The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1090

Chapter 979: Support

Colorful light broke the boundless darkness, and a playful voice also sounded.

"Cruze, you are running very fast before." This is a woman's voice.

Colored energy is scattered, and the rays will force the dark.

The dark energy must also be against, but the vortex in the sky does not seem to give him a chance to fight.

Next to Dusus, the brutal magic Lord, the face is full of face, know, there is no such expression when he faces the owner of death.

"He ... what is she coming?"

Cruze voice trembled.

Sicrovo's angry voice came from the air: "Cindijia! Are you looking for death!"

"Hey, is this not the owner of death?" This appeared is a male voice: "Sorry, I didn't see you, but ..... You said this, you usually have a good relationship, you It is not a time to kill us. How is it so angry with us? "

Punctone is not solved to Cruze.

Cruze is open: "Xin Di is a nine-headed magic snake, nine thinkles, theoretically there are nine life, and ... is continuing. Whenever he loses a life, it will lose a head, lose a thinking, but The other eight still survive. When the new head is out, you will have new awareness, new life. So theoretically, as long as this loop continues, then ... Simida is a non-deceased. "

Cruze took a sigh of relief, then said: "It is the Lord that hugs and spreads the death of death. This kind of unstead is just his most hate, because they will not enter the kingdom of death, belongs to more than death exist."

Said, this brutal devil looks to the Wushes: "As for you ... Although I don't know how you did it, now ... I did have a guy who helped you to spread the fire and anger."

"Don't hinder me!" Sicroid's aerial sound is like thunder: "Xin Dijia, now leave, I will not find you in the future."

"I believe, I am already dead." Cindijia's face changed one, the next moment, the body of Cindi Mountain, the body of the mountain, nine snakes spit, and stared at Sicro.

Sichiro deeply sucks a sigh of breath: "Super-order World of Warcraft has left, Cindijia, have you prepared to do with me? This may be a disaster for Warcraft."

"Who are you fooling." The fourth head sharp voice appeared: "Look at the top of your head, Sicro, here is not where you come!"

Next, a colorful energy column fiercely went to Sicot Luo, while Cruze and Jia Pilan also lifted at the same time, Long Yan swept, magic.

The three power of the three power did not have the Sicine.

The armor on the death of the death suddenly flew out and formed a full range of barriers in the air, and the boundless black gas brought by the Lord of Death. At this time, it was sucking it in the air.

Dusse didn't know what behind the whirlpool, but Springs, compared with the three legend, this vortex is the key to Xi Stro!

May ... this is what the world rules have you been saying?

Si Stro's armor has a three legendary attacks, and he himself, it is looking down to look down.

I saw that Sichir suddenly raised his hand, and a way to send a door suddenly appeared.

The color of Cruze has changed, but it is going to go, but the next moment, a dead-dead entanglement of Cruze, not only him, but also Jia Pilai and Cindida.

The owner of the death is brugging: "Since I like to fight with me! Then let's play a happy!"

Jia Beilira looked at it, then shouted: "Springs, don't be stupid, run! This is the door of hell!"

Although Mrus didn't know what the door of the world's hell is, many years of game experience tells it that this is certainly not a good thing.

Can run, just run!

In the distance, a head of Cindida has already spoke: "Sicro, you are going to get a bloody, staying in the death country for so long, this time, use your old people?"

Sicide is unrespoated: "Time, there is no meaning for me!"

On the ground, Croatia has come to Shu, she still didn't forget: "You are really, find Xin Di directly said, what do you have to play, we want to slow down, you just don't work ! "

"There is no way." Springs helpless said: "If the Lord of this death knows multiple legends again, he is estimated that I have already opened up. Can you support you is a matter. This kind of thing is to pay attention to. And ... Are you not understanding? Our tacit understanding is based on imprint. "

"When I gave me a pool." Croaty glamorous, then said: "I will take you back, right ... The first one knows that your purpose is not me, it is snow "

Said, the Croatya Sanctuary opened, and a transfer door appeared.

Just when Croatia is preparing to pull a dragon, a big string of gazing is a moment!

He pulled back Croaty, and then lied his hand and threw it out.

Next, a lot of sounds sounded, and there was a lot of spismals in a lot of fire!

At the same time, the transfer door that has just opened also seems to have been eaten by what the game is eaten, and it goes out in an instant.

After the delivery door, I walked out of a blatant burning a silver white ray.

"What is this?" Croatia stunned: "How can I get space to block!"

"The real holy area." Xusu said his eyes: "This ... is not the first to take the goddess and the kind of counter area, and ....."

Word looks to the black delivery door, a lot of undead whistling from inside!

"Walk!" Xunzu stepped on the Qinghong sword and pulled Croaty to the winter.

A burst of the sound of the Glen, the two Blue Soul dragons actually drilled from the door of the hell, their bone racks made a wings made of blue-rays, and instantly approached the draft!

Croatia sold the sort of hand and lifted it, and the month from the artifact.

Next, a rumbling explosion appeared!

The Croaty is very chaotic, just when she thinks when she can blow it, it is an explosion!

Crone Ya suddenly turned: "This is ..."

The Wrath's mouth rises: "This guy ... learning is very fast, this is our gunfire support!"

PS: I feel that today is pitted ....

Change lock, what is the super C double-blade lock ... I want to be 600, I gave it to 400, but I thought I thought, I was still being pitted ..... I just found it, the master It seems to take my original lock cylinder.

Chapter 980: Death

On the watchtock over the winter, the observer has been observing the situation of this side.

Even if it is observed, it is not an ordinary soldier, but it is doing it.

The legendary battle, the usual person may watch it, it must be uncere.

Therefore, the support of Winter Municipality is very timely.


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