Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Big Shuttle Chapter 575

"Okay." Nights nodded, looked at the Xue Yin and Xiqi and Qiqi around Mitong: "Before this, I want to confirm the current day and the situation."

"Let's go."

The sky gathers a thick dark cloud, and the wood and others come to a border day and home.

"Although I can't think of it ... But look at what you know, the snow, I can have the past with you."

"No." The night is back, and the wood suddenly said: "If you want to go, you can, anyway, we are two people."

"Moreover, it is also possible to take back to days and memories.

Insert the night fight in the trouser pocket, heard the words, silence, nodded: "In this case, wait until it will make it."

Mu Tong is only nod, but did not speak, he has never been able to find a wild trace, and now there is an opportunity to meet with the wild. Naturally, you can't miss it.

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Snow. "

The two were lively and soft, and the three artifacts present were held in the hands of the woods and night buckets. She took the day and three people to the place where the disaster god!


Chapter 562: Casual God

The long-lasting valley shrine here, here, for a long time, it is prior to the disaster god, just, there have been many years without humans to worship.

Because the age is too long, there have been some signs of damage to the slate ladder of the shrine.

After the disaster, I was awakened for many years, I was awakened, and I had wanted to kill myself through the night, even if it was a , I was tired of killing.

The sky is started with a small rain, and the wood and night fighting hands hold the artifact, bringing the day and appearing in the waste of shrine.

Looking at the scenes around, Mutong silently engraved, looking at the nighttime expression, whispered: "After you solve the battle, let me pay, I have a lot of things to talk to the wild."

"Okay." The night fight, looked at the front of the Shangshe door, the two movements that appeared, touched the snow in the hands: "."

"Night god, you finally came." With the hooded of half-cheek mask, he deeply looked at the night fight, and then transferred his eyes to the side of the night.

After the noodles of the tutong, the pupil was slightly contracted, because the wild did not think that the Tong Tong actually came over with the night.

"I didn't expect, you will also bring two no quick guests ... I remember, I didn't invite these two?"

"Many said no, I am here, just to make you override the day and memory."

"The zero." The ,, the wildlife standing, has become a long sword, and it is screened in his hands.


The night bucket becomes slightly cold, holding the snow, the figure is flying, and the plane rushed to the place where the upper is.

" !!"

The two-handed long sword touched the moment, the rain dropped in the sky did not seem to be stagnant, followed by the violent energy, and the rain was mixed with the soil splash around.

Far in a battle, Tong Tong and two, after the night fighting, I haven't spoken the day, I suddenly asked: "Before I lost my memory, I still have you and night. Is it a good friend? "

"Soon you will think of it." Mu Tong smiled slightly, looked at the night bucket trapped by water polo, and the wood ball raised a bullet against water ball.

After breaking the water ball, the took the tightness to hold the zero, Shen Sheng: "The night god I know, where to go, now you, there is no too weak."

"What are you talking about ?!" The night fighters drunk, grab the long sword in the hands stabbed the body of the .

"This sword is still not enough!" The The stone wall is.

The surrounding terrain is in the valley zone, the burst stone wall sputter all the eight parties, only the places where the two people stand and stand up.

Looking up at the sky, it becomes more and more serious, and the wood brow frowned, even if there is a mission of the gods, it is a person who is alone, but the horrible is not a way to solve it.

"Money gods ..."

Mu Tong looks at the night bucket that is hiding in the distance, low and drink: "Night, still grinding."

"Booming ..."

The power released in the wild artifact has had to avoid the night fight. After hearing the sound of Mutong, the night bite bites teeth, the power of the body is more horrible.

"Night fighting God, you have the same fate as I, don't you understand my intentions?"

"Fighting ... , I am now different from you now."

"Night fighting !!!" The ,

The water is filled with four, and the night has just climbed up from the ground, and it suddenly stiffly.

"Night fighting God, you know, what is this thing in my hand?"


"This is, your most careless person's memory ... you said, if I crush it, what do you care about?"

" !!"

" ... ..."

The finger is gently powerful, the memory crystallization in the hand is broken, the crystalline is faint, the sun disappears, standing on the day of the wood Tutong and fell on the ground, the night is flying, looking at coma Day, the heart is extremely anxious.

"Mu Tong, what is going on?"

"Memory is broken ... of course, it is hurting."

"Heavy ... creation?" The night is full of stiffness, the lower head, there is a green gluten, "Snow!"

"Hey, you give me, you are dead!" The night roared, he suddenly broke the speed of the horror, almost in the first moment, there is already a horses, Under the eyes of the stunned look, the sword of the night is struggling, and the has been hit hard.

Listening to the bang sound from the distance, Mutong touched the nose, whispered: "I don't intend to lie to you, just want you to end the battle."

"Mu Tung Adult, you do this, will you make the night fight?"

The sound of the seas is just sounded. The sound of the true voice came: "I am afraid, the night fighting the guy, but Mu Tutong."

"It's also."

"Cough." Putong turned over the eyes of the two artifacts, there was no goodness to say: "Okay, now you don't talk about it, you will watch the battle, so you will be over."

"Feng Zhai, China ..." Along with the nighttime, the snowman held by the hands, the snowfriend of the hands, the sword, the body, the body, just raised the long sword ready to swim the attack. It's a stiffness, and the whole person is like a lot of life, it becomes dead.

After the face brought by the face, the face was like a dry soil, seeing this look, holding the snowstick of the snow: "You really have the curse insist on the present. "

- The body shooked, leaving only the clothes on my body, the body, it is completely disappeared in the world.

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