The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1354

The Green Oil Warlock Curse and the magic play down the place where the two Dukes went. And what about the two Dukes?

They supported the magic in this time, and in the huge roar: "Is this not enough?"

"The two old things seem to feel that we have supported it.

"That is it?" Andon asked: "The power of this stuff seems to be a bit horrible?"

"Rest assured. Can't die." Rosskin said: "However, it is like a bit.

"I hope your way is right." Anderson said that the entire magic can run with one, the shield has suddenly broken.

The huge magic will be in his body instantly. This dragon lizard was screaming by this grinding, and the body was more like a broken kite generally throwing out. Rosekin saw Anderson flying a scene, playing a cold war, shook his head: "Is this stupid by his son? I didn't say such a pain.

Rosekin can run, to the magic that hit, and he is pushing back to the back of the power of this force!

But in the sight of others, the two Dukes are a magic to break, one is rolling with the magic but is completely suppressed, and it is far away. Here, the mentality of the siege soldiers is completely scattered, and how can the corner of the credit, how to urge the team, they are all scared to continue. Even if there is already a shouting wall, it is already full of gap! Just when the offensive coalition was continuously defeated, a slightly angry voice appeared: "Two waste!"

Next moment, a undead forest Elf King descends! This is the legend of Anderson who is in a hurry! One is just waiting for the legend of Cruze to take the lead. However, he is destined to wait, because these two comes to vowed to Due, the Duke of the full mouth is so unrestrained. They didn't force Cruze, which was actually made into this look! If this legend does not show up, the matter is so developed, then the joint army may have to defend directly.

Although this is a normal thing to attack the city battle, this forest Elf King knows that for Cruze, there is also Jia Pila, Time is their life! Since these two provenances have made a decisive battle, then this forest Elf King is ready to fight. He didn't directly indicate Anderson and Rossin because of the need to use their strength, it is no need, he needs to give these soldiers, let them continue to play. The legend of this legendary wizard appeared, and the dead is turbulent, and the magic of the two Dukes will be suppressed back!

Everything around seems to be swallowed! The forest elf has been angry: "My soldier! Destroy them!

His low drunk with a lot of death, I saw that the land of the Mozu soldier who had just fallen in the ground accounted for one by one!

However, these whole savings are anti-rebels of the magic soldiers, rather than soldiers in the magic.

The surrounding Mozu is shocked, these undeadmen began to rush toward the magic! The Elf King has once again sounded at this time, and the magical voice came with the magic of the sky. The magic of the sky came out from the magic capital.

That is the figure of Cruze! Seeing that if the two legends played, Anderson wiped the soil that wiped himself, and he looked at Rosekin around him: "It seems that the guy still didn't hold back. This is right."

Roseki smiled: "How long will they leave the devil?"

"Immediately." Anderson replied:

His voice just fell, and saw Cruze one trick, and the Devil's temple rushed to the sky.

The elves are slightly changed, then from the sky! Cruze mouth: "It seems that it doesn't have to wait too long. They left, is our home?"

PS: My trash can has been filled with Wei P. P. paper raw nose, my, my nose hurts! ! ! ! , My lips hurt! ! Work hard to write a chapter

Chapter 1,262: Upgrade

What is Anderson and Rosekin?

Anderson is for the way to the legend, Rosekin's pursuit of things is similar.

The two Dukes have never had a full purpose, except for the thoroughly chaos of their plans, they have to end the battle before Springs. There is also a wisdom creature that is excessively worried about things that do not have happened.

The two Dukes worried that they won themselves, and the second mill homed to the tube? Who will choose Who will choose from the regional manager of death? These two Dukes are unclear, but they know if the legendary death lord is, this place is definitely the responsibility of death, and if these deaths are not there, then for their own layout, the Lord of Death will choose a new Legend of it.

Two two is one of the choices

Of course, there is also the most important thing.

Only these legends have gone, Anderson or Rosekin's rights are more stable.

