The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1300

This official opened, and then the face turned sharply.

He brushed it to Ketet, and he didn't believe in the voice: "The giant bat is falling! The third magic is still in the north!"


At this time, the sound of the sound is extremely harmful! Ke Yan Thai's face brush, it is white: "The country has a duke, rebellion! PS: Today's ticket 99, reward 114, blade 88! So it is to add more chapters! This is the second chapter of the addition, Another chapter is now coming out.

PS: This time I opened a reward, I feel that it is not enough to say that there is no reason?

Chapter 1181: Change Dynasty (Five More)

The first magic mill is grinding. * two * *

On the ancient temple, the two magic shadows smashed down!

This is the first , ,

Timdar ran quickly, and shouted anxiously: "Father! Father!"

"His Royal Highness, don't block the way!" Cairt Dagong said: "Fast, send the temple to the temple!"

At this time, the NASRI face is pale, under the support of the guard, entered the temple of the Devil.

Immediately, Xuan Tie's magic temple is closed, and countless Yuan So magic can start gathering towards the demon temple! This is the place where Nasrez.

"What happened to Sverter uncle." Timdal is nervous to see if herself uncle, it is anxious: "Are you not to deal with the father of the nephew?" How to make a sudden attack This legendary magic land is sitting? And the other party has no legend, and how do you dare to invade a legendary first?

The last forest Elf King on the mainland that helped the darkness, is their topic. At Nasrez, it was going to solve that guy!

The injuries of Svertel were directly sitting on the stairs. His face was white: "We were ambush! Dark spirits did not have legend, but there were still a few of the half-step legend. Ambush! "

The Duke of Saatt is full of embarrassment: "Old Three He, did not come back.

Timdar's head is blowing, the first magic, the current situation is equal to the loss of a legendary combat power and dead one half-step legend!

"The Third Mozi!" Timdal asked: There is also a dark spirit, what is the situation now! "

"You can rest assured in this hion." Duke of Saatt replied: The forest elf king has been killed, otherwise you will not hurt this. "I heard this news, Timdal finally gone tone:" That's good, that's good, have a uncle, my big brother,? "

"The big emperor is still recovering the land and the Android Dagong. But it is very dangerous." Duke of Saatt replied: "It is a temple, you must be very safe. Timad is bitter:" Uncle Saart, you will Don't laugh at me, I am banned in the magic.

However, I got good news, Timadar himself easily: "However, Uncle Sare, you don't seem to have anything, this is really great.

The Duke of Saatt smiled: "Of course, we used we helped the king to cover the wind, this time, the total change.

"That's that is." Timdal nodded and responded, but I just laughed without two, the prince's smile was stissible.

He looked at the laughter of Selt, the heart has risen a slenderness: Uncle Saier, you, what do you mean? The Duke of Saart stood up, at this time, the dark shadow flashed into this temple, and the Devil's temple is that the spell of falling a road! The spell attached to the Devil's temple, then turned into the lock of the Devils as the lock chain! The guards in front of the Devil's temple, suddenly broke out of the bloody fog, and killed! Timdal's body has been completely trembled: "Uncle Saar, you, what are you doing!"

The Duke of Saart released the hand to cover the waist and looked at the direction of the Devil: "Under the second emperor, do you know what?"

,what? "

"The elements of the ancient devils are separated from the inside of the lapse." The Duke of Saatt said: "The last time, it should be a few decades ago. At that time, the brutal devil Wang Cruze and the three-step legendary big public joined hands. Seal Red Long Jiamilira in the snow mountain.

Timadal has already faced a shameful: "Sealing and Printing Legend?"

Selt laughed: "Of course, the conditions are limited, such as the second Trinity in the first court is guided by the gold market, plus Jia Pilan is going to sleep, but now we don't need it so much After all, Nasrez has been seriously injured. Now use this, it is simple. Timad is like understanding what, he lows: "Duke of Saar! Are you going to rebel! The Duke of Saart just laughed: "You can say it, but in fact, I am just simple, choose a better path.

