Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Big Sho Chapter 576

After the death of God, the gods in the whole world have feelings, even if it is a wood, it is true.

"This is the first fallen god that I saw in this world ... nor the last bit."


Chapter 563: Business

After the night fight with a bunch of days and the snow sound, the body is equipped with the woods of the two artifacts, and the eyes are transferred to the long sword of the far away.

"Niangyang, come out."

I didn't have any movement of the long sword, and the wood Tutong snorted, and did not look forward to the laminator in his hand, and the lock of the wild attack broke out.

Originally, it is still necessary to continue to pretend to be unsatisfactory, and can only have the form of human format at this time.

"Mu Tong adult, did not expect, we met so soon."

I saw the faint smile that the wild mouth hooked, and the twows of Mitong were cold.

"what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?"

Under the unaware of the wild, it was only looked at Mutong. "What can I do in Mu Tutong?"

"I don't know what you are approaching, but if you want my liberalizer to fall, then, you and your own, you are ready to accept death." Tong Tong glanced at the eyes Sarly, the body's mood broke out, even if it was a wild, it was a little about the momentum of the sudden outbreak of Mu Tung.

Watching the direction of Tong Tong disappeared, there is always a smile, and the face suddenly became pale. The pretext of the premiere of Tong Tong has never felt. Kill yourself in an instant.

Looking at the dark clouds, I have already exposed a little sunshine sky, and the wild is low. I picked up the mask of the dead in the water. In the end, the corner of the mouth still exposed a smile.

"Even if there is a danger of life, what should I do ... still have to continue, don't move your people, don't you bring you trouble?"


The serious timing is accompanied by the death of the , the busy vain in the time of time, still stopped, looking at the sky, the vision of the sky shook his head, said: "Zhao Ma, walk "

"Petina, I don't recommend you to go now, even if you have passed now, there should be no way to find the night fight."

"Zhao Ma is what you mean, I have passed now, he has left?"

"Yes, pony."

"A few more time, where are you going?"

"A few hours?" The Zhaozi's nephew is slightly changed, and the heart is surprised, I didn't expect, and I found it in Petina.

"Tell me truthfully."

"A few more time ... I don't have to be with blue bar."

"Yes." Visha Door Naina purple eyes flashed, she riding a lion mount, looked down at the three figures appeared below, said: "The guy did not expect it to appear at this time ..."


After leaving the wrapped Valley Shrine, Mu Tong and Sui clothing also have the truh three back to the town.

Even if there is a mission of the gods, the monster is killing the monster, but is affected by serious timing, leading to the current street.

So I took this time, and Mutong can only take two artifacts to clean up the monster on the street.

Just I didn't expect that the vast door can meet the night in such a place.

I looked at the lion riding and flipped, and the tong pace paused, quietly waiting for the arrival of the vain.

"Vision Door, meet again."

"You as a martial capital as me, why did you appear now?"

Mu Tong looked at the eyes and said: "I met some things in the middle."

"Yes ... that person?"

The person in the Tiankou in Pingmen, the wood knew who it was, only the night bucket will be called this day, in the eyes of the vain, even if it is called the name of the night, it will feel the existence of filth.

Mu Tong did not choose to answer, and we got a look at the sky, said: "I didn't expect you to take the same artifact as before."

"What do you mean?" Visha door was frowned, and he didn't understand why Tong Tong will suddenly speak such a sentence.

"When I arrive, I am afraid you understand. The monster has been almost killed, goodbye." Looking at the way to disappear, Pu Tong, the vain, the sky, I originally want to say something, finally Still can't open.


After returning to the shrine, the two people lying together in the room in the room, and the tong is standing outside drinking with the petrohy water that is completely non-polluted.

Looking at the sky in the evening, the wood Tong said softly: "Huimi Shou god, since, why not directly appear?"

"Good sense of perception."

The God of Wealth is a bit shocking in the heart, followed by Huimi Shou, and two accompanying artifacts.

"Huimi Shou Shen Road, follow me to the shrine."

I looked at the eyes of Yifei, and Mu Tong was roughly understood that Huimi Shi should be to find himself, so the woods will be opened in the house first.

"Truth, go to a pot of tea."


"Su cloth, you can also help."

"No problem." Su Yaoti, smiling and turned, and left with the true two people.

"What is the matter?" Is there anything in Huimi? "

"Believe that Mu Tong Shen should know, I have studied the monscious ... Because the study monster has not progressed ... even ..." Huibu Shou talks, looked at the two people who came in, suspend speaking.

"Huimi Shouner, Mu Tutong, please use tea."

"Well, ok, Xiyi, true metaphor, you first go to rest first." Let's leave and the Quality leave, and the wood is transferred to Hui Bi Shou.

"Continue to say."

"Even seriously to stabbed my point ..." Huimi Shou picked up his sleeves, which he was wearing office workers in the suit system, so most of the body was covered, see Huimi Shou Pick up the state of the sleeves, the woods can't help but catch the mouth, want to make the demon, and the cost of suffering is too big.

"So, I hope that Tong Tong Shen will help me a busy." Huimihou looked at Eye Tutong didn't say anything, after a moment of silence, continue: "I want to go to Huangquan land, get Yivad That beautiful treasure Huangquan language. "

"You ... think about it? I have to know that Huangquan is full of dangerous, even if Shen Ming enters, there is no way to get out."

"In order to complete the desire to study the benefits of benefits, I have to go to Huangquan's words, after the event, I will definitely thank the Tutong god."

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