The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1086


In the winter, Kalais, who returned to the city, Croaty, ran over: "How do you come back! How do you come back! Wonderful!

Carlisle looked at the distance and shook his head: "Your Majesty is the initiative to death with Jia Pila, we can't help."

"That Shu", how did Xunnan have not come back! "

Kalare, who heard this sentence, looked at Croatia, and suddenly he suddenly had a knees, and he lowered his head: "Queen Croatia, Kalais asked you .... Save the Hall."

Croatia: "I .... I ...."

"Yes." Carlisle said: "When I let me come back, I highly emphasize the wizard space, but if the death of death, if we want to die, the spirit space is completely protected, there is no. I don't know this time, but he still said. "

Anna suddenly looked up: "What do you mean ... What can I say that I have something to say?"

Carlisle shakes his head: "I ... I don't know. But since I said this, I definitely have his truth."

Croatia stunned: "But ... can have a save on the elves."

Ilina suddenly said: "Haoquan?"

Anna shook his head: "It is impossible, is there a lot of life with the life of life and the spring of the elements?"

Everyone looks to Croatya together.

Crone Ya is in a hurry: "What saves people in the elves! In addition to the holy spring, the Elf Space has four holy regions, but ... but we are more than 20 It is useless, and the four elders of the elves are not good. "

At this time, I have been in the city wall, and the snow standing with Merlin suddenly opened: "I remember ... I said before the brother is to say that this death is easy to kill five legendary right. ? "

Anna thought, then nodded: "Yes, it is said."

"Isn't it very strange now?" Snow looked in the distance, said: "If the death of the death is so powerful, the Magic Lord and Jia Beillai, how do you support it now? Five He can easily clean up, and now there are only two people. "

"The legend is the closest to God and can hurt the existence of God." Kelly suddenly opened on the side: "This is the record of the sacred court, and it is also the direction we have been studying, so ... Croatya, your elf Is there any legendary item or the legendary power left? "

Croatia smirked: "When the night elves are migrated, there is a half-step legendary queen. Since the night wizard moved to the sunny forest, the strength is attenuated every day, if there is any legendary power, how can you fall? Dao now? And .....,000! I know! "

Croatia suddenly shouted: "Yes! Setting the big forest! Elf space inside the big forest! The elves have no legend, but there is a big forest, you are waiting for me!"

Said, the Croatya San Region suddenly opened, and the body disappeared.

Carlas stood up and looked at Anna: "She won't be ....."

Anna's face revealed a bitter smile: "It should be .. Just ... The guy nine thinking eight hate our .... Jia Pilal is ... gamble. Carlisle. "

"what happened?"


PS: Thanks to the 103 blade of the whisper 44469187248!

I decided, my cat is called a dog! That's too much! Have a warmer, I can't go, I have opened the air conditioner and hot blanket, but I still have to drill. Like a dog.

Chapter 976: Love to tell the truth

Positive battlefield, Dragonfia swept.

The legendary battle average person is completely unable to participate, at this time, in a barrier, a handwood looks at the left and right receipts left and right, and he horses say hello: "Do you have a good time, I don't know if you have heard it. There is no one sentence, this, meets it. "

Twenty attractions are crowded together and cautiously stare at the Springs.

"Oh, you are nervous." Xunz pulled out a kettle.

Brush, these attractions have supported a dead.

"I will drink the water, drink the water." After drinking a few mouthfuls, then wiped his mouth and looked at them: "You said that you are so ghost, I am here, I have one, I will have one. You are also afraid of what. "

This barrier is built by Cruze, which is to reduce the remaining wave of the legendary battle to Springs.

But it is not just aunt. There are also these attractions.

They are also afraid to be killed by the legend, although they are dead.

But they know what they have died, and they are not comparable to how they are now free to think or tell gems.

After all, those who are not the Lord, they see too much, and they don't want to become that.

"You see, I will put you in, this is to believe that you are right." Springs put the bottle on the side.

A attractant couldn't help but open: "You ... you put the stuff again!"

The operation of the Mondelion, the operation of the Macropotha, has brought a lot of psychological trauma, so that it is now a bit stress that there is a container around Shigus.

Springs sway: "Don't worry, don't worry, I am in the tweeter palace, I will not be what you, I am not ready to make a 36th place? Collect the party's collection of beliefs, belief recharge Completed, there is a cooling time. How do we talk about chat? "

A attractions explore the head: "Kid you don't have to worry! Waiting for the country to clean up two, you will not be almost far away! When you come ... don't ... you are now don't scare us! We can also help you with a few words! "

Zunus knead: "If death can easily set foot a living world, this world is there? How can the death country will be in the sea of ​​remote vortex? We all know the limitations of the other party, such as we have no god. The power, but ... you can't pass the rules. "

"How to do it in the beginning of Sichiro, I can see it, now I have been so former days, and I still have a meal of wave meal. This has proved that between 50,000 years, what is the Lord of death? Reversing the weakness, so whoever lost who is still different, are you so excited? "

"The country is impossible!"

"I have to get it." Xuzi is not talking about you: "It is impossible to lose, I just feel, we are now under a roof, our destiny, it is also above Decided right? In this case, why can't we temporarily put it down, good friendship? "

A attire shook his head: "We have nothing to say to you."

Dusus laughed: "This is not necessarily, such as ... you are not curious, why do you have a receipt, Si Stro is the Lord of death, can't find the soul you want? Do you want to know those souls Where is it? "

A group shook his head: "I will say it with you!"

"Why not." Xuzu took out 20 contracts, said: "These are the reasons, I believe that you have also found it, but don't want to try it?"

A group of attractions shook his head: "We will not try the devil's thing."

"It's just a contract." Springs smiled: "There will be no more things, so many contractors are fascinated by you. You don't want to know? This is a new world, this world is full, this world is sunny. This world can let you regain real life! "

"Don't believe him!" Among the people, Cui Di suddenly opened: "This family is very bad."

Sprint: "Do you know me?"

Cui Di is helpless: "We have seen the Shuzu Hall."

Zunus recalls a little, suddenly: "The one around Allen!"

"It seems that you have a good memory."

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