The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1299

The Master Headman and the Orc Empire barely resistant to the violent offensive of the country of death, but the first, and, the second bank has saved.

Now, Shuzheng is standing on the highest in the winter in the city, and when the skyline is black, it moves into the tide of the city. The reason for choosing a look of the Tower is that the winter is not the people's holy area, although it is clear in heaven, other people can also see.

The three wings flew back, and the mouth shouted to "undead! It's the undead!" Duus's castle, Bilra suddenly blotted, next moment, she has appeared in the hand. This fire dragon is: "Springs! You are still troublesome!" Seeing Jia Pilana coming out, the Springs instantly realized the seriousness of things, he smiled: "See clear, this time It is not my hemp, it is hemp to find the door.

"I feel." Jia Beilira said if there is a distance, the mouth said: "The bloodthirsty devil, but this guy's breath has been greatly different, even if it is from this, I can feel it. This guy is a dead gas. What is going on? "

"The Third Mozu is invested, and the cold frost is fortunate." Xunz sucked a breath, as if waiting for something. After a while, Moriati ran up: "His Hall ,,,

"If you want to say that the third magist came over, then he didn't have to say it. I have seen it." The question, but they didn't do it, but I chose straight to the road to the winter.

Xunus looked next to Jia Pilan: This Sterler seems to be smart, no choice to waste time in the new city.

"Don't organize the new city to open the temple." Moriati said: "If they turn over the road, it will be troublesome.

"Let the New Town are ready to be ready, but I don't think they will do this." Springs Layed: a "His purpose is obvious, and go to the new city, just consumes it to consume their strength, this guy It is estimated that it is already known, in me, they can't get even one of the death soldiers through the death magic, so I will give up this idea, but I will go straight to the city. Right, they are the same as before. Composition?

"No." Moriati shake Yao: "According to the front line information, it seems that all the remaining is the kind of undead! It can smell the smell of their body in a few kilometers.

Sprint: "All is the undead?"

"It is white and frowning, told me:" Black shadow, commanding the commanding army to fight, this time, will not be so good. " How is the second legion ready? "The film took a breath:" I have already notified it.

Xunchu hit the tone: "Out of the city! Warfare!" In fact, the information obtained by the frontline observer, these undead did not bring any siege instruments, if the Springs chose to fight the defense battle in winter, the effect will definitely be a lot .

Or a lot of money will definitely go back.

The towering city wall, the defensive law in the winter in the city, this is, but awarded, unless no one is already, no one wants to fight the city war.

Because this is in your home, you will be destroyed for the homes. No one knows.

In particular, there is a legendary sanctuary, in the winter, the city is guarding the city battle, after the finish, the winter in the city is estimated. So, the Shuus is not intended to fight in his own, and all threatened the foreign enemies and the war block the land and the house. It is the best choice.

Plus, the Springs now have enough people. The First Legion has been ready to go, and Schola is waiting for a long time. The Urban Defense Army has already received the order, and it began to aggregate from several urban ponds.

In the end, according to the command of the monarch, the city defense army has a collection of more than 10 kilometers in the western part of the winter, and the third legion soldiers in the West.

To be honest, this is the so many devils who have gathered for the first time. Everyone will continue to move forward in the west, vast, and the scene is spectacular! The good news is that this place in Shahua Highlands has never lacks the open space. The better news is that the new city is in the northwest of the winter in the winter, and then no matter what is development, it is to the north, the eastern part, and the southern development. When Zhugu launched the third army as a fake enemy, never thought Developed to the west. That is, it is mistaken, and there is a new city in the northwest direction.

And now this is given a lot of combat space that don't worry about nothing to damage other things!

However, the Dusus did not go out too far, and the western part of the winter is 10 kilometers, and the dramatics lifts his hand.

The army stopped moving forward, everyone is waiting here. The figure is getting closer and closer. Or, Sterler is very conspicuous.

The body of the double-sided magic legend is strongly oppressed, there is an inexplicable version of two faces on the head. And by his side, there are more than a dozen guys who have no turns into spirit, demon, have a dark spirit, and the magic. These guys have no exception, and the gambling is the holy area!

And they

"Sure enough, this is the same." The diced meal: "This born is now there are two life. After you can't come over, you can come again."

Carlisle reminded: "Good news is they have no wisdom.

Barbara horse demolition: "The bad news is they don't die. Black shadow looked at the Barbara:" You don't talk, no one will take you as dumb. After the look, if he wants to get more undead, tell the truth, if it is not a lot to see those dumplings, it is now estimated that it can really be embedded.

"Sewing." Wei Wei's voice sounded next to Shugus: "You must pay attention to the guys who have grouped those who are grouped, not to say that they have more combat, but you will take the undead, But there are them, those who are never splicing into a new suture. If there is no timely purification and destroyment, we may have to play is not just a round. "Kalais is slowly:" Remind, The third Mo's blood grinding is also, the legendary guy has become one, the undead. Compared to the splice you just said, I want to ask, who goes to the village. "PS: Thank" Zi Xiaomei new bowl of dog food, (Sorry, thank you and your first word first word is a sensitive word can only replace the symbol) Thanks Lu Ye too strong bowl Dog food

It is the first chapter. This is the first chapter. However, if you come back to eight no matter whether the monthly ticket is still a blade! I owe three chapters! ! So, don't stop!

