The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1287

After four hours, everyone walked into a cave, several corners, everyone appeared in a basin, and there were some only tents in the basin, and some of them were very primitive.

There is a lot of wounded in this way with a unsteady, as if it is a self-closed land.

"His Hall! Help can be calculated!" Schak came to the surrounding side, excited and full of guilt: "Sorry, there is a warning, clear you have already told me, I am actually a trick "

"Don't blame you." Springs hind: "I let you prevent the third magic, no one knows that he has already insert so many spies in the cold frost."

Schako shook his head: "Don't get rid of me, it is wrong. After this thing is solved, I will personally go to the magic. I lost this kind of thing, no matter what the reason is me. The fault. "

"Hey, you are busy with your self-blaming." Xusus saw around: "What is the situation now?"

"There is a lot of wounded." Schako said: "And many dead body, it is not good for a while, we don't have that multi-master, it is a trouble."

Dusus looked at this side, then asked: "Is there anything else, I can help it here."

Schola hit a team doctor, the team doctor said: "Because there is nine of death, there are nine, the number of warlocks is not enough, and you can save it three."

"Let's save people first." Xunz said: "Let's take a look at it."

"You are a cool person in the Hall!" Schola quickly made the team.

On the way there, I asked: "Where is it here?"

"I organized a safe house to dig, saying that it is a safety house. In fact, I originally built this stove to get a world manor, I didn't expect this to be used now."

"I looked at the demon inside."

"We are the demon." Schola said: "Most of them need to take care of them here, do not need to take care of the intelligence and widen the way to collect the fortress, and monitor the frost fortress Happening."

"is it safe?"

Schola laughed: "Unless they want to dig down the sky, but .... They don't have so many points, attacking us is the dark spirit magician and vampire. Oh, yes, still There are some undead. "

Talking, everyone arrived in heavy disease zones.

Dusus looked at Kelly, the latter nodded, and the blessing of the holy light began to burn the dead.

And Xunz is just hook his hand, and the dead gas on those people will see what I have seen, and I startally gathered towards the hand of the hand!

"My suggestion." Springs proposal: "The Han Sputplace may not be necessary, the third magic is officially declared war, I suspect that there may be a demon big public ganglong, the winter is a bit far away from this side, material makeup You may not keep up, the Shahua Highlands is so big in the unmanned zone, there is no need to squat on the cold cream. Before the Gong Gong supported by the magic, we can take a good choice. "

Schako nodded: "I also thought of this, in fact, I didn't seem to have a horrible breath last night. However ... Even so, we have to take it out of the supplied materials. Those things can never be handed over to the third magic! "


"Blank crystallization." Schola slowly said: "The crystal that can store various energy, this is the rare thing that digging the iron mine on the top of the upper river. And except those, many instruments are in the fortress Including our soldiers' equipment. So, we must find a way to go in something. "

"Reassured." Springs put his hand: "I will help you. If I can open up a road for you, can you rush in?"

"Even if it is a cold frost, it is just a cave!" Schako said: "His Royal Highness, how many soldiers have you brought?"

"Five hundred." Springs answered.

The smile on the Schok face is stiff!

"Hey? 500 ???" Schako is stupid: "You are kidding!"

PS: Today may be the earliest to rest for a few months. Today can only be three more, the body can't live .... Write a sentence, you can't sleep a minute.

PS: It can be over tomorrow, it will be finished, and it will be new.

Chapter 1,65: I don't go!

"I think this is definitely not a good idea!"

The cold frost is 30 kilometers away.

Here is the current camps of the ground, and the third legion has 20,000 people stationed here.

The ground governance is a very good kinder, even if there is no material, relying on his own ability, it can quickly dig out a camp. At this time, there are some tower responsible for this camp.> Various caves are the underground network.

The only problem is something to eat.

However, the monster did not eat in three days or didn't have a big problem. When he fled, everyone also took some portable dry food. And today, the next day.

"Oh, Schako, don't think about it. I heard the ear hurt." Barbara said next to Shunus: "This sentence you said in this way!"

Schola is also wronged: "Miss Barbara, you have to understand, although the cold frost is in the weak defensive table, but it is also a fortress, you .... You are five hundred light. .. This makes us hit it ... "Who is it not uncomfortable?"

This is what Schak is now worried about, and Mom's Monzes will have five hundred people with him.

Let Sacho have a child who is pointed to the adult, saying that you want to take you to the feeling of Dad.

Too reliable!

Not only him, his two brothers and the remaining generals are also thinking.

The cold frost is coming to the six level points of the magic, but now there is already a rebellion.

"If we don't do it." Carlis is still comforted: "We have six sanctuary, plus you, ten holy regions can't fight the cold frost?"

When I heard this sentence, Schola was relieved: "Oh, this is good, this is good."

The black shadow didn't judge: "Schako, don't you take my soldiers? I don't say it is reinstall, but it is also elite, how do you see it?"

Schola didn't give black shadow face, dissatisfied: "The guy who does not wear in the body will be on the battlefield? Black shadow, you are also with you, how can I don't understand this?"

"That is a good fortune!" Black Shadow said: "I will play, I am waiting for you to come to me."

"Fart, I'm old and the big waves have never seen it!" Schola is very uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't pull this." Xunz put down the gangs of the hand, seeing to Schok: "What is the situation in the cold?"

Schako gave a response: "I have already discovered the temple, and I decided to hit it. They didn't chase it. It should be because people don't have enough. After all, I am afraid that there is an internal response, if there is a sword There are too many words that are too many will be discovered. So now the situation should be waiting for follow-up to support, according to my calculations, we count today, there are still four days.

"What is your original plan?"

"Dig it back." Schola said: "Duding a road that is constantly close to the fortress, I know about every outlet of the cold cream, know the location of the lower water in the inside, as long as digging it, according to those positions The top is the weakest part of the land, then from there. "

"How much is it complete now?"

"70%, if you don't accidentally, you can dig to the place tonight."

Doven eyebrows: "Can people reacted in people?"

"This ... should find some, but the problem is not big." Schola said: "The demonstration of the debris is about more than 500, they can't afford to swell in the cold frost, the most important thing. Many places have only I know that he knows with the next army. So the opportunity is still very big. "

To put this, Schola continued: "So my suggestion is, positive attack, the sanctuary head array, introduce the holy area of ​​the inside, it is best to lead the two despicable bastards. They aside The governor is the most favorable condition for our most favorable conditions. "

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