Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really want to rule the world Chapter 203 of Ottman.

"Do you start the war?" See the target is ready, and the red is not satisfied.

Zhang Jie: "..." You really want to find a chance, I am not!

But I still don't wait Zhang Jie to answer, Gaia first comes out to save the land.

Huge red giants appear in the air, heavy landing, splashing the earth on the ground, so that the nearby three people feel at the foot.

The Rail Palace is exhibited. The blue bracelet begins to flash, the above metal wing is unfolding, the blue is shrouded, the next moment, and the blue Agu Ru appeared in the sight of everyone in a single knee.

"Is Blue Ottman!"

When Agurus appeared, he looked at Gaia and slowly stood up, and asked: "Gaia, do you want to help human beings?"

"Who are you?" Gaia looked at the beginning of the beginning, brought the storm to the sky, and the instinct can feel that the tone of Agu Ru is not right, and suddenly, I don't know what to do.

"You should not help human!" Agu Ru straighted, pointing to Gaia.

Zhang Jie is somewhat, so he looked at the only red scriptures who could solve him: "How did you fool him, now it looks more anti-human!"

"I just told him the truth, for example, it is human beings to recruit the roots." The red smile said, "Tianjie must move, don't you stop?"

"You don't intervene!" Zhang Jie hurriedly throwing this sentence, quickly turned into the persuasion.

So, in the sight of everyone, the silver light column faded, the third giant also appeared on the air.

Everyone: "..." This is a giant washing machine. Why do you let three Altman appear together? !

Cyrivia flew out and flew it in the heavens in the circle, and fell it to Gaia and Agurus.

"You are calm first! What should I do if I don't say anything in the Earth?" Saiervia raised his hand to block Agu Ru, advised, "about the roots of the enemy, I know and that guy knows Some detailed messages, after solving, what do we find a chance? "

"Do you know that the rootic is enriching ?!" Gaia's consciousness, grabbed the shoulders of Saarvia.

The humans who look at the side are somewhat hard. After these three Ottman did not solve the enemy, were there chatting there?

"What are they doing?" Monitor the pier here issued a question.

"They got a dispute." The stone chamber commander saw that the three Altman seem to have a difference from their limb movements, and he can even guess what is the dispute.

In fact, when you know that the machine can purify the atmosphere, he has a moment of movement as a commander.

If you don't destroy the machine, the damage caused by the human beings, is it possible to purify the environmental pollution?

This is a very attractive thing, because now human development is too fast to bring too much damage to the earth, all countries have issued corresponding calls, let reduce pollution, and try to resume the Earth's ecological environment, but this is a Deadly problem.

Because human technology is to develop, it will definitely cause a certain degree of damage.

Now, it seems that there is a hope ...

But this hope is more likely to be a disaster. He as a commander of XIG, he wants to consider the disaster that the entire human may have to face. He can't impulse this moment, gamble the whole human future.

So he pressed this idea.

Nowadays, Ottman seems to have a existence with him with the same idea, and this Altman wants to consider, only do not stand in human beings.

The stone room stared at the three Altman in the main picture, and the expression was gradually tight.


In the scene, Saarvia has to roar.

Can you fight the monster again! ! !

Chapter 16 Wisdom's Cyrivia

Three Ottman temporarily ignored the natural control machine, which is cheaper.

In the Max world, there is no more machine, there is no chance to take away. I didn't expect to encounter the same machine in this world. No matter who is learning who is technically, now, the red is going to start.

The dark power begins to condense, quietly spreading the surface of the heavens, and invades its internal core.

The machine is the machine, let alone this machine also has a shadow of human beings, which is more convenient for the arrival.

The technology used to learn in Keline is quite good. The red and easy use of energy invades the heavenly control center, which is easy to destroy its original firewall, controlled the core of the heavens, and incorporate this instrument into your own Under control.

Then, the heavens are powered by darkness, starting more stable rotation.

Suddenly, the hurricane interrupted three Altman's stalemate, the huge wind portrail with the sand with the fragments of the destroyed house, and the three giants were blown stabilized, and after retreating a few steps.

The heavens are slightly flushed, and it seems to have a trend of boost.

Saarvian eye hand is fast on the head, two flame-shaped ice axes, rotating towards the world.

However, when I was going to contact, the two black ice ax suddenly appeared, and two silver white ice axes flew out.

The silver ice ax rotated and returned to the head of Saarvia, while the black ice ax was also a purpose, go back.

Everyone finds the trajectory of black ice ax, and see that black Altman who is slow coming.

The black ice ax was collected back, and the three Altman did not have a red light. After his black body, naturally control the machine's heavenly slowly floated down from the air, with a lot of not Small whirlwind, slow rotation.

This scene has a final scene behind the scene.

Gaia Aguru man: "!!!"

Saarvia: "???" Why did I see a dark luxury version? !

Everyone's sight is between Saarvia and the new black Ottman. After all, these two Olympics seem to have a very similar, and it can be seen between two Austria.

This new appearance is of course turning into Altman.

I don't give everyone more time, the next moment, there is a side of Saarvia, and he fately.

Gaia is the first to feel a dark, and there is a silver thing in front of it. Then he saw the opposite Agu Ru.

Gaia: "???" I just just in front of it? ! So big silver Ottman? !

The Saarvia, which was pulled out, was flying out, said, "???" Three Austria, do you ? !

There is no ignorance of the two Olympics. He walked to the side of Agu Ru, and Shen Sheng said to him: "The Tianjie has already arrived, and now you can start."

This tone is the same as the terrible destination of the two Olympics.

These two Altman won't stand in human beings, and then prepare to get a big sweep on the earth? !

Aguru first is a good, after recognizing this voice, I think of Gain. So he silently nodded, it was default.

"What do you want to do ?!" Gaia saw that this blue Altman got the head, more and more sure yourself guess, hurry to stop, "You can't do this!"

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