The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1361

Barbara has followed, the expression is constant: "Boss, are you ready to kill?

Dusc screamed in this black feather carving, said: "What do you mean by just now!"

"You don't think you don't think that you have been gone for so long, we don't know you."

"I, I haven't." This black feather carved.

"No, what is your !"

"In the past, I was just a seventh-order Warcraft." This black feathered the eyes and scared, I didn't know where the tears: "I watched you in my eyes, I took my god, you put me. The god god gave a hook! I, I am the first time! "Is this luck? Is it good? Just go to the place to encounter a bitter case?

"Where is the other World of Warcraft?" Springs asked this black feather. The Word wrist shakes, and the Qinghong sword appeared in his hand.

"How do you know where everyone is, big brother!" This black feather carved: "What do you want, the mother of the public?"

"All must be!" Xuus said in his eyes: "Just the black feather carving is relatively fast, this way, you go to inform the Black U Hall beast, I am waiting for them in the original hall, they are That is What is the black feather carving is now nine-level World of War, and also explored the head: "You are not afraid that I ran?" "

"Devil! Devil!" This black feather sculptation: "Let me! I know what to do!" Dussen opened his hand. This black feather carved directly k. After this bird leaves, Dusus looks to Barbara, strange: "How did you understand this guy's shout?": 567

"The language of the bird is almost." Barbara said: "Merlin teaches. Her favorite becomes a bird, you can understand that the girl is still a resentment."

Merlin also taught this

"Otherwise I am doing nothing to do in the winter, you don't let me practice." Barbara said: "Fortunately, the snow is not there, then the girl can go to the police station. Barbara looked at the Sudu: "Boss, you are not afraid that he ran? "Sad said:" Running the gods can't run the church, Montenegro is so big, no him, we have some can speak. Barbara is quasi-quoted: I said the boss, you won't really, then? "

"What do you want!" Xius glared in Barbara: "I am the kind,

His voice just fell, and the voice of the jungle in the jungle was out, the next moment, a huge star of the cat fierce.

The seedlings directly put the dragonfly E, full of unspeakable tongue added on the body

"Well, it's good." Xuus quickly pushed this star cat from the body: "How do you know me?" This star is a few times. Barbara said by: "Hey, you can, the black feather carving is really notified."

"You are not only a bird?"

Barba ran shrugged: "But Fav has been following us, if I have not guess, this is the mother of Fav, is good, the highest number of star records recorded in the star, she is not a variant, she Actually broke through the eighth step. The boss did you fed her. Star marks a few rid of a few times. Duus is angry: "I suddenly feel that I only know that I can understand that I can understand it. I don't have a bad thing. Barra walked over and touched this star marking cat, star scouring cat sniffed the smell in Barbara, then extended his head in Barbara's hands, but also called.

"Don't worry." Barbala is laughing: "Your daughter is safe, Well or people say she is now the highest Warcraft in the winter, oh, if not the dragon.

"There is also the nine snake." Springs reminded: "You just say that the original Bilra, Cindika will definitely be angry.

"Anyway, she is not." Barbara looked at the Sushu: "Where are we going next.

Duus did not answer, but he looked at the star marks. Dusus is not nonsense with Barbara, and it will go up. Star scored cats in the woods flying, the Springs and Barbara are followed.

Soon the two arrived in their destination.

One is very familiar building

"This is like only one floor of the city hall old." Barbara glanced: "You built?"

"Otherwise?" Xuzus looked like a building that has been wrapped around the vines, and it flashed a silk memory.

"Your taste is really from one." Barbara turned in from the window, she sucking the nose: "Yes, you have to build the toilet here, but there is no smell.

"Is your payment point?"

"The house is like this, what should I pay attention to?" Bara is inexplicably: "Is there a cat sandbasin?"

"Why do you know this?

Barorad, then looked at the star cat: "Obviously, this man you trust usually didn't take care of your daughter right?"

The cat is called.

" ~~~" Barbara: "The boss did you hear what she said! She said she thought, because Fav is not your own.

"Not bad." Barbara looked excitedly at this Star Scratch Cat: "Do you have a new kitten?"

Star marking cat shakes his head.

"Hey! We are going to do business!" Springs couldn't help but shouted.

The voice of the dram has just fallen, and she remembered a rushing voice. It took the lead in flying 6. It was straight black. She came in and gathered wings, falling on the ground.

Barbara is to say, and the road moves from the window into this building. All seek Warcraft!

Barbara Seeing these Warcraft, If the eyes: "Really the boss,

"I thought the winter city castle is your hometown.

"I let you shut up!

Barbara suddenly said with a very fast speed: "I didn't expect it, with this one, the winter is a fart! '

"You have gone Barbara!

Willing screaming Total 8,

Chapter 1,274: Hand

"Yes you!"

Anderson glanced to Kiss: "It's all right!"

"You have long known the plan!" Anderson glared at Kos: "I have been dragging the time here!" Kosovi smiled: "I will tell you in the morning, and we are dragging time, see You can't support the father's victory or aunt who arrived. Now, it can only be supported by us. And Koso ridicitially: "You want to be perfect, you don't win, you will think about yourself, Is it blinded by the advantages in front of you? "

"Good news is now able to make up!" Anderson's face was murderous: "I am now not interested in taking you!"

"The Duke of Anderson," The Duke of Eigbot immediately blocked in front: "Don't forget the agreement between us.

"I have not agreed!" Anderson drunk, really hit the past, while the lowest shouted: "Rossjin! Solve the battle as soon as possible, we don't know what to do!"

Behind Eigbot is inciting, double sword shot: okay! I didn't think you would comply with your commitment! '

But this time, Eger Bot is dead. I saw that Andance had a black little ball in his hand, the moment of the ball, a deadness suddenly broke out!

This is a strange force, and the moment of contact with Eigbot, directly rigorously rushed to Eigbot's double sword, and the dead directly wrapped the body of Eigbot, started with his magic. struggle. I feel this dead horror, Eigbot suddenly looked at Anderson, I saw this Longs Conggong, and one eyeball was already in s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

"This, Anderson's voice slowly sounded:" If I still have the strength, dare to challenge Cruze? " Eigbot, you have a fault! From the beginning! "

Anderson suddenly raised his hand, and the magic package is in the air. "" The old man didn't want to use this ability, but now I have to solve you first! "

Under the voice, the horrible energy falls from the sky! However, at this time, a holy light suddenly appeared! Shengguang and the energy of the energy, and the rest of the magic can be smashed in Eigbot.

The Duke of Eigbot has been out of the distance, but Anderson's face has no smooth way. He suddenly looks toward another, and it is full of angry: "Springs !!"

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