The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1089

"Don't think that anyone is willing to be a traitor as you!" This attire starred in Newman.

Newman doesn't care: "It's all, it's a ghost in a country. You will be thin with me. Just sign the word, sign the words, please contact the new world."

This receipt signed a contract, and the figure was not disappeared.

"Next, the next one." Newman said.

After Shuus is very gratified, these attractors don't say anything else, at least this queue is still good, and there is still a sense of time.

In this world, there is always some guys. If you tell him, you always speak, you can't help him.

I have said that this is a child's child, and I'm big, this is not cleaned up.

However, these attractors did not have this smell, and the next year of Newman's command.

Springs are very satisfied.

He tried to waive, the Qing Hong Jianfei fly back in the neck of the attractions that disappeared.

The second racks of the Qinghong sword.

Dussen is not reasonable, and the opening: "Everyone is very fast, don't let go! Time is justified."

A attractor in the back of the team can't help but say: "Why ... why only Newman is coming!"

"A nonsense, come out, one thousand gold coins, I am not opening the gold mine, you give me money!"

"Liar." This attire is shaking: "You are a liar! These are excuses."

I haven't waited for March to talk, Newman will open first: "I got it, I am old and realized, this contract sign, I can guarantee that it is definitely a new world! Anyway, I have signed the results, or I am alive. So, a choice is a gambling, a choice is died on the spot, you choose. If you all have the first school, you see how people die. "

When you mention the first one, everyone is fierce.

That is a guy who wants to resist after the scorpion, and the results were sacrificed in the holy body baptism, and the lower body Dragon Barbecue.

The called a miserable thing before disappearing.

This is also why you are so honest now.

This mixed-blood devil deal with them as if set. It's just a natural enemy!

Soon most of the attractors have entered the world of games, when the last four people left, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "I am here, you still dare to grab things!"

A dead gas is directly smashed from the sky, and the barrier left by Cruze is awkward, then it is broken!

However, when this dead should fall to the body, a golden silver has rushing up!

Among the sky, it seems to think of any sound.

Next moment, the dead is dissipated with the Shengguang Moon.

Duus felt that the body fierce, and he was the same as the first one with Anna.

Among the sky, Jiamiera's haha ​​laughed: "Sicro, don't think about to deal with us when fighting, it will only reduce your time! Do you speak bullying people? "

"Shut up!" The air is dark, a huge dead fist slammed from the sky!


Jia Beilla is a huge figure once again!

The dropped dragon scale is inserted on the ground. Jia Pilan is a gasp: "hurt ... hurt me."

Duste is filled with those receipts: "Faster! Fast contract signed!"

"Springs!" In a big pit, Jiamiel is shouted: "Let's help a boy!"

This told the sides of Jia Pilana, he flew past and surprised: "True is hurt!"

Unlike the first time, many dragon scales on this Jia Pilana are extracted from blood.

"Narcitation!" Jia Pilai La's mouth grin: "The spring of life."

Zhus quickly threw a bottle of life: "save some points."

Jia Beilila swallowed directly with a bottle, then smashed the faucet: "Do you say?"


"When I didn't say, how is it now?"

Jia Pilai played a bit, then said: "This gathering will only stop bleeding, do not give you the effect, this guy ...." Do you want to drag us. "

Without Jia Pila, Cruze didn't know how to be hit from the sky, it was very tall.

Zhus ran over the spring of life, this time Cruze is still miserable before, a corner is broken.

"You really make me very unhappy!" Sicro's voice low.

One of Cruze's mouth spit out a big beach, he wiped his mouth, grinned: "Sicro, even if you take advantage of the advantage, in the world of life, you want to kill the legend is also impossible. And ... you seem to be more and more scruple, how? How is it more serious by the world rule? "

Sichiri took a breath: "I sometimes can't understand, the rules of the rules, those guys, even a new generation directly breaks the rules. But Cruze, although you can't kill you , But .... The little guy is not necessarily, although the gods are troubles, but not there is no way, as long as ..... "

Sicottir did not continue to say, his eyes closed, and the dead storm was like a duststorm!

"As long as you don't pay attention to the rules, you have to pay a painful price!"

Deadly swept, even if it is stone, it is also cultivated for fine sand!

Cruze and Jia Pilalla have changed, and the two of their body suddenly blocked in front of the hand, Jia Pilaira said: "Springs! I will help you for 30 seconds! Left You will ask for a lot of blessings! "

I saw that some dragon scales on Jia Pilal were beginning to whiten, and the body on the side of Cruze also aging with the speed visible to the naked eye.

But at the same time, in the sky, a huge vortex also appeared.

Those dead actually have a large piece to start being inhaled by those whirls!

"We feel that we have to support it first." Jia Beilira squatted: "Springs, time modification, twenty seconds! Now only ..."

Jia Pilali's words have not finished, a colorful beam wears dead!

Sicro, floating with the air, was hit by this rays, and the whole body flew out!

Also come one?

PS: Oh. . . . Give you a look at how much you can work now.

Really headache .....

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