The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1098

In addition to the sea, these stone columns have begun to struggle on this stone.

As this stone pillar is completely flatten, when the kingdom of death is, these is still struggling to stop a move.

Their body began to rot, but the final change is different.

Some of them have a white bone, but there are some variations.

After some fish rotted to half, I suddenly lived over, the body was crazy on these ground, as if the 'vital' is endless, and I will know that the aggressive is extremely strong.

Even starting towards the same kind of attack, but ... I haven't waited for it to attack my own class, a huge paw is taken on his body.

This is a sticky rotted meat tentacle, and the suction cup above the suction cup takes directly to the rotten fish.

In the next moment, a black breath is just a tour of this meat, and this meat is also growing.

This is a big octopus, but this guy has not been much yet, but as he swallowed a live fish and shrimp, the body is swollen by the speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't even start moving, climbed to the front, looking for those newly watered guys.

And this octopus is not the first, nor is the last one.

In his front, a sea otter is also the same situation, this guy has evolved the limbs even in a short period of time to help you quickly move.

After the body of this octopus, there is a conch that is slowly moving, it's all, and even the bones will be left one.

These creatures rises along the road to the direction of this.

A half of the blue crabs that have become red here seem to be hidden from the attack behind, and the speed is climbed forward. Eventually, it is empty, from the edge of this stone pillar.

But on the way he drops, the half red body began to dissipate.

Yes, it is dissipated.

The turning is to dissipate the spot, and finally only half a good body is left, but the paw of this body will play two times, and then fell into the sea. There is no breath.

That has been strong, but I don't know what happened here, I follow this crab.

However, this crab has fallen half of the body, and this sea bream has begun after it leaves the land, the body began to dissipate the crab.

The rules of the world can resist, but for these undead creatures, the link bridge is the place where he can't step down.

However, the Lord of these things will also be considered.

At this time, the main station of death appeared in the canyon full of stars.

These canyons have a small cave, and the owner of death is a step forward, and go to the middle of these boxes.

His mouth has slowly said: "I will give the deceased into the living world of the world!"

The whole canyon is shaking in an instant.

Sicide is just a smile: "I know the biggest limit is myself, I can stay here, but ... other things are not necessarily."

Said, the owner of death, the big death is spreading around, and the death of this death is close to his eyes.

"I am servant, it is when you play, eliminate those living, you can get new students!"

Then, the master of death is one!

A space door appeared in all the country of death.

At the same time, in the deep mountains in the road, or the horns, the door of the hell is slowly opened!

A undead began to come out from the inside.

There are some wisdom creatures in front of the door of hell, they look at the door of the hell, excited to smash: "God! Mik is coming!"

This is the death sect on the mainland.

And they are not dangerous.

The most dangerous is their side, a strong guy who appears.

Not just here, even the gathering of some wisdom creatures, there is also some strange guys.

Their mouth raised: "Is this so fast? Dagger?"

PS: Is it cool?

Chapter 987: Such loyalty

Winter city.

The night is coming, a group of female demon is angry around Wratus, these are all somatoes, but .... The owner of death is these female demon can crack?

It's really getting out, where is the face of this god?

Cruze and others have come to the outside, Jia Pilaira is really can't wait.

"You continue, I will go to sleep first." Jia Pilang Kang said: "You said that you are useless in this place, always guarding the Dusk? Anyway, the main return of death in a short time, You are worried about it. "

"What do you know." Cruze glared at Jia Pilan.

"I know how to make yourself accommodated." Jia Pilai laughed: "I also understand that in addition to Cinda, the trick is very miserable. At this time, the priority must be done first, Cruze .... Your current state, have you played a half-step legend? "

Cruze did not answer.

"Every family is a god." Jia Beilira glanced: "Attacking a lottery at least three times, the third time, this is really casual, let the dramatic wake up, Sicline is angry Do you believe? Or do you think that the strength of the Mons can fight against God? He even a peak area is estimated to be better. You can keep your life, you will go. Still here, I can wake up in a short time. ? "

Seeing Cruz still didn't speak, Jia Beilira slowly said: "I suggest you go back to quickly and take Cruze, our injury is needed to recover, you have been keeping here, when the Sicline is coming, You may have no strength to fight. "

Cruze bite his teeth, and finally took a deep breath: "At this time, I didn't expect you to see more than I am."

Cindi He said: "I see her just consume too much, I want to go to sleep, I don't say that there is no face."

"You don't have to blain, I am clear." Jia Pilai laminated: "Anyway ... the interest relationship is in this, how do you love, I will go back to sleep, you will be free."

Looking at Jia Beilila's departure, Cruze thought, then turned to look at Carlaire, said: "Protecting the Shuis, if you really don't do ....."

He looked at the Deng with Kelly next to him, whispered: "Take the Holy Empire."

Carlisle low: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Remember, you will with the black shadow."


Cruze just went to walk, next to Simida suddenly opened: "Wait."

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