The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1340

However, in the end, Eigbot chooses to believe in Springs, Biji calculations, the second magic royal family, what kind of fighting with Rosskin? First solve your eyes, then back.

It seems that it is a place called a dream world.

But strange, the legend is unable to enter the world.

Including the semi-step legend, but through the anterior draft, Eger Bot also saw some of the world's situation, which can only be said, this is a kind of gift of the god, which is the world of this world, but also The world of dreams.

According to the intelligence inside, Eger Bot got an address.

"I really didn't think." Eigbot looked at the things on his hand and then looked at the girl E. Ers. Since the Hall of the Hall, you told you to talk to me. I thought, he would choose someone else.

"For those who believe in, the His Royal Highness never had their own generous father." Fisi took the audit.

Wrong, with the Duke of Eigbot, Duus chooses Fiis!

He didn't leave Fiis as a hostage, because Dusch knows, even if Eigbot wants to do anything else, Fisher will definitely stop him. This has nothing to do with what. So even if Eigbot is shaken, Fiis will tell you how the father should do, even his father is a half-step legend.

"I saw it, I thought I thought I was in the Hall."

"There is no need to do this in the Hall." Fi Ni faintly said: "After all, my value in your eyes is not so high, this point is still known.

"Shantou." The Duke of Eigbot sighed: "Our family is a new nobility, even if I am a Duke, it is also a new Duke, there is two equals with our status! But this

"I understand you." Fiis said that there is no fluctuation: "There is no anti-revision, I have to pay for the family. But I am very lucky, I found out my higher value. He seems to be Let's know your daughter. "

"So." Eigbot looks far away, open the mouth: "This time, I will help you want to give it a date?"

puff! Fi Ni almost didn't have a mouthful of water spoiled: "What is your father!" Eigbot is strange to watch his daughter: "Is the weddings of the Hall of the Hall not canceled? He is 14 years old this year, too Is it? "

Fiis has been maintained at the high-cooled image, there is no situation: "What is your joke?" PS: There is also a newer, today get a dripping small orange rent ,,,,,,,,,,,,, !

Chapter 1239: Purpose

After three days of prism plan, the army of Shu was finally covered with a mountain range. In front of him, it is a large plain!

This is the tank of the dragon lizard! Now, the Mr. Change has arrived at the door of the family.

"How do we do it next?" It is close to the dragon lifting province, Ai Lian Na A Dao: "Directly kill it in?"

Barbara has turned a white eye: "Is there a number of people?"

"There is Vivie." Ailina said: There should be no problem.

"No." Xunz screamed: "We are not killing, but killing people!"

Watching righteous: "Andon is not a matter of doing things? Then we will make a bigger! First, we have enough people to do, first go to the multi-leaf river and the first army meeting and the group of borders Undead solved it. How is the shadow, how is the Lock Kingdom? "

"The difference is almost the same, and you will come out of the temple. Sprinkled to the eyes:" Let's go.

One day later, Zunns arrived in the first legion. After seeing the people, the first army, the holy area of ​​the holy area of ​​the holy area, is incredible to look at everyone.

Finally, he seems to have a reactive to come over, and you will have a single knee: "See the Hall of Heaven!"

Now, the First Legion has been handed over to the draft, he knows. For this three princes, from him to human beings, I killed several holy regions. In the high-level gesture, the deeds of a group of groups were turned into a group of sacred regions. Huff was not looking at it. Coupled with the big king's and the false magic land of half a month. It can be said that the generals of this army are incomparable from the arrival of the Word.

So he first lowered his head, saying that he said: "The His Royal Highness is in danger, the first legion does not go to support, is our forever shame!

"Get up the Huffron Director." Duus said with a smile: you are holding the leafy river, and then the Longskun, I didn't look for you, I didn't come to your fault.

"Just." Coss said: "Laozi is a big wins, you come over, you will be a division!" Hu Fu Yuejiao smoked: "Scho, but this brutal devil looks After the slim arm, hurry to say that the temple will come in, you come this time, is it to pay for the devil? "

"Almost, go to a quiet place.

Soon, everyone arrived in military account.

Whenever Hufu opened, Springs said directly: "Hufu Legion, how much is your Dragon lizard in Anderson?"

"The Duchess." Hufu thought: "The Duke is divided into the country, it is an excellent big public."

"Hey?" Barbara heard: "Is this brutal magic brain broken? Excellent big public? Excellent big grand public is the army to attack the city? That is too beautiful!"

Hufu met Barbara, knowing this girl even talking to Cruze, so he said: "Miss Barbara is talking about?"

"The Duke Edition of Anderson has changed." Xunzu said: "Million Qin Wang Jun, now put it in the magic capital."

"What!" Hufu stood up: "Have you! Do you seriously!"

Zunus looked at this army: "This king is joking with this kind of thing?"

If Zunus wants to explain, it will definitely explain with Hufu to the dragon to go to the dragon, but now, the hand does not want to spend this time.

Need a simple and effective way. So, Springs just said: "Andon Dagong is about to break through the legend.

Hufu first, the confusion of his face gradually disappeared, confused and gradually became anger: "This old boy!"

He brushed his brush to aunt: "The His Royal Highness, the Duke of Anderson, Hey! Anderson's old fellow is in Longzhou, we can immediately,

"It's not anxious." Springs sway: "Anderson dared to put the family in Longzhou, and do you know why?"

Hu Fu He: "For, why?

"The old thing claims to be in Qin Wang." Springs replied: "Including the attack of the devil, the reason is also the magic, the king army into the city, saying that the royal family has been controlled by a mock, they want to break the city rescue. Hufu I am very angry: "Don't face old things! '

"So." Shuus continued: Anderson wants to be named, his so-called Million Qinjun, is actually about two or 13 million, but the second family, there are still many nobles who have not chosen to join him, from him It can be seen so that he can also need some support for the support of the nobility. Followed with him, it is the Jinjun, only how much fake in it is, there is no way. In conjunction with the current situation, he is waiting for a reason.

"Reason? Springs storm:" A reasonable reason for erecting flags.

Hu Fu: "You said,

Dusi nodded: "I have a military king in front of the frontline, but his house roll is therefore killed by the king of the army, so that, is his name?"

Hufu: "He, what is he really?"

Barbara joke: "There is also a blood sacrifice for a small and small tens of thousands of city pools.

What did Huf understand what, the gas of the gas: Hufflowered to see the dramatics: "Trumipss, then we, what should I do? The first legion is not optimistic.

"That group, I worst how much they suddenly appeared in a bloody forest, now think about it, is also the old things of Anderson! Today, there is a CLong army, there is a dragon lizard private army Local army, we can't do it for his home, can you only do it? "

To say, Hufu's eyes bright "His His Royal Highness! We directly pay back, the first legion will play the devil with you? No matter what this place!"

Xunchu asked: "The First Legion is lept to the duty, harming the old duo family, although this is a bit awkward, but it seems enough. Hufong is native:" Yes, it seems to be this reason.

"What should we do?" Hufu is anxious.

"Don't worry." Xunzu took the shoulders of Hufu: "Since I come, I naturally have a solution, but now the first thing is to solve this group of undead!" Hufu face bitter down: "Temple, If you can, I have already done this, this group of undead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PS: four more completed, sleep, tomorrow statistics

Chapter 1,240: Help

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