The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1191

Of course, there is a part of the aristocrats pointing to the sidelines.

"Is my look like a devil?" Springs is curious about Kelly.

Keli said unhappy: "His Royal Highness, are you talking about the devil like a devil, or is it like a human devil more attracting attention?"

"It's also right." He nodded. He looked at the nobles, these nobles, or the second generation of the third generation. After seeing the eyes of the hand, they took back.

"They are afraid of me?" Springs strange.

Kelly blinked: "Maybe, after all, you can come."

Dusus frown: "No. Many have not paid attention to me, say, why do these nobles look .... ?"

"Two factions," Kaili replied: "One side is a conservative, while the radicalist, it can be said that the traditional program of the sacred empire, the royal family and the Millennium peace of the Holy Tree lose these The guys of the guys. "

Springs: "For the lost land?"

"Yeah, one party thinks that the holy trip has decided, then we should make concessions for the development of the people. No one is good to play."

"The other part believes that as the most interesting inheritance, the most purezed aristocrats, they are the margis of the Earl, and they should be the highest expensive Marquis, rather than some of the Empire, and now the Marquis Eight is flat. Oh. Oh. By the way, the radical part is some old aristocrats, and what they still love to sit is to ridicule the new noble. So, this is also a contradictory point. "

Barbara said on the side: "Is the old aristocrats ridicule the new nobleman is not normal?"

"But you have seen the daughter of the four hundred years, ridicule for a hundred years of the count, the eight hundred years of Baron, ridiculed the Marquis of the fifty years?"

Barbara: "I haven't seen it."

"I have never seen it. In the sacred empire, such a thing can happen, even the hereders of the millennium hered, can also be in the royal parliament." Mention this, Kelly faces the expression Also very subtle: "I don't know what they think, no matter what, even if it is a clear and favorable national policy, I will be criticized by this group of old aristors. Let you find a mistake after criticism, find the last, Really good proposal has to go in accordance with the idea of ​​making it, it is true. "

Vivie asked behind Barbara: "Is there this situation in winter?"

"There is no nobleman in winter in the city." Barbara said: "And ... don't say that winter is in the city, this situation will not appear in the Mozu. Although the ethnic old aristocrats have a lot."


"Because those who have a thousand years of Baron, I dare to force the count of the count, others have slammed him." Mr. is surprised to follow: "How do you endure this?"

Keli had no mouth: "The nobles of the nobility is this. The ghost knows why this is."

Snow can't help but say: "This country is really strange."

"Who says not?" Barbara shook his head aside: "The time it is estimated to live in a lifetime, it is not enough, the fart life is quite small, the fart is quite a lot. The elves did not have them."

Kelly glanced at Barbara: "The elves are in fact."

"Fart! Our family is a night ethnic group, do you understand the elves, I understand the elf?"

"You fart, human beings have been in contact with the elves for more than a thousand years, the Elf Dynasty is like we don't know?"

"You are talking."

"You still have an eyelell!"

"Hey." Xunci stopped these two: "Why do you have noisy?"

Keli is straightforward: "She actually questioned my knowledge!"

Barbara: "Get it, except for the knowledge of swearing, I am sincere, and others are joking."

Although this side is talking about the sound as much as possible, after all, it is in the air boat, and there is no compartment, all in the sightseeing cabin. Therefore, Kelly and Barbara attracted a lot of people's attention.

Especially the group of people who are not too big.

A big gang of the aristocrat has been discussing the group.

"A noisy, noisy."

"Hey? Because what is wrong? They have not heard it before the sound is very low?"

"Wow, is the kind of Kelly? How did this guy so love?"

The discussion of the discussion there is gradually increased, which affects Kelly and Barbara that is mutual.

The result has not yet waiting for the reaction, Kelly suddenly turned back, rushing to the group of nobles: "What is your stupid! There is a good thing to stand in front of me BB!"

In an instant, a group of expensive two or three generations of paurs.

As if ... this kind of thing is not the same.

Sudu suddenly felt that this group of people didn't be afraid of themselves.

Kelly came back: "Where is we say?"

Barbara wants to think, then arches the hand: "This game, I will admit!"

PS: The weather is warm, the bug has also come out! Just in order to shoot a bug in front of me, fall in the monitor, I didn't hold back, and I was a slap ... I have a computer desk behind my computer. Temporary to see .... The monitor has not passed away.

Chapter 111: I can't help but

Kelly's roar is alive, it is awesome, but the same, it also attracted some people's attention.

Sylvia came over, she looked at Kelly, and her eyes were helpless: "You start again."

Kelly is constant: "I don't have a quality."

Silvia: "......."

"Forget it, I shouldn't let you be here." Silvia said to look at the Springs: "His Royal Highness, you come with me, there are Kelly, you also together."

Sylvia took them to the front-end observation room at the air boat, so that the monarch was unexpected, there was a strong middle-aged man with Nnei Cole to come here, and here, This one of the nobles who have never seen them have seen.

That strong middle-aged man is aware of, or if it is not a long time, the sacred Empire's reservoir, the peak Sanctuary West Carlo.

During the sacred Empire, it is impossible to only deal with the Holy Holy See.

Barcelono is rushed on a hand.

Hunus has helplessly gone.

"What is the situation?" Barcelono asked whispers: "Contradiction with others?"

Xunus looked at Kelly: "You still don't know the second brother, she .... This is daily."

"This is everyday? Can you still do it?"

"The start of the hand can be more exciting than this."

Sikaro walked over and apologized: "Trust Hall, Kelly will add trouble."

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