The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1144

"So why do you lie!"

Bark low, as if to use the courage to say: "I, I am really true!"


Kelly Knight Sword out of the sheath!

The three palases next to the Bucket also took out the weapon directly.

"How?" Kelly frowned: "What do you want?"

Buck also scared his face, he slammed back, looked at his own: "What to do! Get the weapon! Do you want to rebel!"

"Boss!" A palace red eye: "What can we do! We are still here in order to protect everyone! The result is just right to sanction us!"

Buckk attire: "I let you collect the weapons! This is the order! You still want to resist!"

The movement here is also attracted to everyone's gaze. One person stands from the ground, went to this, and they did not send, they looked at the Springs.

I don't know why, I am obviously a group of ordinary people, but I have a feeling like a piercing of the soul.

Seeing this scene, Mrus probably understands what.

He lifted his hand and reached out and pressed on the top of Kelly, whispered: "Collect it."

Keli is a bit unsubstably, he looks at it, and Deng has seen it, and then he nodded.

The holy thing actually collapsed by the Poly, and the Shuzu is to look into Bark: "Bark Knight, you may misunderstand, we don't have anything else. We will help you see you. Can protect so many civilians deeply admire. We want to know, just what happened here. I want to know the truth, not something lie. "

Bark took a bite: "Adults, all this is my reason, I did decision, I haven't need to do it under my hand."


"To shut up!"

Springs smiled: "Maybe I have had some problems, let you have some misunderstandings, so .... Let us take a look at the girl just now?"

Bark shakes his head: "Adult, she ... helped us."

"Sure enough?" Xunx tried to make his expression relative: "A death mage helped you."

As a result, this sentence said that Bak is white.

Just when he didn't know what to do, a voice in the church came out: "Bak, let them come in, these people are the sanctuary, we can't stop."

Bark's face is complicated, it is annoyed, there is remorse, but more, it is self-blaming.

"Several adults, please." He lowered his head in front.

I walked into the interior of the church, and everyone found that the bench in this church has been lying on civilians.

These civilians have a black dead, which is more serious than those outside.

And the woman who has just been in a single black is standing in front of the old man lying on the bench. She lifted her hand, and the positive silk was separated from those old people.

When this is completed, she is holding a gauze, holding a wound of the old man, and then has a simple fix.

After all, most of the civilians are dead, not the dead gas, but caused by the wound caused by dead.

However, the old man who has just been packaged is weak at this time.

This girl sighed: "I can do this, put the dead from their body, there is no power."

Seeing this scene, Springs whispered: "Snow."

"I know my brother." Xuecheng ran to the woman, she looked up: "Sister, let it."

This woman may feel that the small look of the snow is not threatened, and the instinct will open the body.

And the snow's hand has already lit a green light.

"Don't use magic." The woman hurriedly said: "After the gas is in the body, their body has changed in a short time. Now the magical element goes, will only let their body can't eat."

However, the next moment, the blood of the blood was still stopped in the blood, and the weak breathing of this old man became more and more powerful.

The snow closed his hand and lifted his head and smiled at this woman: "This is not a magic."


This woman is stupid.

But after a moment, she smiled: "I have seen it."

Said, she looked to aunt and others: "My name is Vivie, as you see, a dead mage."

"The things here have nothing to do with Mr. these Knights, they just want more people to live, I hope that few adults can understand. I will go with you, but .... Please don't look for these knights. Can you have trouble? If you don't have them, there may be no more than half of this. "

"Adults." Boke said: "Miss Wei Wei helped us. If it is not her, we may run out of this place at all. She is not a bad person."

The Deng has slowly said: "But she is a Master of the Dynasty. Kelly."

Kelly suddenly wanted at this time: "Bishop, now?"

Bark is desperate, how is this old man?

This place is more unlucky, can you encounter a bishop and a general teacher?

Deng don't have multiple points: "Yes."

Kelly reluctantly took out a shackles.

Wei Wei Li has extended his hands and a non-rebellion.

At this time, Springs reached out, stoping Kelly, looking at the Deng: "Bishop, you see what happened this abandoned church, no need?"

Keli immediately took the .

I didn't shake your head: "The Hall, the sacred empire is dead for these, and the dead mage of the deceased is only one attitude."

His Havens? Buck is a bit of faint feelings.

However, Shu Scout: "That hacker, we have no prejudice against the Master of the Dece, now I am here, this is also seen in the eyes, then let's sit down and say, if you can't If you say it ... That ... the way is different, I'm going to repair someone. "

PS: The background finally ran out. February monthly ticket 3155, blade 4138, reward 3537. At all owes 72.

On the day, I owe so much in February!

Now I owe 85 chapters and put a screenshot of the background.

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