The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1339


"Above the mainland, to ensure the blood of the throne is the blood, to ensure that the inheritance of the blood is strength! It is legend, the legend gives the bloodline, not the meaning of the blood.

"Our magistrate, low-middle and high devils, is it dependent on blood? The Hemillar is a high devil. It is the messenger of the devil. But now? They are just a group of ordinary middle devilies. Ancient brutal devil is just a group of midstream Devil is a pioneer of war, but now we are a query! "

"The strength gives us the meaning of our blood. The blood of our ethnic status." Cruze see if Koso: "The Cruise's centralized system can be said to be the most hope of the school. Father once also feels his The idea is very good, but I will give up soon. Do you know what? "Koso blinked

"Yes." Cruz picked up: We separate the aristocrats, the nobles help us guard our frontiers, they create military, guarding their homes, providing the kingdom to provide taxec economies and food, if necessary, they are loyal to us . The Senate is the unioness of the nobles, but they have the voice of the royal dialogue, and the two sides take the need, we provide them with pairs, they bring us peace and what we need.

"If it is a collection?" Cruze saw if his own big son: "You need to handle what you need, getting from a city into a country, but don't forget. We still need your strength. Every day in the kingdom has a variety of things, these things will be handled, how many time do you have a day? "

"Calling can make a more efficient operation of a country, but this is alcoholic for your time." Cruze slowly said: "And your time is your strength, you don't have time to practice and improve strength. So what is the focus of this country? What protects the position of the royal family? "Koso is stunned with Barcelo.

Barceloch is even more scratched: "The third, he,,

"Xunn is used for a year from low to overtime, and used two years to reach the sanctuary." Cruze slowly: the ground, because he is time, some is energy. Rock Kingdom,

"The Rock Kingdom is almost no different, and the king of Rock is Allen, and he can focus on Catherine because he is standing behind him. He only needs responsible director, strength, Replenish by Cather. Now, do you understand? "Koopo thought about anything:" Cuise the father! "Cruz nodded:" Today is a special situation, special time special treatment, this king will not interfere with you Any decision, just want you to understand. A policy, it is not applicable to all places, Kosophone, you have your own ability, don't learn your three brothers without a flavor. "Koopo low:" Xie father! "PS : Sure enough, the place, the update is much early!

Chapter 1237: Prism Plan

"Here, later is your base. Inside the game

This is a city that Zhaus has just established.

At this time, I have stayed at the National Security Bureau of the Winter Municipality, which is selected. And other nodes are still hosted by the old NPC and new NPCs in the game world. The so-called new NPC is the NPC of his soul, but they can't walk around the game.

In the central building of this city, it is divided into a huge room, and there is a lot of screens in each room. Inside these screens, the record is not something else, but the player! The main thing is the player who is caught by the monk. Moriati has been called to the 9th.

"This, what is this?" Moriati looked at this room, the glitter in the eyes, the player under the screen, as if in front of him, there is no privacy!

"New stronghold." Springs smiled: "I call it ,,,,, CTOS headquarters! And here, will be a new plan to open.

"New plan?" The nine eyes are also a strong interest: "What plan?"

"Prism Scheme." Springs Dark: "This now is now the picture I found to use the Dream World to deliver a variety of news in the mainland of various news. The so-called prism counts, let these people are completely exposed Under our monitoring, all information we can get and use. You will be responsible for monitoring some of their actions in the dream world, including eating sleep, even, taking a bath and more in-depth communication, then finishing Out of useful information. "Moriati fiercely looked to Shu:" But the Hall, they can't be all, do you have a missing? "Duus nodded:" Yes, this is You need to find it, except for some important winter men, you can't listen, other, so many pictures, the permissions I will let you call anyone's information, including his online time, downline record, move Tracks, etc.! "" "" "This, need timely storage? '

"This city will save you, of course, you can also record and call themselves. I can only find so much now. After all, you are this line of professional, I need you to take a guy who uses the dream world. A! One is not leaking! The eye is flashing in the eyes of the 9th:

"You are responsible for people to enter, how to conduct security and confidential work is the responsibility of your national security bureau." The Duus Face is 6 "The king's order is only one! This will be the highest secret in Winter City! Not allowed Silk leaks! In addition to the staff here, no one will know the existence of this city! No one will know that there is a group of staff. Can you understand? 'In a world, personal privacy is actually one No one will privacy in a person, so this command is not afraid that the impact after a plan is exposed, but is simple, and if you have no preparation, you can include it. At sufficient information!

"The role of dreams in the dream world is not just that we can use. Every family is useful, this is not a good news for us. But good news is, we can monitor them. We can know what they know, and they I don't know what we know. I believe that in the near future, there may be a plan to be completed in the dream world, what we have to do is to prevent everything in the end, know all the conspiracy in this continent! " Looks if the ninth and Moriati: "And the components inside, the two should be more clear than me. Dien nodded, and then asked:" What do you have to ask? Moriati smashed his eyes, then said: "His Royal Highness, I think there is still some other use here.

