The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1097

Suddenly, the heart is in the heart: "You wait for me."

Next moment, the Springs exited the game world and came to the system space.

"System, calendar note, do you have?"

[Pay one yuan unlock update]

"A piece of money, you have to! Don't lose your face." Lusus said that, but he paid a piece of money.

The sound of the system sounds.

[Calendar function update completion]

After a time, the opening said: "Ros is a list of November to January year until all system events."

[Generated panel]

[Successful generation, please see the host yourself]

Springs immediately viewed above, this timetable was still very detailed, including a few people signed a contract to be written clearly.

Suddenly suddenly, perhaps use this to make a big database, definitely very cool.

After this thing, the Springs quickly found something they wanted.

A lot of information is recorded on an event book that is consistent with the time given by this receipt. But there is an eye that attracts repairs.

[Players, Nixo Ross Contracts to Contract Compact]

If Dusus did not remember, this day, Nixo was found that he suddenly came to experience, and then he didn't get out of the game, he found himself to give a pit.

Then, this goods took out the contract of death, and pulled it back in this way.

The result is natural to be fart.

The Lord of Death, it seems to be the kingdom of death at this time.

That is to say ... Is it related to Nixous?

"No." Sudden sudden self-probation: "About the ground situation, the Lord of the death seems to have not denyed that Nixiklas did not ran out, but he released."

In order to prove this idea, Springs returned to the game world.

For the sudden disappearance and appearance, everyone is actually some habits.

"Cui Di is it." Direct name.

Cui Di, although curious, how to recognize himself in this case, but still nodded: "Well, there is a command in the Hall."

"Do you know Niklaus?"

"Yes." Cui Di replied: "I took it for more than a thousand years."

"Niklas is the Lord of death, is it right?"

"This ....." CuiDi some card shells, he thought about it, then said: "I don't know, the idea of ​​the country, our attractions are not speculated. However, Nikras this guy Jailbreak is really common. "

The hand suddenly looked up at once: "What do you mean! Speak specific points. Very common?"

"Yes." Cui Di replied: "According to the country's words, the guy who masters the legendary power is touched the rules, understands the rules, and uses rules and even affects the rules, so, for these souls, you should pay extra, because They are likely to use rules to leave the kingdom of death. "

"Is it half a step legend?"

"Yes." Cui Di replied: "The light I know, the half-step legend does not enter the reincarnation, there are four or five years between the millennium, and even the legend is two."

Duus is a shock!

He suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

If .... These are the death of death, deliberately put out ...

Chapter 986: All places

Death Country, Si Stro returned to his throne, and the lower ghost worship.

There is a wall beam, and the water of the Pluto flows into the body of death, and the jewelry of the star's spot is full of stars, at this time is in one. Off is extinguished.

These are guys who offer souls from Sicro, and at this time, with the disappearance of a soul, Sidero's momentum is also restored at a little bit.

However, if you want to restore the state of leave, you still don't know how long it takes.

The main color of this death: "A small thief! Actually put the gathering beads!"

The Lord of the Death is now angry. If it is not the exclusion of the world's rules, don't say a sanctuary, don't say ten hundred hundreds of people can't take him.

Still stealing something?

Sneezing these guys will die.

But now, the Lord of Death has to accept this fact.

Looking at the ghost below, the death of death took a breath: "New Order!"

The following group of ghosts suddenly pressed the body lower.

"Open the sea of ​​vortices! From today, the land expansion!"

The governor below is silent, the next moment is the sound of the cheers of the mountain!

"From today!" Death is cold and cold: "Death will dominate the world of living!"

The country of death is boiling.

Then, I saw the owner of the death, the kingdom of death was originally above the island, surrounded by the sea, which is the sea of ​​vortex, these are the channels entering the kingdom of death.

Whether it is inhaled by the whirlpool, the final ending is entry into the kingdom of death.

The connection that people have saved, but at this time, with the death of the death, the whole vortex began to boil!

It starts to rise to a huge stone pillar in the whirlpool of the death country.

A large number of sea water was rejected, and after this column stopped, his side, another column slowly rose.

In this way, a column followed by a column, as a puzzle, a bridge connected to the mainland is quiet!

At this time, because there is still few, it is not clear that the situation here is, but it is the first to be unlucky. The first thing is to be unlucky.

As these stone columns rose, such as the nematic tide, bring a large number of marine organisms, as the seawater is getting less and less, these marine creatures panicked one by one.

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