The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1217

Gandodf was silent for a long time, and took a sentence: "Serious?"

"of course?"

"But element talent ....." Gandoph is going to talk, and the Sundus interrupted him: "I can ignore elemental talents."

"For you, elementality is a rare reason for the magician, but I don't have this kind of concern for me. Of course, there is also a price, such as the magician is not only magic, but also knows the line. Knowing the elements, knowing a variety of knowledge. And most of the city of the winter, the army of the army is actually like me .... Just will be magical. "

"This .... How can this?"

"Dream contract." Xunz laughed and asked: "How, Is Dadothurist interested in learning?"

"I know this!" Gandoffei said: "The Master's country has a lot of guys bought it, IMHO, the upgrade is too slow."

Springs laughed: "Can the takeaway version and my own applicable version?"

Gandoph is a moment of interest: "How much do you have?"

"How much do you want?" Springs asked: "You want me, of course, it takes a certain fee."

"Is the same as those agents?"

"Almost, but I am not ready to receive agency fee, I am going to promote this stuff, the sacred empire has agreed."

The current game contract is not only a money-making tool, or not the money-making tool for the acceptance fee.

This place, after others signed, it is equivalent to giving the soul directly. For Shuzu, gold coins is the most intention in front of these souls.

The Lord of death is hitting the door, saying that he robbers, is there no face?

Gando, thought, then seriously said: "His Royal Highness, please move, we can talk about it."


Death country.

Siyi To, who has been healing, suddenly opened his eyes.

He is still a half-transparent state that is in the soul, this is the price of his death in the world of death.

At this time, his eyes gaze the distant, his mouth rises: "The breath of the soul Baozhu, very good, this group of bastards actually send themselves!"

I saw him slightly, his face, a distorted black space door opened!

Next moment, this has gone out of a dozen guys.

There are people, there is orc, there is a devil, and even elves are elves.

"What are you knowing?"

That man arches: "The country, according to the church information, the living world is holding the mainland summit, exploring the problem of dealing with us. At the minister, this is the opportunity to put them in one pot."

"I think it is not appropriate." The one next to this man, "the orcs quickly said:" This news, the death sect can spend this is quite strange, plus, this group of guys actually select the location in our landing point. Place, this ... is even more strange, the country, this may be a trap. And the restriction of the living world is still there, our landing bridge is not fully constructed ..... "

Si Stro hooks: "No matter what, these guys send the most tempting bait, we have no reason to wait. Notice, prepare for action, no matter what way you use, bring the soul Baozhu to bring me back! "

PS: The day, now the group is no longer a reminder, it is a special reminder to update the catwip ..... After completing the catwip, it is still reminded ..... I have been seen yesterday. A Saima is not the fan of this book in the group, I don't want to have you, the result is the B-station UP master's stunning fan group? '

Very good ... you have enough skin.

PS: Thanks to the five signs of the hi and nine packs.

Chapter 1,17: Pigeon

Top floor in the sky.

Oh, right, the top layer is the observation room, here is the large circle below.

It can be said that this is a two-day in the sky in the sky, and it is the most luxurious place to see.

It is not that a minimal decoration style that is a thousand articles, and it is finally a point.

How do you say that the Springs also saw the side of the Master's face to face.

"What are we waiting?" A double-sided devil asked some impatient.

He is a representative of CuiDi, the Third Moz.

The third magic king family, double-sided magic Trichi, the Mozi called the fraud, but the foreign nationality prefer to call the bloodthirsty magic, like a lottery, a three prince.

Only listening to rumors, the reputation of this guy is similar to the previous Mr. now, is still the strength of the middle level. However, it may be that the existence of Shu will change many people's senses, so .... Everyone is now not a small look at this Cui Di.

Of course, this guy does it really a little neuropathy.

For example, when I arrived, I didn't want to turn into the size of humanity. The result is an insult. The result is that in the first day, I slept in the roof. The strength of the middle-level strength did not let him resist the main high-altitude cold air and The cold wind, compromise in the middle of the night.

It is very surprising to include Tildad, why the Third Moz will send such a very unreliable guy.

"People have not yet arrived." The left hand side of Mrus may be deliberate arrangements, or it is impossible to have a relationship is too nervous, so he is sitting on the left is Allen.

The current emperor of the Locke Kingdom.

Next to Allen is an empty position, next to it is the emperor of the sacred Empire, a white-headed old man who looks more than 60. But his actual age may be bigger.

However, it is relatively drawn to pay attention to the two guys opposite him.

Two wizies, a green hair, a red hair.

It seems that the age seems to have not yet, and they are old.

But the identity is the sacrifice of the forest elf and the blood.

The right hand side of the elf is an extremely elegant orc, he is more than a general human neck, and there is a layer of white feathers on the cheek. There is also a pair of white wings.

Duus looked like an angel, but in fact, this is the chief diplomat of the orc Empire - Swan Swan.

The rumor is the most elegant race of the orc people, has always been a diplomatic industry, which is the highest in the two major kings.

This guy is Airsi, which has a very high cultivation. After the guy is sitting down, it is an orc, but the discipline is even more than orthodox human beings.

After all, in accordance with the words of the priest of the priest, the vocabulary of human vocabulary refers to the human group, this is the vocabulary of the orc, just after the group of Mason's separation, in order to prove that they are different, take away. This vocabulary claims to be human.

Anyway, every time, every heard the problem with the orc arguing, there is a kind of Darwin's coffin board being crucified, and this group is not open.

"I know that I haven't arrived yet, I just wonder when the group of guys arrived?" Cui Di looked at the position around Allen: "I saw a circle, should it be the location of the free federal?"

"Yes." The old king of the sacred empire slowly: "It is good, free federal, always free, they are not only free, what is free."


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