"For example, monitoring everyone we don't like." Moriati said: "The Smart Biological Fair is in a place where it is considered safe, not just our enemy, including our opponent, we can conduct a full range in the dream world Monitor, record his words, and use it from time to time. Jiubi suddenly said: Is this not exposed this place?

Moriati smiled: "Do you think you have been monitored? Or, someone discloses? No. 9 suddenly laughed:" Yes. " Xunz screamed, then gratified to Moriati: "Yes, I really realize the true meaning of CTOS, but we have to go step by step, now this place, mostly used to monitor the world of dreams Guy, what you said, maybe after war, we want to develop the direction. Say if you have a positive color: "You have to grade the information here, and then send the sealed information by passing the port. So, just monitoring is not all work, you will also analyze, but also dangerous grading, then make the most accurate information report. Even if necessary, you still need to interfere with some intelligence, and so on. The burden of your position will be very important, and you will be mentally prepared. No. 9 stapped: "I am responsible for internal, these things are Moriati's live.

Moriati just laughed: "His Royal Highness, let me, you can rest assured."

"Very good, then you are familiar with this place first." Springs refer to a thick book: E is the operating manual, you learn. I will continue to continue, I look forward to your harvest.

Duus is about to leave, but the 9th suddenly opened: "In the Hall, I feel that I have to ask.

"You said.

"About the problem of monitoring." Some people in the city: "Some people in winter cannot be monitored, then our allies? I remember that the Master's country and Lock Kingdom are our allies, I can believe them. I know what to do, but I need a one of your attitude. After the feet, I will open the mouth: "I believe in them, but we have to know that you can believe them. No. 9 mouth rises: "If you wish you? Ps: I believe that this story should be? Hey, _ before _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!! People continue to guess!

Chapter 1238: Sell a daughter


Outside the magic, the old territory wrinkled in the military account of Anderson: so many army! How did you disappear? "

"Love, the news on the intelligence department." A commander war war said: "One night, the guy who follows the winter to the city army disappeared, not just the disappearance of the magic, including another A army who did not go to Winter Municipality also disappeared.

"It is drank, tens of thousands of people can't have location?" The cold female voice appeared, this is the Duke of Rosskin.

,",,do not know

"Rosskin." Anderson looked next to the sly face: "What do you think? Jia Pilal is shot?" Rosekashi shook his head: "Legend shot, even if we don't feel, the legend is not Is it? '

"There is no breeding of the country, this distance is really mysterious." Anderson said: Can only feel the legend in your own country, only the legendary country, the foreign legend can not be. And you look at the distance that disappears, and the difference between the magic.

"If you are like this." Rose Jin frowned: "Stirbe's waste, what is the Dinner, fraudulent, even a dragon coming!"

Anderson reminded: "In fact, a legend has a little bit of powerfulness to the original Bilra, is we all taught? When you seal her. Rosekin black black.

"That is not dead.

"Jia Pilana is definitely not good." Anderson said: "But we must prevent this group of guys suddenly attacked, adding troops to the rear.

"I have no opinion." Rosskin said: "What is the situation there?"

A group of foolish eggs

"The command." Anderson's viewing commander "is fully committed to the Agge Bodget family! They are even bid to report it!"

"Yes!" The commander ran down. Rosekin is to look at Anderson: "Below, we should think about it, how to lead Cruze."

Anderson's mouth smoked: "This is not a simple thing.

A army is unplugged from the second magic. Among them, Luo Aggburi private army is more than 800,000 evils, the fifth corps army 30,000 devil. The enemy of the Mozi has always been the side of humanity, and the most old first magic, the first and fourth legion is the most.

The third and sixth corps are the boundaries of the second and third people, so there are not many quantities. If needed, the Aigbot family can take out how much the devil, the fifth army is also. However, the Aigbot family suddenly broke the undead disaster, which requires enough people to deal with these undeads.

Speak the truth,

He went to the winter, the fruit dare to Zuus, and the holy area made the legend of the legend as a self-service.

At that time, he was not only after seeing Jia Beilira, but Eigbot saw the unparalleled future!

A legendary hand? Even if it is a big king, it is also a competitiveness.

However, later talked to his daughter, the Duke of this person found that the people did not perform in this three princes, and his heart was actually a terrible thing in his heart!

He has no interest in the throne, but he continues to develop his own city, constantly instill a terrorist idea.

That is the only idea, and even awarded to the nobleman, let himself become the only way!

All of this shows the unparalleled ambition!

He seems to see the second magic throne, and what he looks far.

However, this opponent is somewhat strange, that is not a general opponent, but, the real god!

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