The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1341

The sole of the leafy river, the other side is a dense blood forest, but now, although it has entered the fall, this bloody forest has been completely lost. It is a dead wood everywhere, and a strange building of a storm of the earth is on the other side. There is even one of the undead patrols, they have no gods, walking, watching a bone, but looking at them, it is indeed patrol. At the same time, the black tower of the most eye-catching black oil is the same, which is the wisdom that Sigus has not seen before.

"What is that?" Observed on the river, showing.

"Sense of undead." Huf replied: "You can understand it as a kind, the anti-equipment, similar to the gun, but the dead gas, this place is even transformed. Efficacy. We have tried to attack a few times, and if you want to kill this group of undead, then support the devil, but there is a lot of brothers, the most important,

Hu Fu took a breath and then helplessly said: "When we attacked next time, the brothers used to appear opposite, which caused great damage to the psychology of the earth.

"It seems that this group of undead is not just a group of guys who will only be beaten by passive." Xunzu went wrong with his eyes: "Is there still a time?"


"That's going." After looked at the time behind: "We must first take this place!"

"Time?" Huf asked.

"Soon you will know"? "

Dusus said yes, so quickly Hufu knew. Huge roaring, the west bank of the leafy river, a piece of the shells into the end of the undead. Those undead be excited,,,,,

A dead air barrier appeared, and Zuns even saw a large number of undeads to diamond from the bottom. However, the target of Springs is not only these undead. The dead air barrier began to have a gap, and a posture tower collapsed under the gunfire, but the shell was stopped only for half an hour.

This is not a Musk, do not want to continue, but must stop.

Heavy, logistics, in fact, is the guarantee of modern war, no, he is the guarantee of all war. The shells that have been brought out of the hand, there is no more way to throw, let alone, and the ambiguity is not planning to shoot.

Under the sound, the Winter Municipal Master and the First Legus Soil Camp at the same time. The river of the multi-leaf river was blocked by the magic, and a lot of soil rose, and a vine is above the river. After a while, the leaflet river as if it was intercepted by the waist, and the big star road appeared in the middle.

The shout of the earth has sounded, and the army kills to the undead of the sore!

At the same time, the spell of the hand was completed, he stepped on the sky, the river of the leafy river rose behind the martial art! High-level magic, huge waves! But this is not an ordinary high-level magic. The huge wave has taken the past, and the hand is one hand, and the holy light is now!

The holy light of the chest is slightly smashed, and only the Single hand is pressed, and the holy light of the Ten Thunder is now in the sky! Shengguang integrates into the whistling huge waves, then all the yang is on the other side!

A burst of flame barbecue is accompanied by the hopping of the huge waves and the buffet of trees.

Seeing this scene of Kelly Walls: "How is the Shenggua? Does the Word have to deal with a lot of things?" Barbara's voice just fell, the sound of angry appeared: "Looking for death! "

Among the local military arrays, the four sings of the sanctuary have already fly out!

They are dead, the feelings of the sanctuary are absolutely different!

"Be careful in the Hall." Hufu has been rushing to the Shuus, the expression is cautious: "They are the four peaks of this group, and we are now not enough.

"Don't worry about them." Springs were laminated: "Huuri Group, you are concentrating on the charge.

"Well?" Hufu: "The His Royal Highness, this is the four peaks! Are you dealive?"

Dusc laughed: "The black shadow is also the peak of the sorghum. Are you here?" "

"I said, we have a helper." Springs smiled and said. With the calling call, the sky is suddenly passed away! Then, a giant sword is clasped from the sky!

The four sanctuary peaks were scared, they opened the sanctuary, and the world's dead carriers horrible power will hit the giant sword in the air!

However, in the instant of the dead and the giant sword, they are like a piece of paper to break the huge sword technicia, all the way down! Be awkward

As if something cracks. I saw a man in a black golden robbing armored in the undead military array, he held a riding and soaking sword, this sword was the narrowed version of the air huge sword.

"The Hall of Hemat." The man opened: "I haven't come late?"

"Time is just, Cather, oh, oh, should you call you to protect the country? Or is it?"

