The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1143

After seeing the clothes of the Shuzu, Mrus, their arrival, finally, let the guys in this point will respond.

Next to the paladin around the girl, I said something, then I walked back to the church.

And the paladin was deeply sucking, he waved his hand, and there were three paladies to follow the Sushu and others.

The four people surrounded by the wandering, the paladin was brighter: "Hello, I am the Town Church Paladin - Bark, how many?"

Barbara is very good: "This palace is very good. I thought that I had to say something serious to show your identity."

Buck shakes his head, smirk: "Although some are hard to teeth, but in this place, living things are companions. How many adventures are passing by? Or coming to the adventurers of the North border rescue?"

Kelly and Deng did not wear uniforms, so the Palain couldn't see it.

And as he said, in this place where the dead is, living, at least you can think of friends first.

Deng is always looking to Kelly.

Kelly understood what he meant, she took out a badge, the opening: "The Assignment Knight, the Harley Knight, Kelly, Bark Knight, I want to know what happened here?"

"General Education Knight?" After Bak heard this sentence, his face was shocked first, then quickly took over the badge.

Finally, this guy said complex: "Actually, do someone see our contribution signal?"

It is a paladin to hurry down: "I have seen Kelly adult."

These four palades, including Bak, actually just the first step.

"What happened here, what happened here?" Mori Miss is in the kind of hurry, asked: "Do you have to leave with the rescue knight?"

Four Paladin View Koke: "Rescue Knight? Have you ever?"

"How can there be? The order of the rescue team of the Holy See and the rescue team of the Empire is a town, a town of a village, a village." Deng did not frown: "You are not the paladin of the flying town? Church What is the priest? "

Bark's face complex: "After death, the death of the dead corpse came, the priest was gone in the corpse."

"Then how are you here?" Deng did not understand: "It is not a flying town."

"This is the case." The paladin next to Bak said: "The flying town falls too fast, the militia and the private soldier are covered with the lord's retreat, we can only protect civilians to leave. But. But. ... The undead is too much, we know that there is a church in the top of the mountain, easy to defend, and bring civilians to this place. Even so, our three servants, and two paladies During the way to cover your retreat. "

Hearing here, Kelly has already taught together: "This group of damn nobles!"

The Deng did not have a brow.

It is a hand, he suddenly saw the opening of Boke asked: "Are you a captain?"

Bark nodded: "Yes, you ....."

"Just call it." Springs asked: "How many people are you in the church?"

"Fifteen people." Boke said: "Six Palains have a waiter, and the priest, with two apprentices, and fifteen people."

"How many left now?"

"Well ...." Bak replied: "We are four, there are two primary students, plus two waiters, there is so much left."

Kelly can't: "Fucking, it is ..."

"Hey." Xunus looked at Kelly.

The latter stopped in half.

Bark saw this scene, instantly feeling that the identity of Springs is more simple.

"That is to say that you lose half of the person on the way to retreat?"

Bark nodded: "Yes."

"Is this people in the flying town?" Duus looks around.

"Amount ..." Bak hesitated, and then opened: "Most ... Yes."

"Is there anything?"

"The surrounding village." Bark next to Bak, a paladin quickly opened: "The undead came from around, the disaster is not just the trees, there are some villages around, we have encountered them on the road, take them Come together here. "

"Boss?" Barbara looked at: "You suddenly ask this dry?"

Duus did not answer, but continue to ask: "Who is the woman just now?"

"Barbara is shocked:" I said the boss, you don't have anyone outside, you suddenly let it go! This wake goes back to Croaty. "

"You shut up!" Write a look at Barbara.

After the Xunzu mentioned this name, Bak was clearly panicked. He wiped the sweat of the forehead. He said: "Then, the refugees of a Lock Kingdom, nor I don't know how to run away from this side. , We look at the living, just have to pay together. "

"Yes?" Springs laughed.

"What happened?" Kelly found it wrong.

Dusus said: "The Undead Legion is that someone will go to collectively attack some urban areas, and can command the death spirit even if the death sect is also a few mid- or a high level, and the Bark captain also Low-level strength, his team members are also low-level, but the strength is not as good as him, in the case of the militia, Boke captain. Just borrow six low-level knights, bring these hundreds of people to people. This mountain is church? "

PS: The statistics of February 1, owed 106, and the number 23 opened, and then 24 more. I owe 82.

Then in February, 25W was updated, and after 4,000, it was more than 69. Almost owed 13.

(I don't know if I don't know, if you have a mistake, I remember. The memory of code characters is reduced.)

Then I owe it in February, I still don't count. Anyway ... It is estimated, and the background is still running.

The next chapter will add it.

Chapter 1,27: Wei Wei Li

This sentence of Shu is said that Burkon is sweating.

Kaili also understood what happened, his face was: "Bark Knight, this is what is going on! And, the woman is clearly confident, why is you said by the Lock Kingdom? refugee?"

"This ....." Brer bite his teeth, then said: "She is misunderstood, before the guy who caught her as a spy."

Dusc laughed: "What is the paladies before?"

"Was ..." ... "Bark buse:" Kill it was killed by the undead. "

Xunzu shake his head: "You will really put the pot on the undead."

Kelly's hand put on his sword handle, the expression is serious: "" The Paladin's Knight guidelines you forgotten the Bark Knight! "

Bark is trembled: "Remember."

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