The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1192

Springs said with a smile: "The West Carrot is polite, our Kelly Knight is not just known, she has long been familiar with, true love, true love."

Xikaro is good: "You don't mind under the temple, right, I heard that you are going to bring Kelly back to the winter?"

This word is indeed told Silvia. After all ... Kelly is still the minister of the supervisory department, the identity of this Son, can't give it to the Holy Taoist, you can't fall.

Dussen nodded: "Do not meet, the winter is still a talent such as Kelly knight."

Sikaro's side of this side: "I heard that the temple is integrated with all the people, the winter of the winter is in peace, now, your chest is different from ordinary people."

Not all why, a lot of Swiss Carol is a kind of very happy feeling.

Your family is so potential sanctuary, I am turning away, can you still be happy?

Xikaro seems to ask the time to refute to the draft, "Swugu Hall, one thing I always want to ask you."

"You say."

"I have been very curious, how did you do the racial integration of Winter Municipality, but not mess?"

The aquent answer is also simply: "use money."

West Carlo: "........"

He laughed two: "You really will joke in the Hall."

Word blinks: "I haven't joked."

After a wonderful, when he was full of his belly, he was really true that each of these guys was really true. Every time I said the truth, I didn't believe it?

Sylvia is still in the educator Kelly, and Kelly is not blamed with it early, a deputy, you said that you said that there is no problem.

However, someone is dissatisfied at this time.

I saw an old man not full next to: "Under the Hall, you don't want to say it normally, but is this fooling person?"

Next to him, there are two old people, and the expression of the idea is a bit impatient.

Moreover, these guys have a distance from the devil, and Zun will noticed them, and the monks came in a minute, and she took three noses.

I don't know if there is rhinitis.

Sikaro said: "Female is old, I am talking about it, this is not a strange hall."

Barcelo Koh: "He is Le Zuos, don't take it into these three, with the old things of the old school in our old home, B is not, B is very much, every day, I don't usually look good. I am used to, I don't know how the big brother is to bear them. "

"It's actually the same." Til Dad said onside: "Don't be afraid of death? You pack them with an old, a big bureau is not happy. Take them with them, endure, I have passed, anyway, I can't get big waves. But .... Don't let me catch the opportunity. "

"But these three are very incapacitated." Nnei Cor also opened: "There are all kinds of yin and yang weird in front of it, which is human .... No magic is used to it. "

"That is!" Barcelono is not full: "Nini, rest assured, I will help you vent!"

Hey, it seems that there is contradiction between them.

I have also wanted to talk about the challenge, and the province's own actions were misunderstood, just shrugged: "Well, I will bear it."

But many times, the more you let, the more people are more crazy.

Seeing that these demon is just private communication, and this is its own site.

The earliest ladus is not convergeful because of Sikaro's round field, just smashing, then looks to Sikaro: "You are also in the Hall, what can you learn, what can't learn I have to learn, the royal family should constantly study, but ... I have to pick it. What is the place to learn? If you can't manage it, is it a waste? But you want to manage, but the sacred empire, a few Thousands of people, some things, small places can be used, big place ...

Tildad is next to Würtys: "Can this I have to bear it?"

Nini Cole is looking to the West: "Don't worry about it."

Doncons, "Yes, the dog bites you, you still have to bite it back?"

And the sacred Empire is bold, and the face is green, this group of old things, how is it to give face?

But he has no way, can only be filled with a smile, meaning that I will solve it.

In order to avoid the face of the two sides, West Carlo is watching: "Oh, Fischer, but if you can't say so, this age is this age. Our human beings have no such a talent, and The difference between the two are different, can not be said together, seeking to deposit, seeking to deposit. "

Le Zuzi shakes his head: "Forget it, the Hall is also right, but .... After all, there is a well-balanced market, and the rich man is rich. Just follow those civilians want to break your head. I can't think of the aristocratic life. In the Hall, you don't forget your identity. "

"This old man is the death country to destroy the relationship?" Sadzing smiled: "I can't help but."

Til Dadle: "You don't still say that the dog bites you, can you still bite it back?"

Springs snorted: "I can't bite it, can you still kill it?"

PS: This cat is sleeping today, I am in the evening, now I haven't slept yet, is this to defeat me?

It seems that tomorrow is much more tossing it.

Chapter 11:2: Hotmare

Looking at the opposite side, listening to the words of the Springs, Tildad is a little bit.

"I said that I don't do it in this place?" Tildad said: "What is it is also in the Sacred Empire, you are not the same now ....."

Duus did his mouth: "I am not so stupid. But .... I don't believe I can make this grandson myocardial infarction to vomit blood on the spot? Fuck, I now understand why Keli guys hit this group of nobles It is itch. This guy is purely disgusting. "

Tildad joke: "Hey, there is a limit to blow, you have this ability, I will send you Hadi."

"You said." Xusu looked up and opened: "The West Carrot is."

Sikarot is smoked, the most fearful thing ... still is coming.

"Word Hall." Sikarot twisted out, look to the Springs: "What happened?"

"I just reflected in the province." Xuzu said seriously: "It is really a bit wrong with it. It is worthy of the mainland disaster, I should not be so self-private, in fact .... Winter Municipality can do more Ethnic blending, two years from a large population now to seven million people, everyone is still harmonious, there are other reasons. "

"Oh?" Sikaro said that there was no joke, and suddenly came: "Willing to share it in the Hall?"

"Of course." Dusi nodded: "Say it, I was still in the winter of the city. I found some probes ... Amolded friends of the sacred empire, of course, this is not the focus, the focus is .... At the Temple of West Carot, you should know the territory of the king, different from other places? "

Sikaro nodded: "There are too many different places."

"In fact, there is a very important point." Xuus looked at the three old aristocrats. The next sentence is like a sword, and the sword is generally stamped to their hearts: "Winter is the city of the city, no noble."

Sure enough, after this sentence said, the muscles on the three old aristocrats were smoked, and then a guy immediately countered: "His Hall heard it, this is the difference between small places and big places, even The nobles of their management don't need it. "

"You said this." Springs smiled: "Although there is no noble victory, there is an official, the official is responsible for managing the development of the city, the function is the same as the nobles."

Waiting two old things to talk, Xuncus continued: "Sikaro Temple, I just said that the money is not a joke. Imagine a chaotic barren land, the following people walk in the edge of death, eat Don't worry, do you say what they will do? In addition to trouble, robbery, there is something else? Can't help but die, the latter may not die, is you? How do you choose? "

"But when a territory gives them to eat full of food, freeze-not dead houses, these people have become more business, and they also have more people. There is also a lot of trouble." Springs smiled: "Of course, these believe You are more clear than me, after all, humans have more money than the devil. But .... Have you ever thought about why your border cities, don't have money in winter? Just two years ago .... The fiscal revenue of Winter Municipality is only one hundred and twenty gold coins a year. "

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