Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

I really want to rule the World Chapter 227 of Outman.

Meze is big, pulling the red and rushed to get a hurry: "Where do you have to see where the thing is flying? Quick, let's take a look!"

"Oh, good ..."

The red and Beiyuan will follow the car.

The red is full of direction, and Mei Ze can't wait to drive the car and rush to that direction.

The red-sapphires are also near the Apa Musa, but the destination of Apa Moss is far away, so even if they start early, when they wait until the scene, the battle of Aku and Apa Musa have arrived. end.

Agu Ru has already done Apa moss because the light energy is too much, the physical strength is not supported, and the knees are ignorant.

Mei Ze can't say more, I'm going to take a car, and quickly commanded the traffic to take this scene.

The red speed is also very fast, I have predicted the camera early, I will completely record the scene that Aguru disappears in the rays.

"It's a step later." Mei Ze looked at the blue giant just in place, some unfortunately. If they go to a little more, they should take a complete combat screen.

But very quickly, Mei Ze is optimistic about the rest. At least they photographed the scene of blue Altman disappeared, and the picture of XIG's fighter departure.

Seeing the red camera, Beiyuan walked to two people, looking for Meze: "Mr. Meze, what should we do next?"

Mei Ze sneaked, suddenly saw the building of the woods in the far away: "There is ..."

He feels some familiar, but it can't stand it. But he quickly decided the next action: "Let's go there!"

Of course, there is no objection to the North, and the three have been re-on, and the huge building that looks very tall.

But I haven't waited for them, and a fighter that is obviously XIG is flying over them, and the purpose seems to be the building.

Sitting in the car, look at the window outside the window, and saw the dark blue light that covered it.

Rattong is also walking there, and the state is not good.

The red-shaped fingertips flourifically, the light wears the bottom of the car, falling on the ground, turned into a black metal liquid.

The van passed and did not find the black, like a metal liquid, like a living.

The metal liquid fell in the same place in place, just in the jungle, just in the jungle.


When I was in front of the building, I have already stopped EX, and I entered the building.

Meze took the car and finally saw the nameplate established outside the building.

"This is ... Provel"! "Meze read the nameplate on this.

Every reporter will take a careful investigation for the rootic sterilization, and each reporter will take care of it, and Provel is one of the research laboratories from the Alchemist Star.

But this experimental institute was blocked very early. It is not the prophecy of the roots of the roots of the roots before Meze. He won't know here.

"Mr. Meze knows here?" Hunting him seems to know what is like, and some curiosity.

"Proyk Karamos is propellistic to the rootic sterling of the light quantum computer - Chris's birth base!"

Meze said, suddenly thought of some key things: "Just, the monster is to attack here ... Yes, yes, Christies is predicted with the supercommitte of human future, their purpose is this ... "

Have to say, Mr. Meze has a keen news smell that Mr. Meze has a good news that must have excellent reporters. He basically concluded a guess for a very close to the truth.

The red is the building in front of you, and the heart has denied his guess. No, the purpose of the other party is Agu Ru, and here, there is a light of Agu Ru ...

They are conscious forced Agu Ru to become stronger, so that Agou Ru makes some decisions as soon as possible ...

Chapter 42, Agurus

Rattongbo is also a truly arrogant proud, even in many geniuses born on the same period on the earth, he is also the best batch. So he has enough proud capital.

However, just like other geniuses, he also wants to do something for the earth, what is the development of human beings.

Therefore, under the invitation of Daniel in Alchemist, he joined the Alchemist Star and dominated the first light quantum computers. Chrisis.

This is to be hosted by him, so that it is about to use data to predict light quantum computers around the world. It is also the highest work that he is in the future of humans and the world.

He succeeded. In 1997, the light quantum computer Chris was officially born in Proya Karamos, and the light quantum route successfully access the track, officially started a data prediction of the future of the earth.

Everyone excipuses and cheers to have the success of their research.

Just when their exciting mood has not retired, the alarm sound suddenly, Christies suddenly lost control, running crazy with uncontrolled calculation speed.

At that time in Rattlaxy was very panic. He can't think of a problem, but he decisively promulgated a command to find out the problem of Chris's out of control as soon as possible.

His annoyed one hand shot on the computer's keyboard, and then as it is destined, the blue current is coming into his body in front of the computer, he feels dramatic. Headache, it seems that something has invaded his memory.

In the dark, I saw a huge blue figure ...

The flashing picture, waiting for him to return to God, it has lost.

So he only was that it was an illusion, because after he had returned God, he saw Chrisan's prediction: in the near future, giving the earth and human, bringing the rootic venue of destruction, willing to come.

This is a prediction that makes people feel very panic, but also to load the forecast given by the data forecast, which makes the Rattong's hearts a faint haze, so he can't wait to want to Chrisse sought an answer: "What is the rootic uncertainty? Weather abnormal? Tiandi color color?"

Chrisse gives an answer: No, it is a destruction of the earth.

In Vermit, Verniel is able to listen to the communication device, and the Verniel is issued an instruction: "All departments, economic, natural environment, meteorology, and other relevant departments have revised information. If you want to find out the elements that you can get this answer, fast ! "

He can also detect that other researchers have begun to check the situation in Christies, trying to find out the reason for Christies making this prediction ...

Only him, can only stay there, there is no great prevail in the heart, that kind of fear of suffocating is almost overwhelmed by him ...

The earth is staring at what is ...

Rattong is the first person who truly realizes this issue.

Earth and humans, will it really go to die?

In the hearts of the Rattong, Rattong asked this question, but he couldn't give the answer he wanted. And Chrisis can't do it.

On the next few days, all researchers have added in keeping overtime, checking, reference materials, and even all of the alchemines, trying to explore what is rooted.

But once again, there is no one to show all normal.

No matter what they do, Christies's forecasts cannot be changed, and the terrible forecast is given again and again.

However, in a moment, the Rattan Palace suddenly has a bold idea. And, he put it put it into practice and got a answer to him.

At that time, when he was a kind of mood, he called another person, and then he guess it in their faces.

"I tried to delete some projects." He seems to hear his voice is trembling, or his voice is actually very calm, is it just his heart?

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