Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really didn't want to rule the World Chapter 204 of the World.

"It's too much, Gaia, no, it should be the mountain, I am dream!" Agu Ru said, "Human is not worth guarding, what you should do now, add us!"

"No, your thoughts are wrong!" Gaia, it should be said to be my dream, he is a researcher who has been waiting for the laboratory, personality, at this moment, in addition to this refutation, I can't think of other words. .

"Then come to prove it." The red interrupted the two-Ofless dialogue, "playing a game, winning that things belong to you, lost, then we started."

Saarvia listened, excited immediately climbed: "Can't play! You can't fight!"

This two will open a worm hole, and once the worm hole is opened, I don't know what will be flying over!

Red ,,,,

The human beings watching the war are still entangled. They looked at An An quiet as a native, and I looked at Ottman, I'm looking at Altman, some hesitation.

The stone is tightly faced, looking at the four Ottman, and the heart is gradually decline in the trust of Altman. If this difference occurs inside Ottman, they can't put these light giants as a comrades.

Sagiwei's current mentality may be the one most collimated. What is the devil's teammate! What is the one side of the red map!

Saarvia heart is bitter, and his turn-becoming time is coming, so, Saiervia chooses to immediately let this battle!

Also, he is rare to IQ online and think of a good way.

His chest flicker flicker, the body is already a bit blunt, it seems that the energy is not enough, it will change back to human form.

The main attention is still in the body of Gaia and Aguru, and there is no attention to this energy enough Altman, or said that his IQ of Saarvia did not hold too much. alert.

Therefore, he suddenly thrown out of the two ice axes that were thrown out of Saarvia, did not have time to stop, and he only watched two ice axes so that two traces were drawn on the Tianjie.

The action of the heavenly rotation, the mechanical body is slowly cracking into three, the electronic components exposed at the neat incision broke the red electric light, and quickly exploded, fry the entire machine into pieces.

Ancient Ru: "..."

Gain Asia: "..." is beautiful!

The red sight of the reaction will look at Casevia, but the silver Ottman has completely disappeared in everyone's sight.

Very good, Zhang Jie! You are finished, wash your neck!

Seeing the bait has been destroyed, the red is no longer stopped, and the turning turns disappeared in the original place.

Agu Ru and Gaia have taken the lead in turning around, and disappeared.

Gaia raised his hand to call him, but finally didn't say anything, after Agouu disappeared, it was also silent to fly on the sky.

Driving the flashlight team of the fighter, looked at the sky in the sky, he had preded something: "There is always one day, is it to fight with them?"

"Lightning Team, immediately return to the base!" The voice of the stone chamber commander passed the communication channel.


All fighters began to return, but I dreamed of driving a plane, but I dropped: "Please wait, I want to collect the sample of that machine."

The stone room silently, nodded, "Be careful, collect immediately."


I dreamed of stopping the plane on a space, I got down.

But when he got to the place where the monster had just exploded, he saw someone standing there.

Chapter 17 Victorous Award

In front of the largest piece, the red is in front of the dark, with the largest this piece of resilience as the starting point, the countless mechanical fragments are brought together for the endless red light, through the red ring, Concentrate a gold card on the other side.

Such a scene, let me dream feel a little incredible, and the next consciousness he wants to open the communication device and analyzes the aerial base.

But he waited for him to open the wrist watch, but found a snowflake on the screen as if it was strong.

The red sauna will start the new card, look at this, slightly, and there is no anti-heart-owned Altman: "How do you think the heavens?"

"Ah?" I sent a meaningless question, and I seem to have reacted, pulling out the gun behind the waist, and asked the red, vigilant, "What are you doing?"

"This machine can purify the atmosphere. If the local is used, maybe it can save some ecological environment." The red is not intended to be this threat, continue asking, "I ask you, you want to save, it is the earth , Or human? "

My dream suddenly remembered this voice: "It's you, you are the black altman. Why are you Altman? Who are you ?!"

"The red, Altman name hasn't thought about it." The red passed answered a sentence, "answered my question, Gaish. You have to save, is the earth, or human?"

"No, I also want to save the earth, but human beings are part of the earth!" My dream denied the red saying, "In order to save the earth, the idea of ​​destroying humanity is wrong!"

The red panic is nod. Before this child, I said that I can't say good words in Augu Ru. Now, it seems that it is still very clear.

But he deliberately here, but he will not only ask this question.

The red lifting the dark circle lifted slightly, and I went to my dream. The golden card passed through the red ring, inserted into the first inch of the foot in the foot of the dream, and scared him back.

"The winner of the victory. I have to admit that I am small, I'm still very smart." Hunting the ring, throw this sentence, turn around.

"Saarvia ..." , Look at this card carefully.

With his move, the card pattern with golden pattern lit up a dark red light, but it was very dark. He turned his card, just saw the gold picture frame, there is a very eye-catching machine picture.

This picture is lifelike, it seems that the machine inside is active, it seems to have a kind of illusion that it slowly rotates, and two red in the body of the machine - Tianjie.

"This is ..." My dream is a researcher, a Ph.D. of the quantum mechanics that has been a doctoral degree, he thought of the scene he just saw.

A guess appeared in his heart, but this guess is a bit subverting his cognition, he couldn't help but muttered: "Directly in the quantum layer, restore that machine, this is incredible ..."

As a researcher, the desire of the researcher made him even more people who didn't think too much. I rushed back to the plane, driving my own fighter EX, can't wait to rush to the air base.


In the aerial base, come to see my dream situation, I plan to help him take a machine sample, look at my dream expressive from him, what is "quantum layer", what is wrong, he.

"What to do ..." The tail looked at my dreams, and I couldn't touch my mind.


When the red palace is near the car, the Rattong Palace is relied on the car, looking at the ground that has just been killed by the heavens, I don't know what I am thinking.

"The first battle, we lost." The red is said, but he can't hear any failure in his tone. Instead, with some kind of interest, it is full of anger.

The Rattong was pulled back by his voice. He looked at the red face, suddenly asked: "Who are you?"

This is not a human. The Vattong is very clear.

Before the traffic, he will come to the earth because of the rootic sinister, he also said that he and the rootic sterling is an enemy relationship.

But this person is contradictory. According to him investigation, the red and full "people" were only coming to the earth, but they seem to be familiar with the Earth.

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