Chapter 1,80: Giant change

Bravidal province.

This is the home of the second Mozu's brutal magic, although the brutal devil belongs to the high devil, the number of people is actually not much, but the cruel delivery is still named this.

The past is also a moon, but it is as before.

More than a thousand years ago, the earliest cruel devil achieved the legend of the legend, and the magic was established directly. Later, when the double-sided devil became the legend, the process of directly self-supporting the third Mozu was almost like the second mill. Why the first magic is always proud, because, as the older inheritance of the ancient devil, the three legends of the Mozu are fearful. But it is just a bad luck. There is still another identity of the cruel market, that is the first territory of the second magic king, brutal devil.

After all, the three sons of Cruze, only Koopo is an orthodox demon.

Here, the fourth army of the cruel millilla is stationed is, it is a Royal Legion.

The first second fourth Legion is a Barceloo, which is Barcelo.

But now, the third with the first legion, the two brothers each have their own hands to hand in the hand. The fourth legion is a legion of a real guardian border, because it is a cruelty, the number of people in the fourth legion is also the most among all corners, adding enough to have 100,000 devils, only 70,000 demon. . Turn these 30,000 evils back to the cruelty, responsible for preventing the first magic.

Opposite to the cruelty, the first Mozu's giant status, the border line of the two Mozu is another river running throughout, Nii River.

Opposite the river is a huge voyage, and the river is a cruelty.

The earliest giant bat province is actually the first aristocracy of the brutal big public, but after the next division, their position is more embarrassing. However, because the grindstones were threatened by the people of the people, they didn't have a fight, which led to a fact that the giant bat bank is the first magic, but the relationship with the second magic is not bad.

At this time, the huge bat in the huge bat in the river in the river in the river was pensive.

He is the cruel devil of the holy area, the fourth army of the fourth army. Because the fourth army is a corps, the Legion head is only one, that is, Koso, but Coopo is not there, the deputy army Cori Titai is responsible for all things of the fourth legion.

"What's wrong with adults?" Aside a fear of the devils, I saw Kehatai's mind. Ke Yan Tai frowned: "What is the latest battle report on the first Mozu? Where is the third magic secret?"

"This is a three-day intelligence." The deputy officials opened a map, and there were a few places that were spent in the map: "This is the third Mozu's forward route, and now the first magic has fallen four. The province, next to unlucky, should it be the place where Minglang City is? After all, it is also a small place. Ketai looked at the map marked on the map, and slowly said in the mouth: "How to feel, the third magist is on the road Beying, according to this route, the Third Mozu seems to be in the emergency army, avoiding the important banks all the way.

"Isn't this a hion?" That officer said: "This group of guys is the ability to infect the kingdom of death. To build a huge death zone, they go to play the market, will only kick the iron board Moreover. If you take a small line, you can turn a lot of troops.

Ke Yantai nodded: "It's so saying, but now, they can go clear, or you can go, huge voyage.

This official smiled: "Adults, the giant status province is related to our relationship, the third magic is not known, they don't have to first pick this bone, the first magic is not asked us, but it does not mean that the giant bat is not Will it. They will only give themselves to add enemies without empty. Ke Yantai snorted: "The first magic is can't let go of the so-called the most magic shelf! As a result, it will be lost now. "But Ke Yan Tai finished, but he or told:" This way, send a spozo to the side of the big bat, by the way, let them provide us with the news! "

"This advice, you can rest assured." That officer said: "What is the dream of the dream of the Dream World, we have already given a solution, although many nobles feel that it is a world of enhancing strength, or a simple drunken dream, but in the big emperor It was found that this is actually an unparalleled information notice platform.

"Don't need to build a responsible communication law, do not need to be discovered, crystal, only need to sleep, you can do the delivery of information.

"When is the information next time?"

"It is estimated that it is fast." This deputy official replied: "This afternoon?"

Cori Thai brow If: "Can you reciprocate.

"What are you worried about?"

"The Third Mozu invaded the cold frost, although the Shahua Highlands gave it back, but this proved that the third magic is not intended to find the trouble of the first magic, they have not planned us. ! "

"But they failed, I lost 100,000." That officer said very easy: "This loss, the third magic is still a short time? Adults, you are worried about the third magistrate Take a huge voyage, then hit our second magic from the giant bats?

"Isn't there this possible right?"

The deputy officer wants to think, open: "IMHO, unless the third family is coming to death, otherwise it will not choose this, they don't eat the first Mozu, and they will play us directly. If the things in the cold festival are successful, maybe there is so possible, but after the cold, it is necessary to refract, as long as it is not idiot, it should not be so choosing. If you want to play, the first magic What should I do? Is the first Mozheng going this opportunity? "

This official voice is just falling, and there is a commander who has ran over. He handed a letter to the deputy officer. The officer laughed: "Adults, the latest information is coming. Kete nodded:" What is it?

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