The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1218

Silvia walked over, the left hand of the wizard sat down, said: "I just contacted the free federal people, they said that they would come, everyone will wait."

"It is so late from the distance, and it is so late." Cui Di's dissatisfaction.

Duus rely on Allen, whispered: "Free Federation this is what is the situation? What about it?"

"Normal situation, did you not see a face of the Master's face?" Allen whispered: "If it is usually, the free federal is so fast that we will take it directly, and they said this sentence When it is likely to have no home. "

Springs stunned: "Is this horrible?"

"Freedom." Allen said this sentence when torn: "People say this is freedom, start at the beginning, and then, it is more and more free, all have been freerantees. Air is special Diffuse free breath. "

Dussen is still listening: "Isn't it afraid of being killed?"

"People will be a half-step legend." Allen responded: "The foot is not afraid of wearing shoes, remember that there is a human talks, oh, it is the national exchange meeting of the St. Three-seat organization. Free federal with the sacred Empire. Get up, the guy at that time didn't know how to take a sentence 'had the ability to hit me, you have a book to play in, I have a book to surrender', and the sacred empire of the time. So, isn't it just waiting for them? Wait. "

"It's really wonderful." Springs said.

Allen said: "Compared to them, I think the dwarf is the most strange."

Dawns looked at a big belly, a long beard, a long beard, compiled a variety of twists, while holding a small iron in the hand, drinking in Dungene liqueur.

After drinking, I also hicked out and got that Ansiier frowned frequently.

"At least someone is here." Hunus shakes his head: "Although today is a place to be lifted, I feel that this summit is so strange in addition to your humanity,"

"Don't ask me." Allen's face is depressed: "How do I know? I thought that you were still quite reliable, what is the third magic and elf?"

"People have a good wise." Springs reminded.

Allen scored: "I have a Wushu. Your winter is elf. You should know that the elf is high, but .... The sacrifice is more than one, 100,000 forest elf, I heard that the sacrifice There are seven or eight people .... They sent a long group to come over, I feel that they want to talk about things seriously. "

Shuppus: "You have been in the Elf Islands. Don't say old, people of people will come over."

"Get it, then I still don't want it." Allen said, then said: "But it should be fast, it is generally free to be free, the holy three seats will take it."

Allen sounded, the conference room was embarrassed, and a transmission array appeared.

Next, the holy trip came out from the inside, and Domnique also took a guy to throw it in his position.

This is a human feathers, with a hat, he fell to his own position, the mouth of the small voice: "You can really have an acute child, which is here."

Allen's Words: "I bet with you, they immediately, at least two hundred kilometers from this side."

Word looks at this free federal guy, the more you look like a pigeon fine.

PS: Who knows the timeline of the Actual Agent? Recently prepared for material.

Chapter 118: Can you continue

People finally arrived.

On the host, the San San Pretice is sitting on it.

"The purpose of this summit, I have to be clear when I will come." Youka first appeared: "Before the meeting, please see a magic eye."

Youka made the body, Casel stood up, the wand in her hand waved, and a light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

Then, the light curtain picture shows that the contents of the content is not strange, and it is the situation in the sea of ​​the whirlpool.

Waiting for the magic shadow, Yinka will open again: "This is the case of death, according to some intelligence, what we know is not a simple undead invading, the investigation team we sent is close to a certain distance. There is a weak situation, and once you break into a certain area, then die. "

"So, we suspect that this is the expansion of death. As these stone columns continue to be close, the scope of death knee is constantly expanding. I believe what is the kingdom of death."

As a result, Yichka just finished, Barcelono opened: "It is not necessarily, promise, you see our Cui Di, now a look."

Barcelo, this character ... one is that the high demons are not a garbage, and it is sprayed with one.

However, this Cui Di is open to: "Well ... I .... Don't understand, how is the death of the country? Is it occupied?"

Youni frowned, he looked at Curtis next to: "The third magic is serious?"

Curtis, you don't worry about it: "Explain it. Maybe there is a difficulty?"

Cui Di also knows that this problem may be a bit stupid, the opening: "That, the third Mozang has a little thing, it should be my big brother. But you can rest assured, the communication beacon is still, the father It will know what to say here. "

Younak took a deep breath, then nodded: "Well, this explain, the kingdom of death is the return of the deceased, after death, everyone will return to the death of the death of the Memory of the Wheel, and the kingdom of death It is the collection of this deceased, located in the sea of ​​swirls. The kingdom of death is just not allowed, any country of death, no matter what you are really dead, or living through other ways, theoretical, you They are dead. "

"Can you run out?"

"Can you run?"

Cui Di is : "Is it not possible to enter and out?"

"As long as you go in, it is dead, not coming."

"I stepped in and immediately quit when I was instantly?"

Youki's face is a black: "Are you caravation!"

Cui Di shrinks neck, smiled: "I ... I don't understand it."

"Go in is death." Barcelleto is impatient: "Didn't you see those pictures? Go in, you are coming out? Why don't you ask your chest, a sword, quickly pull out, will you die? ? "

Cui Di suddenly realized: "understand."

Youka is impatient: "Therefore, the expansion of death knee is not the same expansion as our living area, their expansion, white ... Just to turn the world of the dead into the world of the deceased, put the whole The continentalization is the paradise of the deceased. I believe that when you come, I should have a legendary notice, I heard the whisper of death, and destroy this thing .... Obviously, Si Stro is not the first time "

"More than 10,000 years ago." Youka said with a sway, the keyboard of the sigh, appeared in this room, he continued: "Before the birth of the elf, there is a civilization of the seabed fish in the road before the elf. It is the arrival of death. "

Allen raised his hand.

"Do you have anything to ask? Allen?"

Allen pointed to the last side of the sigh, asked: "Who is written by the language of this line ...?"

"The last point lit up the sacred girl of the Holy Tinton." Silvia said: "One of the three sages selected by the goddess can testify, he is the holy slam."

Allen looks to the West.

Dussen nodded: "Yes."

Opposite to Dusi, Ansiier suddenly opened: "IMHO, the Hall of the Hall is a murderous mixed blood, he can become a sacred child? It is really ... Site."

Silvia frowped: "You are doubtful to lying?"

The elegant Sami is just a mouthful: "I just said that everyone's doubts."

"That is my mother." Xius looked at this old swan: "Do you still have opinions?"

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