Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Big Shuttle Chapter 582

As a one-shot of the night, there is a border day, and at this moment, the relationship between the god is disconnected, then the night fighting God has not been in this world, but ... entered the legend of Huangquan in the legend.

In addition to the information sent by Hui Shou to Tutong, Wood Tutong can make such an inferior.

Because the gods got to participate in the gods, the police around Huangquan became unusual.

Tong Tong came over and didn't bring two people and the queen. If the two artifacts are to Huangquan, it is extremely unfavorable tortong. After this time, after Huangquan, I am afraid it will be The last side of Huimiki knows.

Successful ... Almost always end ...

In Huangquan's entrance to Hui Bi Shou, only two artifacts, when watching Tong Tong alone, Huimi Shou's eyes suddenly became surprised.

"You ... don't bring your artifact?"

"Huangquan is very dangerous, I don't want my artifact what is wrong, this time you will take you to Huangquan, naturally bring you out, or if we trading, don't you do it."

Listening to the voice of Mutong, Huimi Shou hesitated, said: "Really, no problem?"

"Nature, no." The expression of Mu Tung gradually became serious, and the boat opened, and the giant sword in the golden dragon is appeared in the hands of the hand. He holds the dragon sword. Red, and Tong Tong looked away. Bi Shou, said: "Let's go."

"I will enter it in this way ..."

"Don't be afraid." Mutong is full of vital sounds, let the two artifacts around Huimi Shou and the two artifacts, and finally, Huimi Shou has chosen to believe in Tong Tong, follow the woods into Huangquan. .

At the moment of Huibi and Mu Tong disappeared in the world, the two artifacts of Mu Tong had a feeling.

"what happened?"

"Why, I will feel a little strange?" The two of the Quanyi and the plain clothing appeared in the heart, and there was an uneasy emotion in his heart.

"Can you feel it?"

"were able."

After the Quali-mychy, I said: "Perhaps ... is the sake of Mu Tutong."


The gods have been over the gods, and their ultimate contest results are to crusade god benefits. At this moment, Huimi Shou's hostel has been surrounded, Huibi Shou's 'Mi' word family, has been trapped In his house, it is unable to move, even if it is the road to Huimi Shou.

As a member of the Tianhe three-service, the very proud Otis looked at the presented Hiscelihood artifact, faint: "Now, only two choose to give you."

"First, say that Hui Bi Shou is located at the moment of this moment, the second, is discoured by God."

Looking at a helper, there is nothing to move, Os laughs, the face becomes extra ice.

"People, use penalty."


Japan and his classmates are giving around the amusement park. There is a black seal that is still in the day before the wood. Therefore, the whole tour will go up, and the Hainaks of Fujitaki have no way to close the day.

In addition to unspeakable, more, it is the doubts about the location of ourselves.

"Why ... I will come to this place, what I want is ... I am coming out with everyone, I don't forget what ..."

"Day, what is you? I feel that you are always in a stay."

Listening to the companion's concern, a shocking day and shake his head, saying: "Nothing."


Chapter 570: Treasure


The golden energy rays have a strong storm four scattered. There are countless demon ghosts in Huangquan's land, and they are killed in the dragon sword of Mu Tong.

The God of Wealth is a big mouth, even the two artifacts, even if Huimi Shou, has never seen such a strong god.

"Mu Tong Shen Ming ... you, why do you have such a powerful force."

"I have a lot of differences with this world, so it is not surprising." Mu Tong answered Huimi Shou, thinking of Huangquan's place in Huangquan different times, and Mu Tong also felt only able to speed up Speed.

"Hurry, I'm willing to find her, after finding her, let's get back to Huangquan."

"There should be a distance."


Because the trick of the snow, the day and recovery memories, at this moment, the two are sitting in the small blessing store, talking many things.

"Night, what is going on?"

Xiao Fu shook his head: "I don't know, the small nights often disappear, and the time is not fixed, maybe it will come back soon."

"According to my opinion, this thing can be as simple as the surface."

The sound of the store sounded in the store, so that Xiao Fu and others were uniform.

Looking at the vegetarian and spirituality in his own visit line, everyone is very surprised.

"Su clothing, true metaphor?"

"How come you come here? Hey, how did the wood Tong have not followed?"

Xiao Fu greeted the two after sitting down, and the clothes said: "Our adults have disappeared for two days, nor do they know, where he is going."

"What? What? Mu Tong is not seen?" The snow sounded, and I was busy: "Do you have a night fight?"

"Night fighting God?" The true voice shook his head and said: "I have never seen it during this time."

"It's strange ... I didn't see the shadow of Mutong and the two people in the gods. These two guys didn't ran to where?" Xiaofu dragged the gods, no good intention The speculation.

"Should not ..." day and look at the scenery outside the window, some worries in my heart.


Huangquan's land, according to the instructions of Piece, Mutong walks in the forefront, there is no hindrance to kill the demon appeared on the road.

The monsters in Huangquan have much better than the other than the other, but they are still in the woods, still hit.

When the corner of a passage was turned, the woods and benefits were stopped. In front, Mutong saw this teenager wearing a black robes and holding a long sword.

"Night fight?"

"Wood ... Mu Tong ?!" The night's eyes flashed a bright light, and he looked at Huibi Shou after the eye wood, and some eaten shouted: "Mu Tong, can't you accept the commission of Huiyi Shou?"

"Insolutely, I reached a transaction with him, and it is guaranteed that Huimi Shou can go back safely."

"It's strange ... Is it, the father does not know this thing." The night fight whisper.

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