The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1288

Croaty is a bit dissatisfied: "So, we are bait?"

Schako scratched his head: "Queen, you can't say this, we are tactics."

"That is not a bait." Croatia frowned: "How many sisters do you know?"

Schako shakes his head: "I have seen seven, I don't know it hidden."

Croatya Looks to Springs: "Don't agree on this program, let's take a moment, the weakness is too big. Plus my ability to fight with Barbara is not suitable for positive battles."

"What about your suggestion?"

"Barbara entered the situation."

"Oh !!" Barbara jumped at once: "Don't you don't go! Croaty, you can't make a public enmity! How many sisters don't know! I was caught, a group of hunger thirsty What should I do if the devil gives me a round! There is a dark spirit !! Their book is like this! "

Crone Ya is disappearing: "You usually see what is messy! Let's talk, they don't necessarily like men."

"I don't go anyway!" Barbara shook his head: "Go straight! You bullied me, I also recognized! Elf has many Longyang Ben!"

"You have dare to touch the Lord, isn't you afraid of this?"

"That's because the owner of death is controlled by the rule, then pays all of the three legends to attract it. The hatred value is also good on the boss! And now this cold frost fortress is not waiting for it. Self-investment network! "

Croatia Looks to Springs: "You decide."

The hand is looking to the black shadow: "Is there a problem?"

The black shadow smiled and said: "Hehe you can rest assured! Ammunition is sufficient!"

"That is so fixed." Dusus looks to Schok: "You are as your planned action in the evening, but our holy area can not first shot first, now this situation, the demolition is more advantageous, We have to test their topic. "

Schako: "His Royal Highness, can not say this, do not have a tester?"

The black shadow walked to Schako shot his shoulders, then smiled: "Let's take a look at how the winter is fighting, this is called .... this is called ....." Black shadow scratching the head: "Cell to the word you mentioned at the time."

"modern war."

The black shadow took a shine shoulder, and he was confident: "Yes !! Let you see the modern war!"

PS: The next chapter has a big news to announce!

Chapter 166: Your loss, don't know how to lose

The black shadow came, and the cold frost was like a gap of the beast card in the Naz Mountain.

After years of operation, the cold frost is integrated with the Naz Mountain. There are more than 20 kilometers from the entire cold frost. In addition to the 30,000 regular army, there are many demones who come here.

After all, here is the magic border, not as strict with other ethnic bodies.

According to Schak, there are more than 20,000 devils in addition to 30,000 regular troops, but now.

Everyone does not doubt that these demon is either policed ​​or agreed.

If there is a living, everyone will not force everyone.

The monsters of the Third Legion have begun to move, starting from the bottom to the cold frost fortress, but on the ground, the army is advancing the night color to the cold frost.

When there is still five kilometers from the cold frost, the cold frost wants to come up with the horns.

The face of Schako faces: "We were found."

"It is not surprised." Croaty is not surprised, the dark spirit is the same as the night elf, is the race of the night, and the night is their home, these are unexpected things.

"But I didn't expect this to be found so far, this distance, it is enough to organize the counterattack." Schako took a mouthful: "Continue to advance!"

"How much is their distance?" Springs asked: "Attack Distance."

"The leftmost throwing distance is about 500 meters in that place." Schola said: "However, only a few can do it, and the power is that, the three hundred meters left and right, the warlock attack range."

"There is also a magician." Croaty added: "If you just throw magic do not control, the magician is still no problem."

Schola continues to open: "More than three hundred meters, the best attack distance between the cold frost."

Sprinter frown: "There is nothing far away equipment inside."

"Yes." Schako said: "However, the guns of guns are the third magic, and there is no in the area of ​​Shahua Highlands."

Barbara stunned: "Why didn't you have this?"

Schola is dark black: "Miss Barbara is preparing to persecute me?"

"Ah?" Barbara is inexplicable: "Is it persecuted?"

"This is the Shahua Highlands, our territory." Schaki face: "I put it on here? Is it going to deal with anyone? Is there any enemy behind? Barbara This hat You can't Give me a buckle! The old man can't afford it. "

Barbara stunned, then knead: "I don't understand your political struggle."

Xunke smiled: "Very good."

I nodded in Schok: "It should be, it should be."

Zunn knew that he misunderstood, and did not explain, but he looked at the black shadow on the right: "I will pay attention to protect us safe."

"Rest assured the hall." The black shadow said: "Also, I am on your left. You are Carlisle on the right."

Springs: "........."

"So I said that let you wear clothes!" Duus face ugly: "What natural protective color is said to be Dicus fog, and the result is also fooled together!"

"The best camouflage." Carlis returned.

When the team went to one kilometer, the five hundred people of Xunn stopped, and the black shadow was still staying.

"Hey," Schako is inexplicable: "Why don't they move?"

"Prepare to attack the city." Springs said.

"Ha?" Schola looked at those guys: "His Royal Highness, this is one kilometer! Let's fight above, we have no siege equipment, here?"

"Don't worry," said the laugh: "You will understand for a while."

Schako looked back at the soldiers took out a dark pipe to start assembling, the face was full: "I always feel that it is not reliable."


Han frost fortress.

The two ground governors were mounted to the wall, and asked: "How?"

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