The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1142

Word 1: "You are ..."

"Although the relationship between the Holy See is very good, the contradiction between Shenshine and the regime is, there are some nobles to maintain a reason. Some nobles are stupid. After seeing the Shengguang, the reaction is not better than those fools. How much, even actively embraced the death sect. And some are bad, and then press the regional sect after the Shengguang is extinguished. The result of the death country came over, and they ran away. More There are still some direct to Wang Budan, and there are no regions. "

Said, Kelly's fists settled: "Don't let me find the opportunity! Find the opportunity, I am smashed into the belly!"

Zhus heard the head: "Listen to you, it seems that the nobles in a place are urine. Let's take a look? Go see?"

"No." Deng did not open: "Let's go to the Holy See."

"Don't." Barbara looked at the place where the Shengguang was issued, and the holy light of that place was weaker: "Go see, and anti-way."

Kelly also opened: "The bishop adult, I can't do anything about it."

I didn't shake my head: "I have a distant four-story, this area can recover early, one by one, may have been wasting some time because of this one, and it is broken. Seventeen One thing. "

"Okay." I have to say anything more, and the Springs interrupted him, take a board: "Go and see, what else do we have anything else, I don't know, I don't exist for us. A non-existent thing as the reason for giving up these guys. I don't accept this reason. "

"His Hall, you ....." Deng did not understand Xu Si.

And Xunzu also ignored him, but then the area of ​​the Shenggui to go out.

I still need some time to see the Shengguang and the past, that is, everyone doesn't have any terrain in the sky, but flying directly.

After the place, the crowd found that the place to make a holy light is a church built on the top of the mountain.

This church is now on done, but the cross represents the Holy Title is still hanging above.

However, the cross is tied to a lot of rope on the cross, and when you look at this, it has fallen once, just later everyone tied.

Springs have not yet arrived, and the Shengguang in this church has been extinguished.

The three churches are outside the paladin and some militia are blocking those undead creatures.

The strange thing is that after the Shengguang is extinguished, those who are still in the end of the undead creatures, they have stopped the pace.

Those who have been far away have begun to wander the gods, only some of this church is still attacked.

At this time, a dead gas rose and blocked the front of this church.

The militia and paladies who were still resistant to the paladie were very tacit, and they gave up their opponents withdrawn back.

And those who lost their goals were in this time, they wandered around, they watched the surroundings, and finally resumed the things that did nothing, sway in this area.

"Dead?" A few people look at it.

What they thought before was that this place had a small team who was resisting to the undead, and thought it was saved.

As a result, everyone only guess half, it is indeed a group of guys who are resisting to the undead, but why do you have a dead?

"How to go?" Barbara smashed his hand, and he said: "Survivors installed by the road, or directly like the Savior?"

"Directly go directly." Springs said: "Let's look like the spring, the survivors are also unlike."

Several people did not hesitate to fall from the sky to the front yard of this church.

After landing, let a few people are strange that no one noted their arrival.

At this time, the church in front of the church is laid with weeds and weeds, and the entire front yard is full of unhealthy smell.

In the middle of the yard, there are several people who are cooking, there are still many to eat.

But listening to the sound of that, I knew this thing, don't say oil, there is not much thing that can be chewed.

The yard is lying at least 80 people, and the door of the church opens, inside the church, listening to some painful humming, there are still many people.

In addition to these 'sick regions', there is still a circle of shacks in this church wall, where is there a woman who has a yellow muscle thin, there is a woman, there is a child, there is an old man.

Before everyone saw those militia, some of whom received a few don't know what, then gratified back to their own accommodation, and the people in the hand were given the people inside.

"This is like a refuge." Barba kicked his mouth: "Look at this situation, here is a lot of people come, there are few hundred, and it is in this church, such a place How much? "

Her last sentence is to look at Missing.

Deng did not shake his head: "This .... I really don't know."

"Don't know?" Barbara stunned: "You didn't send a rescue team?"

"Row, the rescue of the expeltion is." Deng said: "But even the team of rescue, it is also the refugee to receive the nearby city, have never heard of the refuge, or so Small refuge. "

After watching, I saw it, and then shrugged: "I don't understand, will I ask?"

PS: Today, I am betting with a editor, so I'm going to eat, I will mix it. Then I found that I was taken by the ancestors.

At the 26th, the old ancestored has been updated about 30,000.

I saw that I was updated at the time, twenty or 30,000, thinking about how to write this, I can't write it, I have no liver. As a result .... Their ancestors only wrote 20,000! And I updated 25W ....

Mom, gambling this kind of thing, really fake! ! I am not lost! Is lost in young!

Chapter 1,26: Dosage

When a few people have to ask questions, I saw the teenage of a black dress in the church.

However, this girl's look is somewhat surprised, there is a strange mark on the left half of the left.

This is not a child, but a brand.

Like what burning red, this kind of thing is still very common in some people, such as .....


The forehead or face of the slave, the neck will hit the owner's brand, and even some slaves have more owners, there are several imprints.

The previous brand has to be destroyed with a red iron piece.

Such guys are the most in this continent, of course, this continent has no human rights.

But even so, slaves are the worst of the worst.

The status is not as good as serfs.

At least the serfs will have this stuff.

The first time I saw Kelly, and Kelly understood what it means, the opening: "Yes .... The Book of the Holy Tree Treatment is the brand, just .... She seems not a slave."

Indeed, this appearance of the girl is not like a slave, even ... there is a paladin to seek what opinions on her side.

And this girl is obviously very good, and when they commented on her, this guy also looked up and looked up.

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