The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1087

"That's simpler!" Xunchi is happy: "You don't have to be blinded by everyone, it is all the competitors pass it out, I am, for people, good, never lie, treat people to treat people I will never engage in specialization. Really, I suggest you try it. You can cancel the contract at any time. "

"Shuith Hall." Cui Di couldn't smirk: "This is time, no need? Let me be a fool!"

Dusus shakes his head: "Hey, misunderstanding is big, this, you should not believe in rumors, don't believe me, let you know your own people."

Said, Dusch took out the crystal bottle with Newman from the ring, and opened the bottle directly after taking it out.

Newman drilled out from the inside, I will be yet: "Lying in the trough! Springs said that I will no longer throw me into the space ring! The change in the next second in the next second is very disgusting and helpless. do you know!"

"Newman!" Cui Di screamed: "How are you here!"

Newman returned, saw CuiDi, slamming: "You ... how are you here, and where is this place? Why do I still feel the atmosphere of the country."

A attraction refers to the sky.

Newman looked up, and then glared: "Domestic Land!"

"Hey," Zunus took Newman's thoughts, said: "I put it out of you not let you know."

Newman looks to the excitement: "Is the Democracy to save me! Hahahaha! Springs you are finished!"

"You are very enough." Xunzhe said: "I have a lot of urine here. Save you a fart! I didn't see it more legendary fights, you don't This is, you see your twenty brothers opposite you, is it now? "

Newman looked opposite the opposite side, sure enough, twenty attractions, I didn't know what it was here.

He instantly changed: "Oh, I will make a joke with you ~ I haven't come out for a long time, this is not a little dizzy."

Newman does not learn, and it is not known to learn from the two years of the two years.

"Don't have a special nonsense!" Said the opening: "Do you tell you those brothers, I love to be lie?"

"Don't love, of course!"

"Will I keep your credit?"

"That's sure!"

"Is it special and good to people?"

"It's not good to say!"

The look of the Word is almost the same, and the contract is handed to Newman: "Come, give you a table rate, sign it."

"It's good to say ....." Newman low-looking to the contract and waved it: "a fart !!"

"He is waiting for you to pit me!"

PS: Oh, editors have to leave, come to a new editor. Counting an egret, my responsibility has left three .....

There is a new face editor every year.

Finally, today's recovery, ask for a monthly ticket blade! ! !

Chapter 977: Signing!

The muscles on the hand on the face smoked.

He shakes the contract, saying: "Do you know what this thing is, Croatya has this, I have no pit."

"I don't care!" Maybe the Lord of death is on the top, so Newman is also rushing: "Anyway, you let me make me signed a good thing! I don't care how good it is, I've been there. You go back, swaying a hundred years in the bottle, I will not sign this stuff! "

"Day." Xuzu said: "Newman, I really hurt you. You know my attitude towards yourself."

"Don't think." Newman said this.

"Mom!" Xunzu eyes, Qinghong Sword Search fly next to Newman's neck, Long Yan has taken it from above!

Shuzu said: "Sign or soul!"

Newman fog has contraced back, and a spell is pinched in the hand.

"Sign! Sign !!" Newman said: "Don't I sign it!"

"I am such a good person." Xusz threw the contract: "If you force me, why?"

Newman fell from the body to the contract, and muttered: "Yeah, why, have a knife, do those messy. My Newman is not a ghost."

Springs: "......."

With the signing of Newman, the contract is in the air, then two searches all fly into the body of the dragon.


No, you give a player contract.

And the state of the soul, or the dead guy is not over, the original player contract is completely no problem.

This is also the reason why Springs chooses a player contract.

but now...

On the other side, I only listened to Newman suddenly lying in the trough, and then the body was turned into a whirlpool.

The expression on the hand is stiff.

He looked at the other twenty attractors, said: "That ... I said this is an accident, do you believe?"

"You don't move!" The other twenty people scared.

They are now shocked, this person is shameless!

This happened, this guy actually said nothing!

We all saw it!

Zucus was originally wanted to explain, but the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

[Contract conflict, whether the contract is covered]

[Contract coverage needs to pay ten yuan network fee]

Springs stunned, contract coverage?

He suddenly thought of that although Nixous was also a dead, but ... he has not signed it with the Lord of Death!

But always.

At that time, this guy signed a contract in the system space, and finally did nothing.

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