The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1096

Suddenly, I saw a movie in the sky and turned over the sky.

"Bastard! Why is Laozi's way of appearance!" The guy who flipped with the head shouted.

This guy fell directly to the middle stone bench, back against the chair, said: "You are dirty locusts!"

After that, this guy took a deep breath and then the sound changed: "I like this sentence."

But the next moment, his voice was again majestic: "Unauthorized into my territory, ready to pay for this!"

A group of attractive people look well, but CuiDi is there.

The voice of this figure is still continuing: "Beat me! Or being defeated by me! If you can't do it, then you will wait to bloom!"

After saying this, this paled figure suddenly slammed, rushed to the sky: "What to break the line! Why do I have to say this!"

Obviously, the sky did not respond.

Respond to him is Cui Di.

This attire has grown up: "You are .... Niklaus!"

Nixiklaus sitting on the stone is covered: "You recognize the wrong!"

"It's really you!" Cui Di said: "How can you here?"

"I ..." Niklaus just wanted to talk, but the body suddenly was suddenly not controlled: "This is dead!"

He no longer speaks, directly rushed to this group of attractors and killed it!

Then, it is the battle between the two sides.

However, they are not the opponent of Nixo, don't say death, and I have already squatted.

"This is not a way!" A attractions rushed to CuiDi: "We go like this ... I just got anything!"

His voice came, the distance, the earliest guy who has been comforting everyone has been comfortably passed by Niklaus, then Niklaus smashed him to these attenament.

This attire population spits blood, mouth shaking: "This .. this way ... is not a way! We ... we have to ... death. Pray .... Pray."

"What is praying." A group of attractors can't be confused: "Who is praying. Does the Doctoral?"

This will take the hand, the sound is trembled: "Direct, Springs .... Isn't he take us in? Hope .. He can protect us."

Then, this attire neck, no breath.

At the same time, there is a passage next to his body, and the Dus is slowly coming out of the inside.

PS: Sleep, ....

Chapter 985: Important Information

In Niklaus's , his figure disappeared.

Xunus looked at this group of attractions in front of him, following idiots: "Are you still a long time? I don't know how to live?"

This gang attivior didn't dare to say anything.

After confirming, the guy is indeed Nixo, and even the Lord who died before heard this name.

After the appearance, this guy was directly cleaned.

The time to do a strong enemy, let this group understand a fact that in this world, Mrus has become more powerful!

When they see the road to open the mountain, they are more confident.

"Now I believe what I said." Springs are very satisfied with the reaction of this group.

Received people.

Can they don't believe in the facts?

"It's good so early, I don't have a liar." Springs said. I feel that the leader effect is really useful.

In this world, a film can create anything, including various organisms.

Although the generated NPC intelligence, in fact, in addition to the NPC of the slave contract transformation, the high wisdom NPC comes with a high wisdom NPC is actually very small.

However, if it is the direct control of the hand, it is simple.

For example, it just now, anyway, the group has never seen everyone like everyone, just install it, it is easy to mix them.

Then, the language is guided, the action guides, the first-year pawn, and the scene has been done, and it is also a Haojie in the NPC.

As a result, Springs may need a lot of time to talk to these attractions, but now it is not required.

In these attractive people, Springs are now .. In fact, there is no difference with God.

"We have an eye." Newman didn't know that from the jump, said: "You don't know with them."

Now Newman is the closest one by the Musk, is also a new head.

This is a circle that lets these attires believe that the lacque is accepted.

"Well, as long as you are old, it is honest." Springs said: "I will not be difficult for you, of course, the way, I need to know something."

"You ask in the Hall." A attraction is already open.

"Why is the owner of death?" Springs asked this question that he has always wanted.

From time to time, the Lord of this death is certainly not obvious after he.

Then it should be the reason for your own contract.

However, the contract has long been there, even if it is found, it should be found three years ago, not a year ago.

Several attachment hot faces, a guy is open: "This ... we don't know, the connection is mostly responsible for extreduct death at most of the world's world, and there is not so fast in the country of death. I also received a collection of the Cancellation of the country. "

"No one knows?" Mr. was not Yue.

Just at this time, an attire raised his hand: "His Royal Highness ... I ... it seems to know some, I am a new birth to the attractor, but I don't know why the country is coming. I only know what the landlord When you come out. "


"I count." This attraction is lower than the scratch, and finally gave a date.

"Because I went to the world of the living next day, I got a deeper, so I was very memorable to this time, and I pushed the one day, it should be this time."

"This is a bit too early." Duus looked at the date of the card, recalling the various major events that occur in winter, without a date.

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