most of the treatment reaches hand in your waist, next moment, they took a hammer!

Nail hammeration, visible ... This is not the first time to live!

"Hand!" The team grew up with a hammer to blame the soul of the soul.

The loss of the soul can be avoided, but the captain is a mouth: "Don't worry about it!"

Next, his hovel hammer suddenly shot a 'silk' directly to the soul.


It is the sound of the hammer.

One of the soul, I was killed by this black corner magic!

And this scene is not limited to this place, and it is the same situation in other treatment!

There are also a few while shouting: "Don't run! Are you not going to run! Come on the front!"

On the sky, Deng has a bit self-closing situation.

Kelly was also awkward. She is now the contractor in the winter, and there is still some understanding of the city defense army, and even when there is even some cooperation.

I know that the city defense army has a group of professions similar to the gods. When these guys go to the hospital, they will go to the hospital, and the help people look at the disease.

This is a class like the existence of the enemy.

Kelly once doubt that these gods gave to Shengguo power, but Kelly was clear after seeing their means, these guys used the power to blessing the Shengguang similar effect, but certainly not a holy light. The two are very far away.

But today ...

It's now....

Kelly knows that this is these people to fight?

She brushed looks to the Springs: "Why are they wearing heavy armor!"

Word is confused: "Is it normal to treat a career wear a heavy arm? You also saw it, as long as you find them can save people, the enemy will come to the first time. At this time, learn to protect yourself. Ah, your treatment of gods don't wear heavy armor? "

Kelly bits his teeth: "The official needs to show a long distance, the metal is very poor, of course, it is impossible to wear heavy!"

Xunzu, "Then I don't have this trouble, tell the truth, etc., the strength is a little higher, tolerate the ability, I am thinking about changing the armor."

Kelly: "........"

She is silent.

Look at her: "What are you thinking?"

"Don't talk to me." Kelly smashed his head, frowned tightly.

He is now full of iron jars to run on the battlefield. It encounters the guys who don't know interesting, or the opposite mother of a slap is not known. After killing one, lifting the hand giving a teammate to the scene of the Shengguang, while Sad, I would like to pay attention to you. '

Why do you have this strange thing in your head!

This Nima is still a doctor! Still treatment!

However, after this sneak attack fails, these undeads were completely considered.

As the quantity of the undead is less, it is more simple to kill.

Anyway, these guys have died and die, or the direct elemental power destroyed resurrection, or directly physics 'death'.

The look of the Word is almost the same, waving Carlis, opening: "Broadcast."

That's right, Springs will come out in Winter in the city.

There are two meanings in broadcasting, one is confidence in the winter incident, so that they are not afraerating in danger, the other is to see the potential 'enemy'. After all, Jia Pi La still saw many people, but she has not appeared for half a year.

Moreover, there are still many people who have never seen Jia Beilla.

And this time .... Say that the sanctuary is definitely a letter, but the 20th sanctuary appears at the same time, but also tells the outside guys ... You first make such a multi-holy area to find the trouble of Laozi.

At this time, the heroic posture of the city defense army is obvious to everyone.

In the winter, huge cheers have already been built.

Although the broadcast is closed, it is still unable to block their enthusiasm. If it is not the city wall, the city gate is not letting, they now want to rush out to welcome the Triumph.

Close the broadcast system of Carlis to see the Wushe: "Are you afraid of new enemies?"

Duus nodded: "These guys are too weak."

"I said the boss!" Barbara looked at the Sushu: "For the back, this is full of ten holy regions! You tell me this is too weak? I didn't listen to it!"

"But only these Lich is not?" Springs said: "The big head is still behind."

Said, Xunci said: "Black shadow, let them get together in the city."

"Yes, the Hall."

The black shadow rushed to the bottom, after speaking a few words, the city defense army began the team, then turned to go to the winter.

At this time, a movie appeared in everyone: "He is getting closer and closer."

"How come you come now?" Xunz is curious about Jia Beilla: "Where did you go?"

"At that time, Sicline is still far away, so I think that I don't come to the legend, I will go back and sleep."


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