The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1353

But this is the defending battle! In fact, under normal circumstances, the war should always leave some rest time, the attacking battle is not the kind of fight, the two parties collide, intuitive expression.

It is obviously the attacking battle, but it seems very weird. At the attacking battle, after the first wave of attacks failed, it was not easy to rush to the place in the siege of the Sika, and then began to be crazy in the army, and finally gradually expelled out the wall range, or after a big attack, there is no news, it will order retreat.

Because it continues to play, such shedding glue can almost no way. So once you know this time you have to fail, you will be greatly reduced, and it is easy to cause dirty death.

But now, Anderson's death command will continue to play!

However, although the order is issued, the soldiers who have already had their habits are also uncomfortable. Anderson's command is a command, how to do it is another thing.

There have been many demon begins back. However, the intellectual team has entered the battlefield in time, and he will soar to fight, forced everyone to continue to attack.

This battle was playing for six hours, I haven't stopped yet. However, the siege soldiers have great pressure, because they have lost how many corpses have been lost.

The sky is gradually white, the sun is slowly rising.

The siege soldiers are refunding after the festival, and the crowds in the grinding are also tired, and there is a lot of death. But at this time, the two horrible figure appeared in the empty sky! Then, the two Dukes took out their own weapons, and the legend of the legend, the horrible magic can fall from the sky! Magic is empty, the green magic shield crashed!

PS: Fourth, can't help it, and go straight to sleep. When this chapter is written, sleep when checking. I don't know how much wrong words. . .

Can't stay up late! ! ! The statistics have been said tomorrow, I have to go to sleep.

Chapter 1,266: Jianshui

The semi-step legend has joined the battlefield, and the situation has emerged in an instant. Magic Shield Broken Terrorist Power has destroyed many buildings in an instant, there have a lot of arrow tower.

And some of the powerful magic seven soldiers also fell directly from the wall. The horn of the horses sounded again, and the anti-rebels who had to retreat were actually rushing back. In fact, they don't want to come back, but the left-behind army acts, the magic tide is turning, and those soldiers who have prepared to surrell have not been retraction.

Since the two Dukes are shot, the Magical can't let them go. A few black shadows rushed into the air, took the lead, actually Koso and Barcelono. After the two princes, each followed the peak of the three holy area.

"Just you?" Anderson snorted: "Cruze is what is going to be a shield in front?"

The Koopko's mouth righteous: Andeson Duke, you really think that the Second Mozu is in the Magic Dry year, is it every day in the palace to listen to you? "

"We know that the devil must be prepared." Rosekin said: "However, some gaps, but you can't get ready!"

The live sound falls, and the black feathers behind Rosekin open, and her red, the corpse face, the green rot can come out.

Like a green evil riding. After the body of Kosovo and Barcelo, the six sanctuary peaks instantly open their own holy area, and a holy area appeared in the air.

"Useless!" Anderson snorted, he raised his hand and was modifying the rules of these holy regions.

Then, his face was slightly changed, and his eyes were slammed into the direction of the Devil's temple.

Although the Devil of the Magic, although there is no real power, it is still very conspicuous, although there is no actual content, but at least a spiritual Toro. Therefore, the building has no smoothness, but the annual repair and maintenance will take a large statement. At this time, the Devil's temple is like a tourism building installed with green neon lights, and the topic is echoed with the magic of the air.

"The king is not just a foreign enemy." Kooso is plain: "The inside of the nobles, the goal of our needs, the legend of the legend, one of the most loved things is how to make it from 2 non-legend The descendants, arrive in the future, no magic owner hopes that their own inheritance is really broken because of their own future generations.

"You think." Anderson snonic: "Is this something useful?"

"Is it useless?" Kissa's magic is now: "So let us come and teach, what is the magic big public!"

"I have played.

In the dream world, Fiis reported to Ji Xuzu: "Anderson landed in Rosekin, the temple, they did not see the horn as we expected, but it was very decisive to start attack Eagle.

That proved that the things here have gave Anderson's great pressure. "Duus nodded:" This is a good news, where are you now? " "

"It is already possible to join the battle." Fiis said: "According to the intelligence, there is no shot, and the Anderson and Rossjin are the Dawang Temple with the Barcelo Temple.

"Should you use the magic of the Devil's temple? Or the guardian of the Magical? Anyway, look at what they are now a little difficult.

