The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1301

"Well?" Wing is the most common medium devil of the Mozu, because the ability of the six lines is not low in each Mozu.

In the second magic, the wing is the most logo of the cruelty. Including the past, the wing of the devil is obviously the Dawang.

"According to the intelligence." This wing said: "These teams rushed out from the sea, the first magic south coast of the sea, the adults, our door, this is the same river, is there a river?"

"They need to supplement their own combat power. And this group of coalitions all the way, from the first Mozu directly penetrated our side, not to travel," Kezhen replied: "You want to have it, if they went around us all the way What is the purpose of all the cities, directly into the purpose of our compound? Pull out a sufficiently from the front of it and be broken by each click? "

"If, their purpose is to Magic," The Wings are worried about: "Nowadays, I am shocked, I haven't yet younger, if they are associated with those guys in the group,

"Then they have to clean up a big enough buffer zone." Kehatai has some common sense of these guys, can only explain: "They are in invasion, not breakout, they don't need to hide us, need Then we smash it, then clean up! This way they have enough space to show the next thing. If they are just in order to come, they will not be able to play down five in the province.

"They are gone.

"But they destroyed the five-way defense power, so that they don't have to worry about the crisis behind the butt time." Kezhen was slowly said: "So, don't have a luck, this is a must face The hard battle! "Ke Yantai's voice just fell, and he thought of a whistling wind!

I saw him directly in the big account directly: "Adult! It's until!"

"what happened!"

"Big rebel!" Kezhen bite his teeth: "The Wings Women's Magic Rose Golden Home Castle! They leaders a large number of aristocratic rebels to the devil!" Kezhen Taizi squatted: "Wings Women

That officer nodded: "Yes, it is him."

"Why is it for them?" Kezhen's eyes were full: "Shouldn't you be a Anderson family?

"This is not known." The officer shakes his head: "The Rosekin family has already pulled the flag, and now I don't know where it is. Coriitai sucks a tone:" Things will not be as simple! " I didn't remember, the Rosekin family wanted to go to the devil, and the place where to pass was just in the south of the cruelty.

The eyes of the officer: "Adults, should we intercept them?"

"There is this necessary." Kezhen said: "If you can, we have to give the temple to try them. However, there is no simple, and the urgent angle appears again, the military account is incredible. Shout: "So fast! "

Obviously, the front line has discovered the trace of the third magic, and seconds! Only Ke Yantai, his eyes have fallen: ", how is it so clever!" He looked to his deputy official: "Immediately inform the temple! This is a premeditated attack! Not only is us, let the Hall must Pay attention to other legions! At this time, the second magic country is in the country. The strong undead came out of the mountains, their followers, followed the horrible undead army! PS: The mentality was blown, thinking that today, the result, , I actually latency!!!! It's hard to die !!!!

Chapter 1,83: Barbara's role

Shahua Highlands. * 2 * Look * Book Sterler's undead army stopped from 5 kilometers away from Sirus. Before the bloodthirsty princes, the Undeading Legion has stopped.

The monks of the expenditure's high slope ground saw this scene, which probably understood what it means.

"Jia Pilan is walking with me, others stay here.

"People have a legend, don't worry."

When the Springs festive, the person had already fly out, Jia Pilal was followed.

But just flew out, Mrus directly turned back, opening: "Barbara, come over. Barbara:" ! " Call me to do it! "

"Not the boss! People's legend!"

"Don't!! Don't make a boss !!!" The side is the scream of Barbara. Sterler looked at the three guys in front of his face: "Springs, your courage is much bigger than I think. This time I dare to appear in front of a legend. I returned: "Sterler is not too much to see about me. When Sicline came to Winter City, the king was still standing outside.

Sterler nodded: "The Hall is also a teenager hero, but if there is no Jia Beilla, you are estimated to be so calm?" Barbara scored next to Shunu: "This is not a fart Do you talk to you without legend? We are not idiot. Stelbrow wrinkle wrinkled ", you are not small. "Barbara thought of, she covered his mouth, the sound came out from the finger:" You talk, you talk, I don't plug. " Sterler is a legend, naturally too lazy to follow Barbara, he looks at the West: "I am here, there is something to discuss with the Hall. Xiusi smiled slightly smile

"Do you always show some strength?" Sterler did not blush: "Otherwise, I am afraid that I don't understand what I face."

"I think we have nothing to talk about." Xizhu blinna, if the Si Sitro has been understood, I grabbed his business. And he wants me to die, but I will not be by him. The rules are managed, and he can't even use the powers of death to kill me. And you, the dog legs of death, talk to me and talk about it? "This obvious ridicule means that the meaning of the meaning has not allowed Sterler, He just laughed: "Well, I prefer to call myself for the believers. Just like you, the moon god god, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred I have said: "I am different from you. Sterler stapped: "The Lord of Death is the god of the existing teaching tube, which is different from other gods. We are loyal to who, who is the power, who is the force, what is it? Do you have you? Is it necessary to tell me what is my life? "Barbara let go of the hands:" Is it different, the boss makes the elf Queen, you are 10 Does the undead? "Sterler was originally confident, the face was stiff! Almost instantly, his face is directly black. And it can't say a word. I found that Parbara, I found that I was holding my mouth: "Sorry! I am not deliberate! You continue. Jia Beilila opens in the hand:" I understand that you take her to take her. "Sterler saw Barbara hiding behind, deeply sucking a breath, reasoning, as a bloodthirsty magic, fraud, but I don't know why! In front of this, the half charm is like every sentence. Can directly rush, with a inexplicable unreasonable logic, if your logic is impacted, let your head in your head, a name is a angry thing! Especially turned, this The bastards always have a few extraordinary leaves, so that you feel that he is dirty, thus can't be angry!