. You also became a dog in the country of death! "

Duke of Saatt did not care about: "Have you worked with guys who didn't work with the death country?"

"I am, for,

"Catch it is right?" Duke of Saatt faintly said: "Not only you, including Tildad is also, you have worked with the kingdom of death, you can, why don't you?"

The Duke of the Duke is like Timadar: "And why do you commit these mistakes, but you don't need to bear the consequences?"

Timdal took a step back, said: "Uncle Saar! I know, I know that Hadi's death is very sad, but Hadi is a monk! He is a monk! "And this is still not counting, he biting his teeth:" The initial experiment is also your head! It is Nasrez to want the so-called experiment! But the last experiment is the devil of our territory, even after the later cultivation experiment It is also the devil in my territory! The anger of the sacred empire is also our family to bear! Even if there is a matter of Sundus! He is still a hated us! And you! Always accept the benefits, but don't take any responsibility! "

"I told Hadi countless all over! Let him stay at home! Result!" The old Duke's eyes are red: "It is you bringing him out!"

,,,, I am also for Hardi! Timdal continued to retreat: "He is because of the matter is abominable, I am also to let it be with me, share my fun with my Gong.

s plan! ! Obviously, you can see that a lot! Obviously, a bunch of things you have come out! Timadar, I really want to ask. "The old budes are full of killing:" Why can you, if you come back! "

"Uncle Saart.

"Don't worry." Selite was calm down, and he ignited the magic in his hand: "I will go to him! I will definitely! But before this, Timadar, you should also pay attention!"

Ert fists into Timdal's chest and played his heart!

"I sent you to death, remember, if you see Hadi, don't forget to tell him that from today, the first magic, change the charming!"

level! Cyrt pinching what is going. PS: Today's Five is more complete! ! And it is much better than before, so everyone monthly ticket blade remembers it! The temporary situation is that the arrears are finished, no credit! So the May ticket knife rewards the coffee! ! ! !

Chapter 1,82: All mess

The voice of this sad horn is not sudden, this predictor's voice. There is only one reason for the emergence! Duke version of the country! Ke Yan Tai brush to look at his deputy: "Fast, go straight! What happened!"

Yes, adults! "This official does not dare to have any residence, and this moment, he also understands that the current developments have not been as simple as they think! After this arrogant, Ketai did not leave, The horn is coming out of the camp, then the more far!

This is the resident angle of the fourth army.

Ke Yantai returned to his own military account, and the various sanctuary had gathered in his military account.

Everyone's face is confused and confused, I don't understand that I am still good before, how suddenly seems to have changed? But it's good to make a shot before Shu, so now they still think of some, not panic.

Ke Yantai took a sigh of relief, stabilized, positive

The generals did not speak, just nodded and waited.

Keantai continued to say the state, always pay attention to the huge bat bank. Just got news, the Third and Dark Emperor's coalition has been captured in the province, and now I am on the road. Therefore, I am inference this Third Mozu and the elves will invade my second magic.

"The dismantry is the origin of our family!" A brutal magic will stand up: "Swear to defend the province!

"Swear to defend the province!" A group of people shouted.

Seeing everyone, Ke Yantai nodded, and the fourth army didn't really hit the soldiers. There were not many small doors, and before, Kibo was tuned, 30,000 people were really blood, there These, it is more embarrassed. There are many things to deal with some sneak demon, the water robbers, and there are mountainous thieves. The most powerful, that is, helping the Senate to clean up some nobleguards, fight with those aristocratic private army.

Participated in the joint training played a lot, this is also the time to pull it when I first implant the battle. These guys can now have such awareness, so Ketai is very satisfied. Kete got up, pointed to a few points of the map: "Well, there is about five kilometers five kilometers, but these are not what we need to care. We need to pay attention to these three points." 0A567

"The first is the Thai Island, although there are five kilometers, but there are a large number of small islands in the middle of the two sides can be logged in. The second point is the national door industry. Here is the most gentle place in the water flow, the third place is ,

Ke Yan Taidai didn't finish it, a wing magic sanctuary suddenly lifted: "Adult, I have a question.

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