"It seems that the situation is much better than I expected." Springs told: "Closely monitor the movement of the devil, we should come soon, the necessary things, you have to debut.

"Understand the temple. Devil here, Andon and Rosekin did not expect the royal family to come to this set.

The magic stored in the Devil Temple can seem to be on the two princes in the source, Andon and Rossin want to change the existing rules, but find the latter seems to have more powerful rule control, or rules Stable.

"The rules here seem to be moved, can't change, can only make obey.

As a half-step legend, they want to modify the rules of the holy area, just like abolishment, this rule in front of you is like a piece of paper and fragile, but this paper is like a tempered glass, they See you, but you can't touch it.

However, they are half-steps after all. While these rules are protected by tempered glass, these holy areas cannot be used in their own rules. Both sides, now seems to have entered a super high intensity magic. Kosovo is the advantage of the number of people, and Anderson is the strength advantage.

On the side of the continuous changing people, the wheel is nothing more than a few times, but it is necessary to hold it. In the sky, the devil devil is bigger. It should be over, 'Sanctuary "cannot be used, and they are more like a group of flies.

The most intuitive performance of the 'Sanctuary is unable to use is what the following magpies are not destroyed because of the above battle. How to play in your own city, not your city is destroyed is to consider every legend Question. This hit, I have been playing for a long time!

I hit the day on the day from Sunrise! The war in the cold weapon era can be very splashing, not a throttle, when you take a king eight box biubiubiu. Every time the weapon of the cold weapon, every time you live, you don't understand yourself, you can understand your own ribs.

Therefore, the span is so long, many of the soldiers can't support it. This is also why it is divided into many times every time it is, it doesn't work for a few months.

At this point, the red, Anderson and Rossin are opposite to each other. They also look at the sun in the air, then nodded with each other.

An Ruo, first Rosemour with a mistake, and flew out directly from the top of the two sanctuary behind him.

"Duke of Ross Gold!" Anderson slammed the side of Rosin, but this point of gods were directly found by Kessi, directly by the sword! PS: Mom, a fever, I have a cold, I feel the nose, I feel that the nose has been swollen by me. I hurt once, but I have to wipe my nose. The head is more embarrassed, so, so, if you are blowing up sweating, don't take off your clothes directly into the air-conditioned room, even if you take off your clothes, you will not kneel it. Bloody lesson. PS: Drinking hot water is no longer used. I will go to the medicine to buy some medicine. I will take medicine to sleep. I will have a word, and I have a cold and pleasant. I will give it to me. . Then, yesterday's statistics, yesterday's ticket 118, blade 102, reward 1, owed 2 also 2,

Total is still so much

,, Today I have a look at the brain, you can clear a codeword.

Chapter 1,261: Second

The failure of the two Dukes made the whole devil.

Coopo and Barcelleto were also pursued, and they seized two Dukes flew out, pinching their necks, smashing a house. However, it is strange that the top three holy area has been standing in the same place, as if waiting for something.

"What is this?" Anderson looked up, the claws died Cartles: "Why are you obviously the sanctuary but can we don't go up?" Koopo snort: "This is the magic Power! The power of the whole magic! It is a gift from the country of the Dynasty! "The magic energy broke out from the two princes, and the two Dukes fell in the wind.

The snoring of the flesh collision continues to sound, and he heard the most wonderful voice in the Magical Soldier.

"Is there only the power of the king family to enjoy the power?" Rose Jin said: "No, this power is not really powerful!"

Barcelo Knight: "Of course, there is still the role of the aristocrats who swear to the royal family, how, I didn't expect it!" Barcelo Koh was on the Duke of Ross, the latter went out. , Directly to the city wall.

The Koso also roared, he took the tail of Anderson, throwing him out of the magic! The battle between the two sides has begun from last night. Andon has reached this noon, Anderson and Roster's followed the two princes to play a month! As a result, the two Dukes were actually played out from the magic!

Many soldiers who saw this scene were stunned. What about Kcy and Barcelo?

They stand on the city of the magic, did not choose to pursue it. Not they don't want, but they can't.

The Magic Temple gives them the ability, can only allow them to have a half-step legendary power within the magic capital, if they go out, will only become a normal holy area.

However, this does not mean that they have no way.

I saw Kosovo and Barcelleto, and then at the same time.

Then, on the wall of the demons, the two thick city anti-guns appeared! Next, the two princes moved the gun, and the place of Roster and Anderson was a

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