"Hahahaha." Caisher laughed: "The Hall of the Hall, you can say it, I will help you.

"Sorry, I am sorry." Sorps shrugged: "Don't you only come?"

Among the sky, a flame descended from the sky, at the same time, there was a fire column on the ground! The entire ground is like distorted, and a lot of spirits are screaming in this, and several peaks are also struggling to fight against this flame! Sanctuary has no purgatory!

A huge * magician in a red robe came out of the flames, she got an eye around him, knead: "Springs, these goods, you also need us to help? Darwin joke:" To tell you, every time you see you It is trouble, it is better not to see.

Those who have the undead army, the voice of the shout and the sound of horseshoe also sounded! Cather's sword rushed to a holy area of ​​the peak: "It seems that our joint action is very successful. Xunzu smashed:" Win first won.

After saying, Xuus looked at Hufu, who was angry: "Huffles, our grind, don't be robbed by humans."

Hu Fu is a machine: "Yes! His Royal Highness!"

PS: It is a bit late. Suddenly changed, I have to be sealed, yesterday, monthly ticket 56, blade 15.

Chapter 1,241: Unplug!

There is almost no suspense in the result of the battle. More than half-step legend and the top of the peak area, these undead seems to be really not enough. Coupled with a sudden holy area of ​​Shuzu.

"You fully have the ability to solve it." The earth is still sweeping the battlefield, and the monks walks on the other side, and the Masters maintain the road just now.

"Is this not a safe guarantee." Springs laughed and replied: 'I didn't have the first time I was in the first time. Tibetan is almost what they love, I can't afford any accident. Darwin has yawned: "Then you will really find someone to help, right, your second magic matter, we have heard, how? Do you want to help? '

"Cooperation to eliminate the undead is the whole continent, and our second Mo family, we will solve itself."

"Don't think about it?" Cather said seriously: "I didn't play a joke. Now I have reversed the death country. The first magic is even chaos a pot of porridge. The second family is now following I am chaos, once you fail. Cather did not continue.

The hand said that he said: "Once we failed, the western continental defense is almost collapsed."

Cather nodded.

Springs asked: "But is the Holy Council help?"

"This, Cather is somewhat embarrassing.

"I am afraid you can't put it?" Xius shook his head: "The San San Festival also resists the invasion of the spirit. I heard that you are not good over there. The legend of the undead legend.

"At least, we can also help." Cather said: "For example, this time. Xunzu shakes:" You can only have the help of the army, the Kingdom of Locke also has one of his own, and the Duke of the Duke of the Duke You are also facing the same problem. Perhaps, this is also what the kingdom wants to see. Do you still stay in Steier? Caesar smiled shakes: That is a protector, a half-step legend, the holy triple does not allow us to shoot him without evidence. After all, if he doesn't have the way to people, we will still have to observe it.

"See it." Xiushan opened: "It's just a general army, I don't need it here. After all, human beings are coming, but it is difficult to control me. The most important thing, not all demon acceptance people's Devil If this army is a person in winter, I will not marry my request. But this time is the matter of the entire second magic. My father, big brother, the second brother is still in the magic Support, I can't give Anderson reasons now, it is more unrelenting.

"How is Jia Beilla now?" Darwin asked.

Watch shakes his head: "The state is not good, but the dragon, as long as things are in place, the restoration is very fast, but that time it takes time. Cathering:" But I heard that Roseki is six hundred thousand, Anderson Known as a million army, how many people are you now? "Shuppus:" Cather, you also believe in this? " "It's not enough to see it? The most important thing.

"But I still have a legend, although he is hurt." Springs smiled, Ji Cain: "So, what do you say?"

"The Holy Empire." Cather said: "If you go, they will help.

Mrus means that Caesar: "I said Cather, the mainland alliance, I don't say, now the Grill League is also this set?"

Kasy smiled: "They have no risk, I just give you a comment, you don't think what I think so bad.

"Don't worry." Xuzu looked at the distance, and slowly said in the mouth: "Our Moist, I will deal with it. As for the number,

After laughing, then squatted: "I won't be much better than their so-called coalition! It's you, be careful about Steier.

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