The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1362

"Hey." Xunz appeared on this battlefield, smiling: "Hello, Andur Andon, we met again. To be honest, if you are not your strength, I really don't Find you.

"You are coming!" The Duke of Anderson squinted: "I can't find you!"

To say, the magic that will take the dead, go directly to Jozu!

The Dusch is in the face, and a reel is pulled out by him, then, a Shengguang screen is suddenly formed.

That magic can die on the holy barrier, the barrier has supported three seconds and suddenly broken. The rest of the force continues to follow.

But Sissen is ready, the Dragonfia is sprayed out, the hot dragon inflammation is resistant to the magic, but Anderson is a half-step legend. Magic can puncture dragon inflammation, directly to the scriptures! The Shengguang sent by the Ducus has gathered this magic attack. After the mouth, he watched Anderson: "You can, the Duke of Anderson, you are more energetic than the Magic Duke!"

"Don't take the old man with the kind of waste!" Andon Duke angered: "Do you have a few times?"

The new rotten is dead again!

"His Royal Highness." At although the attack stopped, the Eigbot face is ugly: "You'd better have the means to deal with this guy, he is already a means of unlimited approaching the legend.

"I am sorry." Springs took out the spring of Yuanko, and then stunned: "I seem to forget to do this. I thought the half-step legend.

Anderson didn't precaution: "Springs, you are coming! Kill you, there is not so much variable!" The face changed, low: "Jia Beilla!"

Anderson is about to attack the action, and a magic will form a shield from his body.

However, after a while, Anderson found that what he expected did not appear. He also stunned. What did he think of thinking about the shield, and he hit the light from the sky!

"Shameless!" This big angeled, the little ball in his hand broke out, this dead gas directly, swallowing the horrible holy light!

Maier. "Springs still see the Shengguang was swallowed, he was shocked:" I know that I will ask someone to help! Bilra! You still don't show up! "

"Do you think you can also deceive me?" Anderson said this once, Agge Bot directly welcomed, but was taken by this dragon loyalty to the dead dragon claws, just he wants to contact When Springs, the Springs flashed away.



The shoulders of the hand suddenly appeared four deep wounds, and the dramatic clearly, he just clearly escaped! Dusus lickled his shoulders and looked at Anderson: "Your ability, you should come from that thing in your hand. Damaged to you?"

Anderson's mouth raised: "I call it, the god gift."

"Yes?" Springs laughed.

"What are you laughing?" Anderson looked at the tricks.

"One one ~" A voice sounded in Anderson's ear.

Anderson only felt that he was taken, the next moment, the beads in the hands had disappeared! Next to S., Barbara has a figure, she looks like the beads on the hand: "It is this.

Sprus music: "The Ducian adult, your gift doesn't seem to."

Anderson's face is first wrong, pick it up, actually changed him: "Is this the one stolen the owner?"

"Can the thief's thieves can be called!" Anderson grinked: "Do you think that I don't know if you are near?"

Barbara's face is stiff on the face.

PS: Because of the promotion and subsequent things, change the cover, it is commercialization. I should see that the propaganda page should be seen by the bookkeeper blessing bag. ,

At that time, he said with the picture, the big N child snake is blonded, draws a lot of people watching the Magic Niang. Then the painter gave me this. When I got the picture, I suddenly thought of the sentence 'to choose a one-shield control.

Chapter 1,275: Next

"Barbara! Throw it!" Springs shouted. Barbara also understood it, and reached out to throw something, but the next moment, this thing suddenly launched, to put the dramatic with Barbara and wrapped in!

Zunus grabbed Barbara, flashing, when the dead space should be closed, fierce it out!

And Anderson's hand has once again appeared a black ball.

I really followed the monarch, and even the thieves of things from the national owner. Anderson saw that Qifut and Barbara, his mouth raised: "This kind of dark guard, how old is the old man careless. But I am more curious. Anderson gave birth to Barbara: "According to the reason you are dark guards, it is hidden in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move. But I collected all the information that appeared in all places, it seems that there is nothing, I can see it. Your figure, and extremely high-profile, let people remember that profound.

, Anderson's voice actually has a wonderful alert: "What do you think? Is there any special means?" Xuzu took her shoulders: "In a sense, it is also a success. Anderson is The big enemy's look, Barbara: "From your current situation, you are just a holy area. Is it hidden? "

"I am a legend!" Barbara didn't have a good time.

"This eye is still the old man." And the black beads in Anderson gradually spread: "Since you don't want to say, the old man is not willing to take risks. Now the situation is not allowed to be the next moment, this black bead integrates into In Anderson's body, this big ditch has issued a painful voice!

A dead gas broke out from his body, swallowing the half of Anderson's half.

"I am going, this old man is desperate." Barbara saw this one, people are stupid. "Is this scared by me?"

"No." Xunzu shakes his head: "This may be a normal person trying to understand a mental end?"

"I am boasting you."

"I think you should now have no time to chat!" Koopo's tough voice sounded: "Springs! There is still one here!"

Dynamic looks to Kessi, the two princes were put by Rosekin to the Duke!

Word looks to Barbara. Barra crazy Yao Head "Don't go, this will change it again, the dairy is a fart." Xius thought, to Eigbot: "The Duke adult is handed over.

"What about this?" Eigbot is a little worried.

Duo stunned: "He is still transforming, first save my big brother, Anderson handed us."

"Listen to your hion." Eigbot rushed over and went to the Duuskin Duke. However, this holy light falls in Anderson, but there is no fart.

"It's okay." During the mouth: "This Nima has also killed the plot that can't be destroyed."

Barbara is squinting on the side: What is the boss? "

You do not understand. "Springs sway:" I don't know if the guy is designing, just how long this guy has to become? "Anderson's magic is breath. It is obvious that he heard it. Koso came to Shu, and two princes looked at Anderson:" Don't touch him? "

"He don't have a way to do this." Springs stood up: "Don't eat damage at all.

"Is there any other way?"

"Where did she go?" Barcelo Koh is looking for: "I think I can't play him, let the charm are driving this, I'm saying that Anderson is dead." Springs reached out. Piezzling the nose, this Barbara is now what is the name! However, Springs still said: "Don't think. Barbarabi who is savvy, since the death of the Lord of death, no one can cause the guy that you can't afford, so it is fast than anyone else.

Coco's summary road "This is a ancestor.

"Don't say me." Dussen looks to his two brothers: "What is your situation? How to have a half-step legend?"

Barcelono has turned over white: "I first knew that the whole journey was called back. Do you have any misunderstandings?"

Spect: 1

"Is there such a one more?" Springs said: "I have never heard of it before? Koso grin:" The previous Magical Hand and bleeding incident are the king's inner fight, this is the first out of the enemy. I played in, the specific place of the Devil's temple, or the father told me. Dusu slightly, he looked to the Devil's temple, in the eyes, as if you understand.

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