Sterler jumped: "In the His Royal Highness, your guard is really ivory, this kind can be said, nor do you know how to live now. His is this sentence to see Barbara The reaction, but he saw that Barbara was standing behind the mouth. After a sentence, he didn't say it. Duus just laughed: "It is used to it, nothing. But I am very curious now, what is going to talk to me? "

"The king doesn't want to dispute with you." Sterler said: After all, Jia Beilila's famous millennium has been loud, I don't have to be desperate. Jia Beilla is proud of "Cut, know it!" Shuzu squinted: "So, you don't want to dispute with disputes, just bring this six thousand death army to my door? "

"But I also have my own task." Sterler smiled: That is to find your trouble, but this trouble is not specified, I think, take them over, should it be? " At least it looks now, it is not small for you. Springs vain eyes: "So I am also very wonderful, Sterler is a magic master, how can you succumb to death? You are a living, he is dead, even his son is going in. Sterler smiles: "There is a sentence called ignorant, and it is too suitable to describe you. Do you think yourself, think that this mainland is facing? That is a god! A god of death! He is the ultimate life of life is a step in all life! You don't know the horror of death, but I am clear! I know what is a real power, this is a battle that has been destined to the results from the beginning! "Willing Screen:" Death should stay in it, he is a rule, there should be something else. Sterler actually shook his head is the first batch, but the summit tells me that they are not the first batch, there is another batch! There are many guys who resist, but only one is in the end! So under the Hall, when you really go to know, you will know how much my choice is! 'Barbara came out later, she looked up to Stern: "That, I know that I shouldn't talk, but I can't help but want to take the liberty, you said, Since you are so respecting the Lord of Death, you,

"Do you want to return to the arms of God, such as, in front of us to perform a suicide?" PS: Thank you for 40 blades! Then, the guarantee is completed, now the blade 96, reward 1, monthly ticket 77, you work hard! ! Otherwise, this is more can't catch up with the speed of I have updated!

Chapter 1,84: Simple math

"Bastard !!" Steler suddenly looked at Barbara: "I have been to you for a long time!"

How is this guy? "Barbara is hiding behind:" Do you! I will not ask two times! "

Steel's eyes fiercely looked at Barbara, but the next moment, Jia Pilan's figure appeared in front of Barbara. * two * Look * Book This legendary dragon haha ​​laughed: Steller, hello a legendary dominant! Actually with such a little girl and real grid! Do you not lose? "

"Rolling! Point than Li Li!" Sterler stunned, the body of ten meters, the body of more than 30 meters! Jia Beilira snorted: "Do you think that the mother is afraid of you?"

Bili Lati is a long-awaited, her human body is wrapped in a flash, and the huge body is present in the flame!

Jia Pilai Lei Yang Xiaodao: "Stirler, I want to do it, I have passed my heart!"

"You think that I am afraid you don't become" St. Stele! Ethereal original Dira!

Barbara took the sky, saying: "The boss, the number of people seems to be a little small, I will say a few words.

"Yes, your task is very good." Xushu smiled: "This self-cultivation wants to come to a battlefield guy, to treat him, to play, where to play, where is so much nonsense? The legend is except for the end and tells me so much? Say to tell yourself, you will be retired. "

Barbara put down his head, then said: "Then the boss, should we go back? You should pay attention to it over there."

Barbara pointed to the distance.

More than a dozen sings of the sanctuary, the hook is staring, and the undead army is also irritating. The air in the air is blown up with the magic, as if it is a signal. The undersnel rushed out!

Looking at the hidden descending, Springs took out the newsletter: "Anna, how is your side? 0, COT

"The angle adjustment is complete, if this is the kind of experiment, it is not a problem.

Xunzu smiled: "Let's start, I will send this group of undead!"

Winter city wall. Anna floats in the air, the sanctuary is blessing, and the sound is Lang: "The gun is adjusted, the target is the southwest, the stone is 40 degrees."

Defense, some people are responsible for conveying Anna's voice, and of course there is reply.

"Received, the target southwest, right 40 degrees.

Founded in the martial arts, inspection, killing, holy bullet, accompanied by burning.

"Received, driven, holy bullet, accompanied by burning bombs."

"Twenty-eight kilometers, sight amplification, report aiming distance information.

"The distance is aimed at six levels. Please correct the risk to correct."

At this time, Anna's hand has a string of information on the crystal ball.

As the information is released, a string of data appears on the crystal ball in Anna's hand, then, I saw Anna Hand, the information in the crystal ball fell in the hand of each of the observed hands, and the reply appeared.

"1 area correction is completed, the correction of the zone is completed, and the 3 area correction is completed."

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