Two-dimensional world shuttle

Second Yuan World Dado Chapter 583

Mutong is not heard, a call: "What do you do here?"

"I accept the delegation of others to ensure that Huimi is safely left."

"Oh?" Putong smiled and nodded: "It seems that our two goals are the same."

"But ... do you seem to have your artifact?" Night hopped the golden dragon pattern of the golden dragon pattern in the hand, the pupil suddenly contracted, and the night fight is sensitive, the golden dragon pattern The sword is unfounded, even if there is no sheath, I feel that I feel horrified.

"Okay, let's take a break, there is anything to have this taste? I haven't seen it in a few days, how do you become so embarrassed."

Night boussing: "Because Huangquan's monster is too many monsters, in order to ensure that his body flavor is not emitted, it can only use this way."

"Yes ... I didn't expect that you will throw your own bonus to use the wild." Tong Tong looked at the long sword in the eyes of the eyes, and quickly recovered his eyes: "Forget, follow me, believe, This should be safe on this way. "


The voice of Mu Tong just fell, and Huibihou, who took the side, almost fell on the ground, see Huibi Shou's appearance, and the woody grabbed Huimi Shou's arm and asked: "Is it stabbed?"

"My artifact ... is disappearing one by one."

After the silence of Mu Tong, he said: "Is it necessary to reach the destination, or return it now?"

"Of course, it's ... I arrived here, even if I gave up, my next one will come."



Among this moment, the Huibi Shou House is used to use the way to kill the artifact, and successfully asked Huibi Shou's location, Tianzhi three-service, Ot, and showed a satisfactory smile at this time.

"Besome this ... you don't have to lose so much companions."

"You ... You actually use such a cruel means, this is really 'God' practice?"

"The God of Wealth is the life as the trendy, the wild is used to use the monster."


Seven blessings, in addition to the remaining six people outside Huimi, big black sky, defense day, Fu Lu Shou, Shou, Bag, and Vishmen Day, I have been hit by the sky, watching the Ott, Otte, There is a big black sky with a white shallow hair and asked: "What kind of thing is made, why do you want to catch the capture?"

"Capture Hui Shi? Hey, Huimi Shou has colluded wild royal to make the monster, as a warlord, he has been ordered, Jian Yu Zi Shen is a collection, even Huimi Shou, this time it is still difficult to escape." Otte said, suddenly laughed: "I suddenly remembered, Huimi Shou's replacement is extremely fast, I will, this time I don't want to be harmful to you."

"You guys!" Big Black Heaven's heads of green gluten rigid, lightly said: "Let us be crafted in this place, really don't do it,"

"Big Black Day, you want to do ..." The Otys' voice has not fallen, and the body expansion of big black days. In the surprised eyes of Vishie, the big black sky is directly transformed into a spider.

"In this case, let me get out of this place, and ask Huifei's situation."

"Big black days, you dare to come!"

"In my opinion, genius is really chaotic, I believe that Huimi Shou is absolutely not warlock, he is definitely being defeated !!!"


Xiao Fu's convenience store, because of the reason for the seven blessing, as a Zhao Zhao, a Zhao Zhao, a Zhao Zhao, who is finally can't live, from the vying gate of the house.

When I saw a chat, but I was full of serious atmosphere, I Zhao knocked on the door and asked: "Is it, don't you come back?"


Chapter 571: Lock Huangquan (ask for subscription!)

Zhaima gave the seven blessings of the gods to everyone, soon, in the true eyes of the Quality, the unbelievable look.

"Is it, do you have a wood and night?"

"What?" Everyone is shocked. To know that now Huibu is the object being crushed by the sky. If the wood and the night fight, the two people are really lively, then the two will be huge. influences.

"No, I am going to find the night." The day I was going to leave, and I was losing by the sediment.

"Day, you first, etc., Mu Tung Adults and Night Fights have no news, so we can't do anything temporarily, what we have to do now is to determine that Mu Tutong adults and night fighters, you have two places. "

"I think ... There is a way to ask it." Zhao Ma said his own glasses frame, and the look is unusually dignified.

"What means?"

"To find the bonus of the god of learning ... Mei Yu."


The land of Huangquan, the hand is holding the dragon sword, and the two people are invincible.

In the pass, all the monsters have been killed by Mutong, the shock of the two people in the heart and Huibu Shou have not been added. For the night, this seems to be the force of the first time, it is simple Imagination is also exaggerated in exaggerated.

How long does the three don't walk, there is a palace that is biased toward ancient architecture. The palace does not have any wall buildings. It seems to be extra spacious, surrounded by a yellow spring water that is hot in the field.

The three people in Mu Tong are all vigilant, and I am afraid that there is something unpredictable.

I have left the distance, and the final three footsteps paused.

In the distance, the figure lying on the grass, attracting the attention of the three people.

In the eyes of Huibu Shou, the figure lying on the straw is a born old woman, but in the night eyes, it is a lottery day wearing a kimono.

"Day and?!"


I heard the voice of Hui Bi Shou and the night, the wood brother moved, did not expect such something in the eyes of the other two.

As for in the eyes of Wapong ... The distance from the distance, but it is full of reptiles, which is completely a monster of the skeleton.

The name of this monster is called Yi Evil, and she is in Huangquan Queen, almost in the invincible state in this Huangquan.

"I didn't expect it to actually came so many guests ... You are coming to be friends with me?"

Tong Tong looked at the night fight and Huibu Shou, and smiled slightly: "Yes, Yi Evai, we are indeed coming to find friends, just ... we have to get the words of Huangquan, Can you be friends ... "

"Huangquan ... The language?" Ye Yichi met the eyes to the wood, after sinking, laughed: "There is no problem, for me, it is very simple."

Under the gaze of the three, the face of the brush rushed to the three people, after holding Huangquan's words, Mutong looked at the Huibi Shou, who was standing next to the eyes, then, then unfair to pull out The long sword in hand.

"Booming ..."

The dragon sword is in an instant, the entire dark Huangquan land is almost completely covered with golden rays, and the heavens are clear, the hot radiance is filled in the entire Huangquan land, so that this Huangquan world began to shake.


After leaving the god of learning, I have found the hammer of being hungry, bringing a lion artifact, and Zhao Ma looked at the big spider, the big black sky, the mouth smoked.

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