"Go back and take a break." Anderson moved his body, the body sounded on the bones in the bones: "Let the two princes first

"I have no opinion." Rosskin said, the body has disappeared. On the high altitude, Cruze is coldly looked at the forest Elf King in front of him. He squinted: "Dare to ask, you are?

This forest elf king shakes his head: "Time is too long, when you are, your brutal devil is just a medium devil." The proud of the tone did not cover up.

Cruze did not face: "It is not the Lord of death. It was once the second Mozu who was in your noble elf, but now you need your ancient Elf Wang to personally feel ironic?

"We don't understand those hypocrisy." Cruze's hands can emerge, say: "We only know that we will never succumb to death!"

"Death is the end of life. It is also the beginning of everything." This elf king appeared a scented , his mouth: "It is a fate that the soul will only flee, there is a long life. I can't escape, your devil, naturally can't escape! Cruze film flashing, came to this forest Elf King, the mouth is cold: "But at least we have the right to choose! Our life will eventually go to death, but then our own choice, not death to help us choose! "This forest elf is not moving, and the dead gas shield suddenly formed around him:" I think so much for thousands of years ago, until, I really see the strength of the country.

"Caqi." Cruze's magic came to collide with the dead, he lowered: "I also see! I also sent him back!"

"The year is speculative! The rules of the world will soon be broken." This elf did not care about: "Once the rules are limited, the country is the world, you, and, you can't run! Cruze, Do you really think that it is the national owner you have retreat? "Cruze mouth:" I never think is me. "


"Shooting Sidero, it is hope! And us, now there is hope!" Cruze's magic can be smashed, and the dead air barrier is actually began to be infiltrated by the magic. "Now, I hope that you can have the strength." Your tone is so big! "This elf king's suffocation slammed in front of him, and the strength of black and green suddenly appeared!"

Cruze was instantaneous, but this cruelty is full of eyes.

A army of a nearly 25,000 devils is pushing towards the devil.

This is a dramatic army, and the role of Pugawa is obvious. At least a few rockers who have swayed, they have chosen to join after seeing the Qinwang army who saw Zunz. In fact, these nobles are also considered.

Dusus did not depress the Winter Lingcheng Message Spirit, but let the propaganda department spread this news as much as possible. Therefore, the nobles almost all know that the prince in Shahua Highlands actually kills the fraud of the third magic! This is a thing they want to scareful!

And this guy is now, it has recovered dragon lizard, and the child and family of Anderson.

As long as you have a bit of your mind, you will count this time, joining a hand is almost the best choice.

What's more, this three kings look like human appearance, but that heart is a real devil! From his deeds, it is almost not able to see any human beings. Instead, the devil's entry into the people's big public leaders, they are still the first time!

Although everyone will consider this properness, now, no one dares to resist. The Prince Army is equipped with a speed, but this cutting leader has been deposited inside the system space.

[Resource loading completion] This is a program that starts loaded two months ago.

The time estimated at the time was half a month, and the result was half a month after half a month, and half a month later. At the end, I also give it to the whole system to install chaos.

And the loading of time resources is completed, and the system's system has been upgraded again. At this time, I just upgraded and maintained, and Springs had already taken place to see the change in this world. After entering, Dusn found a huge clock inside his own blank space.

Next to the clock, there is also a small clock, or a variety of watches, hanging tables, hourglass. Xunus saw a Rolest next to a computer keyboard with a computer keyboard.

He really can't understand what the system is aesthetic.

"Update the log." Springs shouted directly.

[More detailed, new feature time axis]

[After the time axis is added, the system space time will change the proportion to the first time, the host can pay a certain amount, the maximum is not more than ten times flow rate]

[The game world will also be affected by the time axis, the host can change the time proportion]

The Dusus eyes have been brushed: "Strength! In the game world, the strength of exercise!"

[The ability of the game world "is obtained by time axis, and" docking with reality]

PS: I have four points, I finally went to sleep. ,,,, or that sentence, there must be a more attitude towards,

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-three chapters: not saved

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